In a weird way, I miss (and enjoyed) watching a ragamuffin band of 8 yr olds (as long as it included my child, of course!) try to play soccer a lot more than I do watching current pro sports. The innocence is sweet and inspirational. The politics, weirdness and general criminality of American football/basketball players has turned me off even more than I already was from the simple knowledge that fully a third or more of the NFL and NBA seem to be pretty sad excuses for people, if we forgot for a moment that they were sports 'heroes'. If they could go for more than a week without one being arrested for guns, drugs, assault that would be nice, but they can't. Lebron James' tweet kind of sent me over the top on that issue--not that I for the most part watch pro American sports in the first place, but it just reminded me one of the reasons why I have little interest.
Now in all fairness, the "foreign" soccer teams I watch probably have their share of problems and obnoxious behaviors, too. But at least I don't know about it, since I don't follow news in their home countries that much. Ignorance is bliss, but I am under no illusions.