What's your best/worst joke?

I sent the above image to one of my friends. He corrected the image and sent it back to me with a note : I like it this way better.

I don't know if this one fits to Jokes.

If you do social networks, you may have heard about mattsurelee.
He's a guy obssessed with graphs. He asks a question in instagram and then create a graph or an image to show the result out of the votes his followers submit.

There are a lot of interesting results and graphs on his instagram page. You can watch even if you don't have an account.
Give it a try:

(after clicking the link, you must click the blue show more post at the bottom of the page to see more charts)

It's one of them:

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New Hampshire must have bad cable service and is probably also a "dry" state.
I'm told that I have sufficient talent to empty a medium-sized room, so I would have to say that particular method of measurement is inaccurate.
Ah, yes - Godzilla, the monster who seemingly cannot die, and who is forever cursed because so few Americans know his correct name. Also has bad breath - worse than my neighbor's dog.

It may be apocryphal, but the story I've heard is that when American International, a film redistributor, got their hooks in the Gojira movie, their first thought was the arrogant opinion that Japanese were just saying the name with an accent. So they dubbed in "Godzilla" and the name stuck. With one humorous side note. In the Matthew Broderick version where Godzilla attacks New York, an old Japanese fisherman calls it by its true name (which I believe is Japanese for "monster"). The dumb reporter who is a head-line stealing hack calls it Godzilla and the intern corrects him. But he is too dense for the correction to stick.
which I believe is Japanese for "monster"
The title in the screen script was "The monster that woke up from 20000 mile under see"
During filming the movie, Producer Tanaka Tomoyuki was looking for a shorter name to be able to print it on the poster. His nick name was Gorilla. Sato Ichiro his friend advised him to search for naming amoung big animals like Kujira (Japanese word for whale). Whale was Tanaka's favorite food.
He named his movie by mixing his own nickname and Kujira (whale).
Gorilla + Kujira ⇒ Gojira
The name is actually half English (Gorilla) and half Japanese (Kujira)

By the way, it is the first poster of the movie in 1954.

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Ah, so it is a synthetic word. German allows you to "merge" words sometimes.

Example: In German, you can say unabhangigkeitskrieg as one word meaning "war of independence." "Krieg" is war. "keit" is a suffix meaning "state of" or "condition of." "abhangig" is "hanging on" or "depending from." Thus, "abhangigkeit" is "dependence." And "un" is essentially a negation. So "negation of" "dependence" "war" = unabhangigkeitskrieg. Can Japanese do something similar to that?

I am still fairly certain that it was American International Films that perpetrated the name change.
In German, you can say unabhangigkeitskrieg as one word meaning "war of independence." "Krieg" is war. "keit" is a suffix meaning "state of" or "condition of." "abhangig" is "hanging on" or "depending from." Thus, "abhangigkeit" is "dependence." And "un" is essentially a negation. So "negation of" "dependence" "war" = unabhangigkeitskrieg. Can Japanese do something similar to that?

Doc, you speak German? I thought you have revealed all your secrets....you never stop amazing me with your talent.

Yes, Japanese language is the same. We can build a word by mixing different parts and everybody can understand the meaning.
To be perfectly honest, I can read German and speak it only a little. It has been 50 years since my last German class. I learned to read German so that I could read research articles because I was a "metals" chemist. Most of the metallurgical research on some of my subject materials was done in either French or German, both of which I learned to read. But after college, I never had to travel very far for work so my foreign languages languished.

My French was still good enough back in the 1990s that I was able to communicate haltingly in Montreal when my dear wife and I went on a tourist junket from Montreal to Ottowa to Toronto and back into the country at Niagara Falls. Linda loved that trip because we so so many interesting things. But then we got into family issues because we became grandparents of a kid whose parents both worked and we suddenly inherited "free babysitting" duty. But it was OK, I wouldn't trade the time I had playing with the two grandkids. Now after COVID-19, it is hard to say when things will become normal enough for us to travel again.
I bet you passed within 10 or 12 miles of my place between Toronto and Niagara Falls.

How does it feel to live so near to Niagara? I've always dreamed of being there and I'm sure I won't ever be.
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How does it feel to live so near to Niagara?
We're not like some people from around here that have never been. I've taken advantage of my proximity many, many times. At one time I was an avid photographer and would go there for sunrise many times; sometimes to the local parks, sometimes to the Falls, just to be able to use the early light without people being around. We like to see the lilac dell

and the Kwanzan Cherry trees when they are blooming.

If you ever visit around where I live, I'll make sure you get a guided tour of the area. A lot of Japanese tourists also visit Niagara On The Lake (wine country) and some buy cases of ice wine because it's not made in more than 3 or 4 countries in the world as far as I know. I think one of them is Japan, so I'm not sure why they buy so much of it here. Must be the vintages I guess. It will take you 2 or 3 days to do the area any real sight-seeing justice and that does not include Toronto.

P.S. I am not within 12 miles of Niagara Falls. I'm saying that you would come that close to me using the highways between Toronto and NF. I am about 75 km from NF.
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Thanks for your generous invitation but the way I see my life, I'm stuck to this desk for the next 20 years. :)
but at least I know how to enjoy my life and forget about its bitterness.

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