Are you an atheist? (7 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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I agree what you say here. The US constitution guarantees freedom of religion while also enshrining the separation of religion and state. That is amazing. "You" can believe whatever you want and the state can't dictate otherwise. That right was enshrined nearly 300 years ago.

about a quarter over 200

The US needs to protect itself from militant Christians who'd deprive non Christians of their rights and seem especially keen on suppressing the rights of women and getting the constitution amended to reflect that.

Not really sure about militant Christians. There has always been a group of people for abortion and those against it. I think Roe vs Wade made this matter mute. However, lately the liberal left are not satisfied with having a 21 week time period place on the fetus. They are willing to kill the kid all the way up to prior to its birth and some even after its birth. This is called population control. They don't give a fig about the average woman or her rights. I guess your one of these that would kill a baby (fetus) even after the 21 week period is over.
You should fight that with all your stockpiled guns because look at Isis, we created that.[/QUOTE]

NO the liberal left created ISIS. A stable Iraq was handed over to the most leftest liberal president of all time.He pulled all troops out of Iraq knowing full well they were not strong enough at the time to stop any major threat from other countries or armies. Also keep in mind, ISIS is mostly Sunni Muslim and our president actually went to Muslim school. From what I know about Islam, you cannot quite. Rem. in Islam, women have no rights and her Christian values certainly did not count in any way. So, while you like to say I started it, I would have been perfectly content to leave a contingent of say 10,000 in Iraq until a later date. We did the same in Germany and Japan and look what happened.
What is a lifestyle that doesn't coexist with the written word?


As Jesus is reported as saying
" love thine enemy" and "turn the other cheek"
that an itchy trigger finger, even if the chance to fire does not come along, would be one that failed the test.

serial killers for one. Another accounts for the most numerous variant lifestyle of all (the Prostitute) ?

Ah, Colin,,,,,,, your baiting me aren't you, you ole geezer!////// lol

You are well aware of all the lifestyles that live outside of the ten commandments, written by the "finger of God" and the teachings of Jesus Christ. If not, I have a KJV bible, I will send you! Then you can read it for yourself.

I did have a lovely leather bound bible, i bought it after i was sucked in after seeing Billy Graham in the late 60's, but I burnt it after I joined a local church and was horrified at the hypocritical goings on, people having affairs, the treasurer siphoning off 10% or so of collection money. Then on Sundays you would think butter wouldn't melt - all smart, faking happy marriage, pretending to be friendly with each other. I hated it, stayed about a year, I had a word with the vicar about it but he denied anything was wrong.
So i burnt anything I had pertaining to church or religion.

Ten Commandments? Barely any churchgoer is completely within those rules. I know more "righteous" non believers than hypocritical religious Christian freaks trying to kid themselves they are in step with their outdated non existent god.

As Jesus is reported as saying
" love thine enemy" and "turn the other cheek"
that an itchy trigger finger, even if the chance to fire does not come along, would be one that failed the test.


Hi old friend: an itchy trigger finger only if my family or myself is in possible bodily harm. Otherwise, I am happy to turn the other cheek. I do to you guys all the
I did have a lovely leather bound bible, i bought it after i was sucked in after seeing Billy Graham in the late 60's, but I burnt it after I joined a local church and was horrified at the hypocritical goings on, people having affairs, the treasurer siphoning off 10% or so of collection money. Then on Sundays you would think butter wouldn't melt - all smart, faking happy marriage, pretending to be friendly with each other. I hated it, stayed about a year, I had a word with the vicar about it but he denied anything was wrong.
So i burnt anything I had pertaining to church or religion.

Colin, I thanked you because I now understand why you are down on the christian religion. you are right. There are many people in churches that are hypocritical. We have that here as well. I am content that they will have to answer for their ways here on earth. But this is not reason why you should denounce your savior. You see, I do not believe that you can (as Catholics do) do communion and be resolved of your sins and then do it all over again next weekend without having to answer for them (sins) in the end. I believe the Roman Catholic church is wrong here. Of course this is my opinion. In the end, if you have accepted Jesus Christ, you are expected to live the lifestyle that he has set forth. In other words being saved will get you to the pearly gates but you will still have to answer for your sins. Again this is my opinion.

Ten Commandments? Barely any churchgoer is completely within those rules. I know more "righteous" non believers than hypocritical religious Christian freaks trying to kid themselves they are in step with their outdated non existent god.

Colin remember just because your neighbor goes to church yet sins throughout the rest of the week does in no way dictate how you must act. You know the Ten Commandments, go by them, believe in Jesus and you will make it in the end regardless of what other people are doing. As I have always said, this is an individual quest. Only you can make the choice you know you have. Besides if all the churches are corrupted to some degree, I believe both Jesus and his Father can see through the smoke so to speak. Don't you?
I want to know what I am
being saved
from, ok I am sure that I have stolen the odd paper clip, exceeded the speed limit, but I have never knowingly hurt anybody,coveted their wife or ox, committed adultery etc, ok I'm a dull boring old fart but it would appear that my only "sin" is doubting a story that I cannot verify.

Oh, I keep hearing about this original sin, but why should I be punished for something I didn't do?

I want to know what I am from, ok I am sure that I have stolen the odd paper clip, exceeded the speed limit, but I have never knowingly hurt anybody,coveted their wife or ox, committed adultery etc, ok I'm a dull boring old fart but it would appear that my only "sin" is doubting a story that I cannot verify.


Doesn't seem fair does it. I have committed all the above, and more, and still saved.
What is the Bible definition of repent?

Hey ! You tell me it's a long time since I read the bible or listened to any religious oratory.

Or are you telling me that you do not need to repent, whatever the definition, you will be saved so long as you profess to believe in Jesus?

Hey ! You tell me it's a long time since I read the bible or listened to any religious oratory.

Or are you telling me that you do not need to repent, whatever the definition, you will be saved so long as you profess to believe in Jesus?


Bingo. The Bible definition of repent is not being sorry for your sins, that's the work's/world's definition. How could you be sorry for the original sin which you did not commit. How could you be sorry for a sin you did not even know it was a sin.
Bible definition is turning from anything else you are trusting for salvation, or turning from nothing for your salvation and turning to the redemptive work that Jesus the Christ did on the cross.
I want to know what I am from, ok I am sure that I have stolen the odd paper clip, exceeded the speed limit, but I have never knowingly hurt anybody,coveted their wife or ox, committed adultery etc, ok I'm a dull boring old fart but it would appear that my only "sin" is doubting a story that I cannot verify.


Not good enough Brian, you will burn in hell and eternal damnation.

What you need to do is lie about being a Christian (except on Sundays). Be a gun wielding wannabe Wyatt Earp, take a gun to church, preach utter rubbish, be a hypocrite (very important).
Then you need to patronise people as if you are some higher being and they are scum.

Actually, you can see examples of all the above on these forums.

"The sins of the father will be visited upon the son". That's old school retribution.

Not just the son but the descendents to the third and fourth generation.

It is worse for women. God decreed that all women for all time would suffer increased pain in childbirth because of Eve's transgression.

The Abrahamic religions are indeed primitive and have absolutely nothing to offer modern civilisations, least of all, guidance on the subject of morality.

Their gods are sociopaths.
The Abrahamic religions are indeed primitive and have absolutely nothing to offer modern civilisations, least of all, guidance on the subject of morality.

It's just a shame that the vast majority of modern Christians are so caught up in their their Old Testament beliefs and "I believe in Jesus, so no matter how evil I am, I'm going to heaven" attitudes rather than paying more attention to what Jesus is said to have actually said (little things like the Golden Rule, the Sermon on the Mount, the Parable of the Adulterous Wife, things like that).

Gandhi nailed it when he was asked about Christians, I'm sad to say.
So when Brian says
Your answer is what "Jesus loves you" "have faith"? The only way to get back to the original sin is through the Old Testament.

Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Romans 5:12 (KJV)
It always puzzles me why so many Christians nowadays attach so much importance to the Old Testament when they ignore the OT laws about food. Jesus made it clear to me that he did not accept many of the OT rules but still the fundamentalists still cling to every other word in the OT despite what is said in the New Testament.

Just reading the last couple of pages makes me despair of the lack of knowledge of basic Christian knowledge by some of its defenders. Have they never read the parable of the Sheep and the Goats when Jesus makes it clear that there will be surprises over who gets into heaven and he makes it clear that people's actions are the most important things.

It seems if you read what he said properly then getting into Heaven is not just a matter of belief but of putting that belief into practice. Sorry all you Holy Joes, you may find that you have to account for actions before getting into Heaven if it exists, of course.
It always puzzles me why so many Christians nowadays attach so much importance to the Old Testament when they ignore the OT laws about food. Jesus made it clear to me that he did not accept many of the OT rules but still the fundamentalists still cling to every other word in the OT despite what is said in the New Testament.

Just reading the last couple of pages makes me despair of the lack of knowledge of basic Christian knowledge by some of its defenders. Have they never read the parable of the Sheep and the Goats when Jesus makes it clear that there will be surprises over who gets into heaven and he makes it clear that people's actions are the most important things.

It seems if you read what he said properly then getting into Heaven is not just a matter of belief but of putting that belief into practice. Sorry all you Holy Joes, you may find that you have to account for actions before getting into Heaven if it exists, of course.
You are right concerning the OT. I for one, am not bound by the OT !!!
It always puzzles me why so many Christians nowadays attach so much importance to the Old Testament when they ignore the OT laws about food. Jesus made it clear to me that he did not accept many of the OT rules but still the fundamentalists still cling to every other word in the OT despite what is said in the New Testament.

And there is several churches that dances with snakes?
The first five books of the old testament were written by God himself and given to Moses. Of course it contained Gods story of creation and Adam & Eve among others. The rest is a sorted history of the people and the parables that bring with them a sense of morality. And Yes Rabbie, there will many surprises when Christ returns for the last time.

Just reading the last couple of pages makes me despair of the lack of knowledge of basic Christian knowledge by some of its defenders. Have they never read the parable of the Sheep and the Goats when Jesus makes it clear that there will be surprises over who gets into heaven and he makes it clear that people's actions are the most important things.
Another parable is : 'the rich will find it easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than get into heaven.' Yes peoples actions are important but it means nothing if you have not accepted him as your savior.

It seems if you read what he said properly then getting into Heaven is not just a matter of belief but of putting that belief into practice. Sorry all you Holy Joes, you may find that you have to account for actions before getting into Heaven if it exists, of course.
There will be a lot of that !

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