Woke Culture Infecting Organizations Protecting Freedom of Speech

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 17:43
Jul 5, 2006
The mantra of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (of which I am a member) is "The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation." Periodically, I have received email notifications that have made me wonder if the organization has been tainted by woke culture. I had a highly negative visceral reaction to the most recent example: Reproductive Justice in the Digital Age.
  • "Reproductive Justice" is a red flag in itself as it is a typical misleading phrase used by those on the left.
  • The EFF asserts that it is defending digital privacy. So what is the nexus that would allow the EFF to enter the realm of abortion, which is a political issue? The press release contains the word salad throw-away line: "people seeking an abortion must face in the digital age where everything is connected, and surveillance is rampant." I suspect that phrase was lamely tossed in as a minimal attempt to justify the involvement of the EFF.
  • "This summer marks the two-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision overturning Roe vs Wade. Join EFF for a livestream discussion about restrictions to reproductive healthcare ..." The Dobbs decision returns the abortion issue to the states. The quote from the EFF press release would seem to imply that the Dobbs decision would result in "restrictions to reproductive healthcare". In some cases that may be true, but in other case it would not. In fact, some state could even make abortion more available.
  • The email I received contained this phrase: "Bring your questions to our panel of experts as they discuss restrictions to reproductive healthcare ..." What about the 10th Amendment in the discussion?
  • I didn't catch this earlier, but one panel member is a "community organizer" another is "EFF Associate Director of Legislative Activism". I suspect that the "community organizer" would promote left wing political activism. A bit more ambiguous concerning "legislative activism", but given the apparent left wing theme it may be safe to assume that that "legislative activism" is also left wing.
  • A side issue, the EFF asserts that it is protecting free speech, but those on left, especially with hot topics like abortion actually seek to suppress free speech. Moreover, those on the left accuse those who disagree with them of "hate speech" and "disinformation". How will he EFF deal with that type of language should it crop-up during the live-stream?
In concluding, I have to make the typical disclaimers, one that I am reacting to a press release where a lot of details are unstated. The EFF has a right to conduct this live-stream. Nevertheless, based on the press release I see no nexus that would justify the EFF presenting such a live-stream.
It does indeed seem like they just "added in" a hot button topic to get participation having little or nothing to do with their digital freedom charter!
Are you attending? Will you get an opportunity to speak?
Are you attending? Will you get an opportunity to speak?
Good question. I doubt that I will be attending. I have not seen anything about actually speaking. "Questions? Email us at events@eff.org." I have been sending some emails to the event email address asking the panel to consider issues such as why EFF would even get into this political topic, that on the issue of abortion itself that the EFF has to be neutral. to consider the 10th Amendment in the discussion, and whether the EFF would, at the live stream, actually discuss protecting the right to free speech of those opposed to abortion.
EFFecting Change Livestream Series:
Reproductive Justice in the Digital Age

Wednesday, August 28
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Pacific - Check Local Time
Cost: Free
RSVP Link:
Listened to the live-stream. The "umbrella" topic was one that virtually everyone can agree with. The protection of your privacy, protection of your digital data, growing criminalization, the expansion of surveillance, etc.

The underlying theme however, was from the perspective of the "woke" left and the language used by panelists when discussing the topic was consistent with that used by the "woke" left. Overall, what you heard from the panel was virtually the same language Democrats endlessly use to "protect" illegal immigrants.

"Reproductive rights" was simply a euphemism for abortion. As an editorial aside, states that have "right to life" legislation would not apparently qualify under this live stream as having "reproductive rights". Ironically, several of the panelists did use the word abortion. So the word abortion was not totally shunned. Nevertheless, any organization that provides assistance to women in getting pregnant and/or taking care of their babies before birth should fall under the umbrella of "reproductive rights" even if that word is not being used correctly.

Surprisingly there was only one very brief anti-Trump demonization. That Trump wanted to eliminate "reproductive rights". That comment went unchallenged of course.

As another editorial aside. The panelists discussed how new legislation was needed to protect health care data. Technically, we already have that through HIPAA so we shouldn't need a new law. A problem, Covid came along and HIPPA was unceremoniously tossed aside. So laws can be easily turned on/off based on political expedience. Nevertheless, assuming that HIPAA is somehow inadequate under normal conditions for protecting patient data, the panel should have considered that and not merely advocated for new laws.

Near the end of the discussion, there was a call to advocacy. That fully revealed that the panel was representing the "woke" culture. The topic, protecting privacy, was really a disingenuous platform to advocate for "protecting" those who wish to have an abortion.

I will now let my membership lapse.
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My membership expires in December. I will be sending an email, at that time, explaining why I am not renewing.
If you are in any doubt about the surveillance that is happening, read RESET by Ronald J Deibert. I was surprised just how much was happening as far back as 2014, never mind today.

Just to compare today to say 1990.
It is just like back then the Royal Mail were secretly opening every letter you sent, or received and then making a copy before sending it on. Now, not only emails and social media content is being saved. Soon, if not already, every conversation you make on the phone will be recorded. The end of landlines and the switch to digital will result in all of your calls being saved onto servers for recall without your permission or knowledge. The effect on free speech from the woke brigade is clearly destined to be comprehensive and all encompassing.

The UK does appear to be intentionally shifting into a totalitarian state but how many of those directly employed by the government would oppose that? Politicians are now dictating how the police and the judiciary should react to situations, or the government's perceived identification of sections of society. There is it does appear, a movement towards a presumption of guilt being automatically decided, if it suits their purpose.
If you are in any doubt about the surveillance that is happening, read RESET by Ronald J Deibert. I was surprised just how much was happening as far back as 2014, never mind today.

Just to compare today to say 1990.
It is just like back then the Royal Mail were secretly opening every letter you sent, or received and then making a copy before sending it on. Now, not only emails and social media content is being saved. Soon, if not already, every conversation you make on the phone will be recorded. The end of landlines and the switch to digital will result in all of your calls being saved onto servers for recall without your permission or knowledge. The effect on free speech from the woke brigade is clearly destined to be comprehensive and all encompassing.

The UK does appear to be intentionally shifting into a totalitarian state but how many of those directly employed by the government would oppose that? Politicians are now dictating how the police and the judiciary should react to situations, or the government's perceived identification of sections of society. There is it does appear, a movement towards a presumption of guilt being automatically decided, if it suits their purpose.
that's a pretty good summary of the US, too, although UK is ahead of us for sure on that
If you are in any doubt about the surveillance that is happening, read RESET by Ronald J Deibert. I was surprised just how much was happening as far back as 2014, never mind today.

Just to compare today to say 1990.
It is just like back then the Royal Mail were secretly opening every letter you sent, or received and then making a copy before sending it on. Now, not only emails and social media content is being saved. Soon, if not already, every conversation you make on the phone will be recorded. The end of landlines and the switch to digital will result in all of your calls being saved onto servers for recall without your permission or knowledge. The effect on free speech from the woke brigade is clearly destined to be comprehensive and all encompassing.

The UK does appear to be intentionally shifting into a totalitarian state but how many of those directly employed by the government would oppose that? Politicians are now dictating how the police and the judiciary should react to situations, or the government's perceived identification of sections of society. There is it does appear, a movement towards a presumption of guilt being automatically decided, if it suits their purpose.
Evidently, the US postal service has been photographing all mail. Of course this is being done for your benefit. (sarcasm):rolleyes:
Evidently, the US postal service has been photographing all mail. Of course this is being done for your benefit. (sarcasm):rolleyes:
I love informed delivery. Been using it for years. I can go weeks without going to my mailbox. I see a bill is coming, I log on and pay it. I don't think there's much that comes through my mailbox where the information is not readily available elsewhere. If you really want to be paranoid, worry about your letter carrier. They're at your house 5 days a week. I talk to them all the time. They're often a treasure trove of information. When your home, your Apt. number, who lives with you, your kids names, what car you drive, when you moved in/out, etc.
... If you really want to be paranoid, worry about your letter carrier. They're at your house 5 days a week. I talk to them all the time. They're often a treasure trove of information. When your home, your Apt. number, who lives with you, your kids names, what car you drive, when you moved in/out, etc.
Same organization taking the picture? Giving government organizations more responsibility is probably not good.
I love informed delivery. Been using it for years. I can go weeks without going to my mailbox. I see a bill is coming, I log on and pay it. I don't think there's much that comes through my mailbox where the information is not readily available elsewhere. If you really want to be paranoid, worry about your letter carrier. They're at your house 5 days a week. I talk to them all the time. They're often a treasure trove of information. When your home, your Apt. number, who lives with you, your kids names, what car you drive, when you moved in/out, etc.

It's not taking a photograph, really, it's just SCANNING your mail, which of course they do as part of all their automation anyway, so why not offer Informed Delivery? Which I like too, so @moke123 and I now agree on one thing.

But your letter carrier knowing everything about you? Maybe 50 years ago? Now most urban homes get their mail in cluster mailboxes a quarter mile down the street
But your letter carrier knowing everything about you? Maybe 50 years ago? Now most urban homes get their mail in cluster mailboxes a quarter mile down the street
Depends where you live. I was looking for someone yesterday and the mail carrier told me he lived in the rear apartment but he had just seen him on a bicycle headed this way. He then pointed him out as he approached us.

My informed delivery looks like photos to me.

I really doubt they're taking a picture of every piece of mail - they're just scans.

There are a lot of forms of scanning, some turn out better than others
This could be used to verify mail in ballot counts if we insist that all go through the US mail rather than using drop boxes. They are free to mail so drop boxes offer no advantage except to blur the custody trail.

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