Company wont hire programmers with tatoo (policy)

While I don't have tattoos and don't dress in a slovenly fashion, neither am I a "fashionista" who wears expensive suits and such. I get the job done. I clean up for interviews but I also make it clear in the interview that if I am being hired to perform in a dog-and-pony show, I get dog-and-pony show salaries. If I am being hired to make code work, pay me for that job and take the dog-and-pony show elsewhere.

Since I've got code that has been running without error for (in some cases) over 20 years (on my mainframe at my day job), I can get the message across.

I just love the licence you used to make you look good.

25 Years and no error. Well you did not say it did much to error in the first place.

Mainframe. That mainframe probably has no definition to say what it was.

I am sure that my lap top today is bigger, better and faster. But it sounds impressive to the young.

As far as the Pony show is concerned I can't join you with that one. In fact women these days still say I am a bit of a looker.

Were you one of the dogs at the pony show that had a little accident by running into a parked car.

This isnt exactly "equal" it is still singling out a minority which is unfair
Rainlover, it deeply disturbs me that the attitude you portray still exists in the minds of business people in Australia. Yes, I have tattoos, no they aren't visible under a long sleeved business shirt, but it does not seem to matter to you. What if I had no tattoos and a disability? It seems that based on your writings that you would be against employing someone with a disability because they present differently to the your expected norm. I happen to have a disability, I had a surfing accident 13 years ago that left me in a wheelchair. Its because of people like you that I run my life non stop. I have represented my country at 2 paralympic games (won silver in Beijing in 2008), built two custom cars, one of which has won several awards, put myself through university (I completed a triple major in computer science, business information systems and cyber forensics and information security and also completed a post graduate certificate in business administration), own my own home and am happily married. However I still do not feel like I am an equal to those who do not have a disability.

I have received so many knock backs from job applications that I now do not make mention of my disability or paralympic representation in my job applications or resume so that I can at least make it to interview stage. Even so, I have had that many 'thanks for your application but another more suitable applicant was placed into the position' letters that I have almost given up hope of advancing my career past my current employer.

Its people EXACTLY like you Rainlover with your close minded attitudes that make my life a living hell when all I want to do is provide for my family and be seen as, at the very least, an equal. I am appalled and embarrassed to call you Australian mate.
Your disability is unfortunate and is the result of something beyond your control. You have written how difficult it is to get your foot through the front door when applying for a job.

As you have a better understanding than most, then tell me why would anyone deface themselves on purpose and then expect to be treated the same as anyone else.

With regard to your personal remarks I take extream offence at your attack. You are so involved in self pity that you do not care about anyone else. I can see by your short history that you have accomplished a lot since your accident. 3 degrees, a Silver Medal, own your own home, happily married etc. I would trade places with you anytime.
then tell me why would anyone deface themselves on purpose and then expect to be treated the same as anyone else.

So, nobody with any divergence from the natural state of the body would be accepted by you? That would include any form of makeup, nail polish, trimmed nails, piercings, trimmed hair or beard.

I would trade places with you anytime.

You have really excelled yourself this time. I am guessing you are near dead.
You take extreme offence at my 'attack' after attacking those who choose to have tattoos and piercings? Its a bit different when the shoe is on the other foot isnt it?

You are so involved in self pity that you do not care about anyone else.

Mate, if I was so involved in self pity there is no way in the world I would have achieved what I have. I wouldn't bother getting out of bed in the morning if that were the case. If I didn't care about anyone else, I would never have fallen in love and got married. I certainly would not have rewired a quadriplegic lady's car for her for nothing, nor would I have welded/fabricated a gate for my next door neighbour, or rebuilt some laptops for some of the less fortunate kids at the local high school.

As you have a better understanding than most, then tell me why would anyone deface themselves on purpose and then expect to be treated the same as anyone else.

You simply dont get it. There is a reason that laws were brought in to prevent discrimination based on age, gender, ability and looks. Because there IS a consensus amongst the majority that people protected by these laws SHOULD 'be treated the same as anyone else'.

My question to you is would you hire someone with a disability. Im guessing no, because based on all of your comments in this thread seem to point towards the fact that these people, just like people with tattoos and piercings, don't aesthetically conform to your norms. If you say yes, then you are contradicting everything that you have posted in this thread. Willingly or otherwise, just because someone appears 'different' does not mean they should be treated so.

Based on my experience, people I have spoken to in both business and in the disability sector, those who overcome adversity statistically outperform those who have not because they feel more driven to do so. Its a shame that your narrow minded approach to this subject prevents you from achieving your best in business, because you refuse to partner with some of the hardest working, most talented people in the world.
So, nobody with any divergence from the natural state of the body would be accepted by you? That would include any form of makeup, nail polish, trimmed nails, piercings, trimmed hair or beard.
You have really excelled yourself this time. I am guessing you are near dead.


What would you do without me? You should realise that this is the water cooler and that not every thing said should be taken as gospel.

Even you have just posted some emotional garbage.

Image the local police Sergeant giving a job to a young police (Male) officer who wore jewellery type earrings and had his fingernails painted florescent red on one hand and pink on the other.

Do you know that guy on the TV show “The Voice” with all those Tats. Fancy giving him a job as a Bank Teller. If the silent alarm was pushed and the cops came in the door guns drawn. They would not know who to shoot first.

Time to get real. There are jobs for all different type of people. Some require a coat and tie while others requires nothing. ( Not as though I know much about the latter.)

Here's to the next time you feel like having a go at someone. ;)

I know I can talk shit. In fact I am quite good at it when I want to, but your statement makes me look like a child.

you refuse to partner with some of the hardest working, most talented people in the world.

This is what you think of people with Tats.

Go away.
You are just showing how out of touch you are again Rain.
Currently some of the prejudice you exhibit self perpetuate because people like you would complain to the business if you were served by someone who didn't meet your archaic ultra-conservative attitudes.

Other prejudices that you exhibit have already largely died out with just a few lingering bigots persisting it.

Your attitudes to people in general are really quite offensive. Indeed I believe you are a misanthropist.
Do you know that guy on the TV show “The Voice” with all those Tats. Fancy giving him a job as a Bank Teller. If the silent alarm was pushed and the cops came in the door guns drawn. They would not know who to shoot first.

That's the problem! THAT kind of attitude. Thankfully, you're really becoming a minority on this way of thinking. Most people aren't so judgmental anymore and don't judge based on appearance. Some serial killers were upstanding, suit-wearing citizens of their communities... isn't it taught from Elementary school NOT to judge based on first appearance?

FYI, one of my good friends here IS a police officer, complete with tattoos and piercings.

You are commenting on something you know nothing about.

Or is your TV capable of picking up Aussie TV.

Loosen up.

Why don't you go back to post number one and discuss that issue rather than calling me names.

I wonder if you could ask your copper friend, when he is in a dangerous situation who does he first assess as the bad guy. I bet I don't get a straight answer.

You are commenting on something you know nothing about.

Or is your TV capable of picking up Aussie TV.

Loosen up.

Why don't you go back to post number one and discuss that issue rather than calling me names.

I wonder if you could ask your copper friend, when he is in a dangerous situation who does he first assess as the bad guy. I bet I don't get a straight answer.

I am? I think I know quite a lot about how it feels to be judged by others based on physical appearance. I've experienced quite a lot of it my entire life.

Where did I call you a name? :confused:

Cops are taught to not judge everything by first appearance and to assess the situation fully before making a judgment call.
I am at a loss to explain why people spend 1000s on making themsleves look differant and then complain they are viewed differantly.

Lets not pretend we dont all know tattoos rightly or wrongly send out certain messages. To complain about it looks - well juvenile.
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A very sensible view.

I personally have nothing against tattoos , bling, strange hairstyles or clothes, but they do send out a message, some people will give them plus points and others minus.

It is a competitive world out there and it can be difficult expensive and time consuming to recruit staff, if you make it to the interview stage you should think about the corporate image of the company you are applying to.

I am at a loss to explain why people spend 1000s on making themsleves look differant and then complain they are viewed differantly.

Lets not pretend we dont all know tattoos rightly or wrongly send out certain messages. To complain about it looks - well juvenile.

I think it has more to do with the content of the tattoos than anything else. Sure, if I have a swastika tattooed across my forehead, that will send out a very negative message for the majority of people, but why should a heart with my mother's name and date of death on my shoulder send a similar message?

Why is it acceptable to spend thousands on makeup, hair products, plastic surgery, hair dye, hair replacement products, etc... to make yourself look different but not tattoos? Why are ear piercings ok, but only in the lobes? If you pierce the top of your ear instead of the lobe, it suddenly deserves an immediate negative judgment?
Vass are you saying that you have never been critical of somebody's make up hair style/colour or boob job?

Of course I have, from a personal perspective, but I don't think it should necessarily be a killer on a job interview, especially for a developer/programmer title. Looks do not say a thing about your abilities in this field.
Of course you want the most able, however by the time the interview comes round you will have candidates with similar qualifications to do the job, what will probably be the deciding factor will be other attributes, will they fit in being one of them, and that will vary , in some cases the odd bod will be the clean shaven guy in white shirt tie and suit.

To suggest appearance doesn't matter is to be naive.

Of course you want the most able, however by the time the interview comes round you will have candidates with similar qualifications to do the job, what will probably be the deciding factor will be other attributes, will they fit in being one of them, and that will vary , in some cases the odd bod will be the clean shaven guy in white shirt tie and suit.

To suggest appearance doesn't matter is to be naive.


Again, I'm not saying it doesn't matter. I'm saying it SHOULDN'T. And slowly but surely, it won't matter as much as things like piercings and tattoos become the "norm."

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