You guys, Do you cheer on any team in the Premier League?


New member
Local time
Today, 20:55
Oct 15, 2013
I'm love Chelsea I'm bluese
Expectation was greater Mourinho came but disappointment is big without competition power the better I thought -o-:(
But I believe mourinho and we will be a champion in England

You guys, Do you cheer on any team in the Premier League? ^오^
I'm love Chelsea I'm bluese
Expectation was greater Mourinho came but disappointment is big without competition power the better I thought -o-:(
But I believe mourinho and we will be a champion in England

You guys, Do you cheer on any team in the Premier League? ^오^

My pet hate is anyone supporting Chelsea or Man City who is not a local fan.

They are both owned by dubious owners who subjugate 1000s if not millions to generate their wealth.

They are then so wealthy they can afford to waste it on a hobby like football, with no pretence of breaking even. All the while managing to outspend a team even like Man United, with massive global support, or making proper team like Everton also rans, so ruining the game.

They lead to ever increaed prices for ordinary fans, whose clubs have to compete by breaking even, and without exploiting the natural resources of an entire country.

In short - support a proper club, thats not about exploiting a nation, and ruining football.
Actually, I did have a small flirtation with Barcelona, but my heart wasn't up to the infidelity.
I support Oxford United. There are teams outside the Premier League as well!
Man U for me, unfortunately watched them lose their opening game last night. I say last night as the game started at 9.45 pm local time.

My connection with Man U is that I used to be a local fan, brought up in Cheadle Hulme many years ago and I still remember watching them win the European Cup in '68 as an 8 yr old.
Liverpool FC. I have followed them for 38 years. This season will be interesting, but i do not think Suarez's departure will stop us going one better. Time for the 'real' reds to regain their throne.
Liverpool fan for many years

And you are moving to Manchester! :eek:, tho as a walker I have to admit that South Manchester is close to the Peak District.
Liverpool fan since the mid 50s when they were in the second division.

I lived in Hampstead during the war. There was some football played, and the nearest ground was Arsenal. Some of the players used to play when they were on leave from the forces. I have supported Arsenal until recently. I may support them again when they stop "taking the knee."
The closest I can come to this discussion is this:

I very loosely support USA Pro Football in the form of the New Orleans Saints. "Loosely" because I only watch games on TV and then only if they aren't playing so painfully that I have to turn away. Over the years since their first game ever, there were times that they were called the "Aint's" rather than the "Saints." Drew Brees helped them to become a very respectable team that was often in the playoffs. But he retired and it is going to be a tossup as to whether they will have a decent team this year.

I wouldn't recognize any of the Premier League members unless the TV logo for the event included the words "Premier League." And even then I would have to take their word for it.
The Cajun Cannon was pretty good, but Drew was far better. Sean Payton as head coach didn't hurt.

I find it fascinating for those nature-vs-nurture debaters: Archie Manning, one of the best quarterbacks the Saints ever had in their early years, had two sons, and now has one grandson, ALL of whom were/are very high quality quarterbacks. And Archie's third son would have been a great player but for physical issues in his neck or back.

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