Yet another thread deleted? No reasons?

I thought roux was made with flour and oil, not butter? Anyway, that's how my grandmother taught me to make it. I am curious to try it with butter and to see what difference it might make in the taste...
My French cookery book says roux is made with flour and butter so I am with Doc on this
My French cookery book says roux is made with flour and butter so I am with Doc on this

Well, as my grandmother is cajun I think that my grandmother is probably on par with his mother-in-law, I wonder if it's just different customs, or different recipes, maybe different ingredients available, or class differences that cause the different ingredients, then over time people get used to the way they make it.... My grandmother didn't learn from a cookbook, that could be it, she learned it from her mother.
Thales, no need to send me any sausage. We've got the Rouse's Supermarket chain here. They originated in Thibadaux and have grown considerably. They have a "Cajun" section where we can get domestic sausage including Andouille and other kinds.

So, have you ever been to la bucherie in any Louisiana festivals?

Kryst - You can also make a roux with flour and oil, depending on the oil. Corn oil, OK. Other mild vegetable oils, OK. Olive oil would put the taste a little bit off.

Rich, we still have wood-frame houses here, some with brick veneer over wood slats. Others have siding over the frame, with plenty of insulation between the bricks on the outside and dry-wall on the inside. We were starting to see some steel-frame houses, though, because before the REIT stock crash, home-building had depleted inventory levels and steel frame was actually cheaper. I don't know about the relative prices now, though.

I know that if you have a steel-frame home and concrete pre-fab walls (as a middle layer), your home insurance goes way down because your house is almost fire-proof and insect proof, and wind damage is a lot less likely as well. You save so much on insurance long-term that you can afford more square footage in living area.
I was offering to send you a frozen block of my Grandmother's Gumbo. Which of course, I carry on.
You however could send ME a block of that LA sausage.
My French cookery book says roux is made with flour and butter so I am with Doc on this
Rabbie, you have to remember that Louisiana and Gulf Coast cooking has it's roots in both France and Africa. It is about as different from its French origins as the French they speak down there.
Plus, when was the last time you saw one of these in France?

Looks like a typical ugly, horny Frenchman to me...

with ugly ear jewelry at that.
Last week, addressing the EU:rolleyes:

Do you actually know what this is? If you and Col are so up on Americans, you would know that every Texan keeps one of these for a pet.
Do you actually know what this is? If you and Col are so up on Americans, you would know that every Texan keeps one of these for a pet.
You keep a Frenchman as a pet, well I always knew you guys had some "strange" habbits...............
Do you actually know what this is? If you and Col are so up on Americans, you would know that every Texan keeps one of these for a pet.

I thought Southern Americans (especially those in Georgia) had a black person as a pet. (as opposed to a slave)

I thought Southern Americans (especially those in Georgia) had a black person as a pet. (as opposed to a slave)


Not unlike those of Norman blood keeping a Saxon as a pet (as opposed to a serf).
I thought Southern Americans (especially those in Georgia) had a black person as a pet. (as opposed to a slave)


You are forgiven your ignorance, only because many Americans don't even realize that Texas is NOT a Southern State. Texas is a Western State.
You are forgiven your ignorance, only because many Americans don't even realize that Texas is NOT a Southern State. Texas is a Western State.
Looking at a map of the US, the bottom 'tip' of Texas looks to be almost dead centre of a North-South line drawn down the middle of the country.

How far South does a state need to be to qualify as Southern? Doesn't bordering Mexico make Texas South-Western, at least.
Looking at a map of the US, the bottom 'tip' of Texas looks to be almost dead centre of a North-South line drawn down the middle of the country.

How far South does a state need to be to qualify as Southern? Doesn't bordering Mexico make Texas South-Western, at least.

Texas is an unusual situation as it is BOTH a Southern and Western state.

In a situation where you expect Texans to act like southerners, they act like westerners.

In a situation where you expect Texans to act like westerners, they act like southerners.

It makes perfect sense to Texans but it is very confusing for the uninitiated.

The south-west in the USA is generally considered to be New Mexico and Arizona. This naming pattern is again confusing as Ohio is considered a mid western state and it's nowhere near the middle of the country.
Texas is an unusual situation as it is BOTH a Southern and Western state.

In a situation where you expect Texans to act like southerners, they act like westerners.

In a situation where you expect Texans to act like westerners, they act like southerners.

It makes perfect sense to Texans but it is very confusing for the uninitiated.
Yes, I just read the Wikipedia article on it. To paraphrase Alice "What a curious place".
Actually it’s a cultural thing.
It has everything to do with Western expansion and the Pioneers.
Sushi and Sauerkraut...

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