What mood are you in today?


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 10:46
Sep 28, 1999
I am feeling feisty! Grrr...

Please post daily.
Flat line and in need of a cup of tea
I am feeling blessed that I can have so many friends that I have never met that will take time out of their busy day to help my dear wife. Access people are some of the greatest people in the world. Thanks from a grateful Access Junkie. http://tinyurl.com/Vote-For-Virginia-Sonier.
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Melancholy...I had my divorce papers notorized over my lunch break.
Im in Good mood but still i am thinking that today is Friday.. -_-
Very Good mood, my wife has over 3000 votes. Keep them coming folks. Don't forget you can votes every 24 hours
Veryh Good mood.
Been to 7 Restaurants today, not to eat thanks God, as I am fat enough now, but to vote for my wife. Access people are some of the greats people in the world. From a few post I have read in other thread, we do have a few kooks, but that’s people Thanks for voting.
I am in a stuff mood. I just had some great German Sausage and potato salad, it came with sauerkraut but I skipped that, and had slaw instead. I’d tell you all where to get it if you are ever in my neck of the woods, but I don’t think we are supposed to mention a Commercial establishment here.


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