What do nuns do?

pray, charity
I thought they flew around San Juan....
At nearly every family function since I was a little kid, more than a dozen Nuns used to put on their civies, hop on the convent bus and come party with the family. My Aunt was one of them. At my grandmothers 90th birthday party one of the ladies got on stage and told dirty catholic jokes. Nothing funnier than a Nun who's had too much Tia Maria.
I knew a former nun from a long time ago who became a geometry teacher and later a middle school principal. She had a pair of registered basenjis. It was always a treat to visit them because they were well-behaved and friendly dogs. They have a weird howl and very rarely bark.

I never asked her why she left the convent, but she did.
Best laugh I've had for some time...

If I remember correctly, I read somewhere you're against Watercooler and don't like it. :)
But after all, I'm an old guy with an old 512MB DDR2 memory. I may be wrong.

@Margarita gave me a good laugh. Thanks for bringing it up.:D
If I remember correctly, I read somewhere you're against Watercooler and don't like it. :)
But after all, I'm an old guy with an old 512MB DDR2 memory. I may be wrong.

@Margarita gave me a good laugh. Thanks for bringing it up.:D

I do remember making a comment some months ago referring to the way some watercooler threads descend into open warfare with increasingly unpleasant insults.
By contrast, this one stayed witty and positive throughout with Margarita's contributions being amongst the best. Plus I now know about nun buoys courtesy of alansidman.

A British nun Wendy Beckett became an unlikely TV star as an art historian in the 1990s. Her story is very interesting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wendy_Beckett
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She was a TV natural - very surprising after decades of seclusion.
Her knowledge and enthusiasm for art were stunning and her programmes got large audiences as a result.
Sadly Sister Wendy died a couple of years ago, aged 88
Do nuns serve a useful purpose? Or are they scrounging layabouts who sponge free board and lodging off the church like the pope does.


I saw a film once about Nun's I'm not sure it was very accurate though these Nuns didn't seem to keep their clothes on for very long at all... :eek::p:D
Then there was a T&A movie of questionable lineage back in the 60's or 70's. It was called "RollerBlade" and was all about roller-skating Ninja nuns in a post-apocalyptic southern California. They were not nude. They wore skates and headgear. The rest was optional.

I never bothered to actually see such movies but I used to collect oddball movie titles because of how hilarious they were. Titles like "Sorority Babes at the Slime-Ball Bowlarama" and "I Dismember Mama" stand out in memory as two of the worst - or best... hard to property categorize, after all, because of that category "So bad they are good."
I never bothered to actually see such movies but I used to collect oddball movie titles because of how hilarious they were. Titles like "Sorority Babes at the Slime-Ball Bowlarama" and "I Dismember Mama" stand out in memory as two of the worst - or best... hard to property categorize, after all, because of that category "So bad they are good."

I caught 'A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell' and 'Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death' on USA Up All Night once. They were both even more ridiculously bad than their names imply and seriously made Attack of the Killer Tomatoes look like top-notch cinema.
I remember seeing the title for the Avocado Jungle one. Missed the Dinosaur Hell. To be more precise, didn't care to see either movie - but I love ridiculous titles.

But... let's be careful when discussing Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, shall we? You must ask this question: If the intent of the producers was to make an abysmally bad movie and they succeeded, was it a critical success? Because Killer Tomatoes was intentionally a really extreme spoof and the producers never said otherwise. They didn't take themselves seriously. So... did they achieve their goal and thus achieve success?
Oh, I love AotKC, but you can't deny that by all standards other than ridiculousness, it's a terrible movie.
Is it any more ridiculous than SpaceBalls? Or Blazing Saddles?
In my mind, yes. I rather like it, but I didn't find it to be even close to the same level of amusing as those two movies. When you get right down to it, they're dumb but really funny, while Tomatoes is dumb and occasionally amusing.

Which all completely beside the point, as my comment was that those two terrible movies made Tomatoes look like top-notch cinema. Not even you can argue that Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (or either of the two you mentioned) are remotely close to being in the same league as, say, On Golden Pond, Gone With the Wind, Citizen Kane, The Godfather, or Schindler's List, nor do they have the sheer spectacle or entertainment value of Star Wars, the Lord of the Rings series, Terminator 2, or the like. They're all cheesy, campy, and varying levels of amusing, but they are still not top-notch cinema.
On the other hand, you are making an apples to oranges to kumquats comparison regarding comedy vs. drama vs. action. Every one of the dramas you named and every one of the action movies you named are of the highest quality (though some reached that critical pinnacle only in retrospect). For instance, Siskel and Ebert gave a mixed-bag reaction to Star Wars when it was first released but then came back later and re-thought the matter. Even Ebert decided he liked it a lot more than he originally rated it.

OK, here's MY pinnacle of funny, in no particular order: Victor, Victoria (Julie Andrews & Robert Preston); Young Frankenstein (Gene Wilder, Marty Feldman, Terri Garr); Arsenic and Old Lace (Cary Grant, Raymond Massey, Peter Lorre) - just to prove that I actually do have a sense of order in comedy. But a "dishonorable mention" has to go to Lust In The Dust (Tab Hunter, Divine, Lanie Kazan).
As far a outrageous comedies go, The Mad Mad Mad Mad World is one of the best for me (a lot of cameos). Then there the is The Great Race (push the button Max!).

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