Will Joe Biden be the next president?

"58 years ago, Trump attacked me in the toilets. I was only 12!"
That might work. You'd need some expert testimony on the whole "repressed memory" theory!
Yeah, thinking about it more, I guess this intuition I have might be expecting just something like that--perhaps not so "unheard of", just something relatively big, like a much publicized brand-new claim similar to that. (You got me thinking).
And it might come from either side ... I have no illusions of perfect character on either.
@AccessBlaster Yeah, saw that earlier. You beat me to it! Talk about hypocritical!
So much muck has already been thrown at Trump already, that more muck throwing will has less effect, I believe. Especially considering the whole Russia collusion hoax was exposed. But Biden hasn't had quite the same treatment, yet.
So much muck has already been thrown at Trump already, that more muck throwing will has less effect, I believe. Especially considering the whole Russia collusion hoax was exposed. But Biden hasn't had quite the same treatment, yet.
Imagine what he could accomplish if not harassed by the petulant left.
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If the Democrats had actually chosen a rational candidate such as Tulsi Gabbard, there wouldn't be any urgency and they would have a fair chance to beat Trump. The urgency is caused because the Dems chose an empty suit whose strings are being pulled and backed him up with a Marxist who couldn't get 1% of the primary vote. She is NOT popular and SHE is who would be running the show. That is the urgency. People are starting to get it. America does not want a Socialist government except of course for people too young to know better or who have been convinced that they are victims and their only hope is for the government to take money from one group of citizens and give it to them. Maggie said it best (approximately) "The only thing wrong with Socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money"
I remember thinking that Gabbard seemed like a pretty good choice, too. (And I swear, it wasn't because of her looks!)
If the Democrats had actually chosen a rational candidate such as Tulsi Gabbard,
I listened to Tulsi in an interview with Joe Rogan. Although I am not a Democrat, I thought she sounded really convincing and I liked her. To me, she looked like a very good candidate. I am not sure why they chose the old man instead.
Tulsi was in the military, she is mature, she is rational, she is still a Democrat so I don't necessarily agree with her positions but she doesn't frighten me. She does not seem the type to be bullied into the current Marxist mania. I think she was a pilot and that takes nerves of steel. That's probably why she got no traction. I think she would be an excellent choice for president, just not this time since we need another term with Trump and hopefully with control of both houses or we'll have four more years of the bull**** that is currently going on.
Pelosi's story is the hairdresser told her that it was OK for the salon to serve one customer at a time ;) So it's not her fault:sick:

It was the salon owner who released the tape. She is forced to not work because CA says salons MUST be closed. It was a sub-contractor who invited Pelosi to come in.
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One possibility as regards my earlier comment about that I feel something game-changing is going to happen between now & election, could simply be the vaccine. No matter how many millions of times CNN says "A vaccine is not likely until 2021", that simply hasn't made it true, and their repeated negative projections have been laughable to me the whole time. They haven't put out those headlines in the last few days (that I have seen), because even King Fauci is now saying that we probably have enough good data to essentially begin winding down the trials.

Not only is a vaccine very likely this year, but based on the incredible bureaucracy-bending speeds I have seen so far, I personally think a vaccine before the election is very possible! At least one being administered to the first group in the rationing plan - most likely healthcare workers and first responders. But that would be enough to shut up all naysayers, everyone will know it's irrefutable at that point that we definitely have a vaccine and your chance to get it is only a small ways away.

It would cement Trump's argument that the COVID situation has peaked and is reliably winding down -- and presumably bring back a chunk of voters who would have voted for him anyway if they hadn't felt terrified of COVID uncertainty. After that all the world needs to do is make sure the Wall of China is remodeled and impenetrably surrounds that country from here on out!
Even if a Covid vaccine wasn't imminent, the promise of its near release is enough to induce feeligood.
It was the salon owner who released the tape. She is forced to not work because CA says salons MUST be closed. It was a sub-contractor who invited Pelosi to come in.
Politicians and lawyers playing semantic games to circumvent the law. Despicable.:mad:

As for Tulsi, I had high hopes for her, but I believe she was pulling her punches. She seemed consistently short on presenting a fully independent viewpoint. Tucker Carslon on Fox News gave her a lot of air time. I was disappointed with her vote on the Trump impeachment. I was hoping that she would vote to "acquit", instead of "present". She succumbed and put party over the national interest, which is unfortunate as she was in the military. In the end, she was just being another robotic Democrat automaton marching in lock-step with the rest of the herd. I was really hoping that she would be fully independent and stand-up to the Democratic machine.
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Even if a Covid vaccine wasn't imminent, the promise of its near release is enough to induce feeligood.
Oh yes - absolutely. To any rational person who can divorce their minds even for a moment from their partisan preferences, even now there is much to rejoice over: It is obvious that the vaccine is coming.
I was disappointed with her vote on the Trump impeachment. I was hoping that she would vote to "acquit", instead of "present". She succumbed and put party over the national interest, which is unfortunate as she was in the military. In the end, she was just being another robotic Democrat automaton marching in lock-step with the rest of the herd. I was really hoping that she would be fully independent and stand-up to the Democratic machine.
Weeeell....I do see your point, but a Democrat specifically casting a Present (non)-vote was pretty significant. I give her major points for that, declaring neutrality was pretty big back then, when almost all individuals were either vehemently For or vehemently Against, and had it even as a part of their spoken platform. But I think she's faded back into oblivion for good most likely at this point anyway.
What, Tulsi did a non-vote? Did anyone else? I'm voting for her next time just because of that!

She says in here (somewhere) about when she went to congress, they told her everything is not about the issue but about the party. i.e. you have to vote down party lines.

Nancy was on the news a little while ago doing damage control. Her story now - she was set up. This was all a plot to get her on tape breaking a rule she "didn't know" existed. I'm pretty sure it was Trump. I'm positive he used a voice modifier, called Nancy and told her to come into the Salon. Then he dressed up as her regular hairdresser so she wouldn't suspect anything. That Trump!!! He's just so devious:)
The ultimate whammy would be if the Ukraine decides to finally pursue their case against Hunter Biden. Joe gets dragged in the dirt by proxy and the Democrats would raise such a howl that we would hear it everywhere even if the TV isn't on at the time.

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