Will Joe Biden be the next president?

Poor Joe he wants to be seen as a centrist, but the Fidel Castro wing of the party isn't having it. He will be a good figure-head for election purposes.
hen AOC gets on camera and says I nominate Bernie Sanders.
That's close but what I heard was closer to:

I second the nomination made by Bernie Sanders.

I did a double take when she spoke but luckily the program was recorded so I got to hear it again.
That's close but what I heard was closer to:

I second the nomination made by Bernie Sanders.

I did a double take when she spoke but luckily the program was recorded so I got to hear it again.
Ah. Ok. Either way, it certainly stood out to the average viewer, I think.
Thanks Pat for clarifying that.
It seems AOC was widely reported for saying what AB wrote. It now makes sense!
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Thanks Pat for clarifying that.
It seems AOC was widely reporting for saying what AB wrote. It now makes sense!
Are you saying I misquoted AOC? Here is the quote.

I hereby second the nomination of Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont for president of the United States of America.
She intentionally worded that way, she was making a point about Biden. He's too center for her liking.
I'm not saying you misquoted AOC - I've no idea - I also read what you quoted and couldn't work out why on earth she would have said that.
Assuming Pat heard it correctly, I'm sure that AOC intentionally worded it that way, but at least what she said now makes sense.

I have only read media reports and not heard any of the speeches myself
To me the point is that it was a poor choice of person to do that on the convention planners' part.
  1. AOC is left-wing
  2. Bernie is similarly left-wing
  3. They are very close
  4. She strongly preferred Bernie to Joe (before)
  5. There is widespread disappointment (even now) from Bernie supporters & delegates about Bernie not being chosen
  6. D. Party does not want to appear divided or in-fighting
  7. AOC was the last person who they should have stood up to mention only Bernie and not Joe, ideally, from a P.R. standpoint
I will say Michelle Obama's speech was well done. I may not agree with some of it, but she did a really good job. She comes across as a very nice person. How she gains my respect, at least, is the fact that she mostly stayed away from assertions of absolute fact that could be disputed or proved false; she made plenty of assertions of opinion & emotion, which is fine, but she didn't actually say many things that could be categorized as "lies"--the only exception I noticed being the 'immigrant cages' issue, which can fairly be described as very misleading. She is like a lawyer--She knows that the best course of action to preserve one's image is to avoid making factual assertions that are overly absolute or precise, and instead either couch them in qualifying words or avoid assertions of fact altogether.
The wheelchair guy's spot was (predictably), a good move on their part, as well.
I think it was me who actually misquoted AOC - I was just going from memory, and my main point wasn't the precise words, just that it gave a bad image from a strategy perspective. For the very reason why we all had to discuss all this to sort it out.
she is a lawyer
Well there ya go. My instincts were spot on.
As for AOC, I understand the protocol required that someone do it. It was just terrible optics to choose her to do it, in hindsight.
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He has a history on mocking others to amuse himself. Just like the one who is not around anymore. It's not a matter of a difference between the sides of the pond. It's just the lack of caring and politeness.
Wrong. I'm not mocking anyone. I state things as they are in real life, not the powder puff image of the do-gooders on TV faking their disgust, like many on these forums.
I don't know what bubble they live in but it's a sanitised one.
Actually, talking of offensive Tera, I find your comment likening me to 'the one who is not around' as offensive, note I never use foul language and I never directly attack another member. If you think I am like the other one then you'd best get me banned, maybe stating fact or an opinion is deemed offensive especially if it touches a nerve.
I state things as they are in real life
If that's your excuse and no one should be upset by your view of reality, then why get offended if anyone likens you to YNW? Are they not simply stating their view of reality? A door swings both ways.
If that's your excuse and no one should be upset by your view of reality, then why get offended if anyone likens you to YNW? Are they not simply stating their view of reality? A door swings both ways.
Would you say someone who steals a packet of sweets from a shop is as bad as Hitler? They both committed crimes.
So according to your comment, calling the sweet stealer Hitler would be appropriate and not offensive.
Come on Micron, get a grip son, you know you're just stirring it.
note I never use foul language and I never directly attack another member.
Japs and Chinks, I feel is similar to the N-word, Aussie and Yank are not in that category.

BTW: nobody is trying to get you banned, maybe dragged into mainstream thinking.
Colin, your analogy is ludicrous to the point of bordering on insanity. No I'm not trying to stir things up - I leave that to you as you spew your vitriol towards anyone who doesn't fit into your very tiny bubble of empathy. I call things as I see them as do you - it's just that my eyes are not clouded by hatred so much. Not everyone is in such a lofty position in life that they can look down on so many as do you. I'll just count myself as another Jap, Chink, faggot, pouf, half-caste, etc. (your words, not mine) that you have so much contempt for.

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