Will Joe Biden be the next president? (1 Viewer)

Isaac. Looks like you were right. Funny how the brain can convince you that you heard something else when what the person says does not compute:) I guess that explains a lot of Rachael Maddow's commentary.
Colin, your analogy is ludicrous to the point of bordering on insanity. No I'm not trying to stir things up - I leave that to you as you spew your vitriol towards anyone who doesn't fit into your very tiny bubble of empathy. I call things as I see them as do you - it's just that my eyes are not clouded by hatred so much. Not everyone is in such a lofty position in life that they can look down on so many as do you. I'll just count myself as another Jap, Chink, faggot, pouf, half-caste, etc. (your words, not mine) that you have so much contempt for.
You see, that's where you slip up, incorrect facts, you really must try to be accurate when quoting, or in your case chastising someone.
I don't use the word 'faggot' as it's an American term for a homosexual male (I think). In the UK, a fagot is like a savoury meatball and is very popular, sold in butchers shops, home made, very tasty. In fact I had two faggots for dinner last week with fresh veg and gravy.
I don't use the word 'chink', I guessing you're referring to Chinese people. I use the word 'chinky' in reference to a Chinese takeaway meal (not Chinese people), as do the majority of people in the UK.
I don't use the word 'pouf', that is an item of furniture in the UK that you put your feet on whilst sitting on the sofa, the word you are seeking and failing to find is poof or poofter.
You say my eyes are clouded by hatred, hatred for whom? I'm not sure I hate anyone, you should be aware (I'm sure it will dawn on you in time) that just because one uses a colloquialism to refer to people from a certain country, just as Americans do, doesn't mean you hate them. Do you hate anyone? Apart from me that is.
Don't confuse pity for hate. If it makes you feel better to nit pick over exact spellings then pick on.
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Don't confuse pity for hate. If it makes you feel better to nit pick over exact spellings then pick on.
It's not necessarily exact spellings. I'm being blamed for using derogatory words I have never used on these forums. I feel that saying someone uses certain words when they haven't is slightly more serious than a nit pick.
But, hey ho. If that's the way you do things. . . . . .
Is calling someone a "white supremacist" also offensive, derogatory and a racial slur? The Left constantly throws around this stereotypical accusation towards the Right, be they newsreaders such as Tucker Carlson, or the "deplorable Republicans", coined by Hillary Clinton.

If calling someone "Chinky" is deemed racism, because you are using a derogatory name against a particular ethnicity, is "white supremacist" also racism, because you are using a derogatory name against a particular ethnicity? The Chinese themselves are those who determine if the term "Chinky" is derogatory. Can't the Whites determine if the term "white supremacist" is derogatory?

In the past, in the UK everybody used the term "Chinky". When I was young, all it meant to me was to go get some Chinese food. At some stage, it became offensive to the Chinese. And here is where you get a clash of cultures. The older generation will be told that "Chinky" is offensive to the Chinese. But they will argue that the Left finds what the Right says offensive most of the time. Why should the new culture be any better than the old culture? Why should the Left's view of what is deemed acceptable be the defacto standard? So I think what happens is that you will just get people carrying on using the same terms behind closed doors. And maybe it is the newer generations who use the modern acceptable terms because they have been brought up with it. I view the "N" word in a different light, because that is meant to be highly derogatory. I think you need to look at the intent behind words, rather than just the words themselves.

The redefining of words and what they mean is ongoing. And people disagree on what is right and what is wrong. Who decides on what is acceptable? The majority? What about in countries where a minority is oppressed by the majority? Do you still go with the majority view?

Imagine this scenario. You are brought up for 30 years to believe that tex-mex is a regional cuisine. But in the future the term gets redefined as a racist term. You argue that its not, its just referring to food and not people. You are familiar with the term. History looks back and judges you to be a racist for your previous 30 years of using such an offensive term. The new culture says its offensive. Do you agree with everything the new culture feeds you? Does the new culture wipe clean your history of what you considered to be a harmless term?

Consider the phrase, "White lives matter." Some consider this a racist phrase, while "Black lives matter" is not. But in the future, the woke view may be that both are racist, or neither. Who decides? Don't be too confident that you won't be viewed as a racist yourself in the future. And if so, does that make you a hypocrite? "Sh*t, I've been a racist all along and I didn't even know it. I hate myself!"

The same issue happened regarding gender. The redefining of what gender is has caused a split in viewpoints. Does this new woke version trump the classic definition? Who decides?

The same happened with the American term "illegal alien", which is now offensive to some, replaced by migrant.

The danger is, that an encroaching authoritarianism over what you can or cannot say will stifle freedom of expression and speech. 1984 comes to mind. And the constant search for micro-aggressions goes on, while ignoring the macro-aggressions that are acceptable because they fall within the bounds of the current culture. Constantly focusing on race and gender is a recipe for division and tribalism, IMHO.

Some food for thought...

Edit: If you use the term tex-mex, I won't take offence. I understand your "intent".
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Very good Jon.
I think that part of the issues here is that a) I was brought up in Bristol! And b) I grew up in the normality of 'The Black and White Minstrels ' on TV, also 'Love Thy Neighbour' where they frequently referred to Sambo's, Nig Nogs Wogs etc etc.
Younger people would be amazed at what was on UK TV in the 60's and 70's. Look at the comics of the time, Jim Davidson, Bernard Manning to name just two. I could cite more but our over sensitive cousins across the pond would clamour for my banning.
I still stand by the comment that 'chinky' is still used in reference to the takeaway meal.
Actually, all this food talk makes me fancy a couple of faggots or a chinky followed by a nice relaxing fag.
  • Haha
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I keep rewriting my post as new things come to mind. For example, I just added this:

Consider the phrase, "White lives matter." Some consider this a racist phrase, while "Black lives matter" is not. But in the future, the woke view may be that both are racist, or neither. Who decides? Don't be too confident that you won't be viewed as a racist yourself in the future. And if so, does that make you a hypocrite? "Sh*t, I've been a racist all along and I didn't even know it. I hate myself!"

A new idea just came to mind, based on your post there Colin. What if in the UK the term "fag" becomes hate speech because while you are referring to your cigarette, some Americans view it as a slur against homosexuals? Could this be analogous to the "Chinky" and food argument?

Why should people in the UK be allowed to use the term "fag" for a cigarette if it potentially offends others?

Edit: I remember many years ago speaking to an American friend about something I saw. It was a pigeon pecking at cigarette butts in the alley. I said, "I saw a pigeon pecking at fag butts." She replied, "There are pigeons pecking at a homosexuals ass??" :LOL:

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Recent news demonstrating the insanity of "wokeness" surfaced with Goodyear tires. At a diversity training session, it was presented that advocacy for Black Lives Matter is to be embraced, but support for Blue Lives Matter is racist and not allowed. Woke Capitalism’s Tired Treads. At a very basic level, the purpose of diversity training is to make people aware of other people's perspective. The reality is that diversity training is blatantly one-sided. It is now of those so-called "dog whistles" (to use a term the woke crowd lies) were the woke crowd in the name of (falsely) embracing diversity has stripped the word "tolerance" of any rational meaning. Anyone not endorsing "wokeness" is labeled as an intolerant bigot and is to be vilified as apostate.

Besides the superficial equity issue of what Black Lives Matter claims what it stands for versus All Lives Matter; there is the underlying question of whether Black Lives Matter is really a legitimate organization that supports racial equality. Too many stores are emerging that Black Lives Matter is actually racist, endorses violence, and really has no valid community outreach to the minority community. The emergence of these facts has not yet been acknowledged by those teaching diversity training. Those teaching diversity need to exam what the organizations they deem acceptable really stand for. A major oversight.
Fox News reports: Chris Wallace says Biden blew 'a big hole' in Trump's 'mentally shot' claim with DNC acceptance speech. Wallace is entitled to his opinion. Nevertheless, I find Wallace's position to be quizzical. Biden has yet to appear on any extended interview, such as Wallace's own show, to answer "tough" questions. Trump did and was denigrated by the left leaning media for what he had to say. Biden, on the other hand, has not exposed (pun?) himself. Wallace should have pointed out, even if Biden's speech was good, that Biden has not appeared on programs, such as Wallace's own show to answer some tough questions. Wallace, by not reminding the public of Biden's "hiding in the closet", is seemingly acting like another member of the left leaning media covering-up for Biden.
Finally listened to Biden's acceptance speech. It was a good sermon. The problem is that Biden has NO credibility, he is simply making gratuitous remarks that virtually everyone can agree with.

At the fundamental level he speaks of ending "systemic racism" and unifying the nation. Yet it is the Democrats who have been inflaming racism, pushing hatred, identity politics, and divisiveness. The US has had approximately 60 years worth of government programs to end racism, yet Biden acts as if none of this progress has occurred. Also there are Biden's racist remarks. As an editorial aside, the State of California has on its ballot a proposition that would allow people to be selected for x,y, or z based on race. That makes a mockery of King's desire that it should be a person's character, not race, for the basis of making a decision.

Biden spoke of the COVID-19 deaths to impute that the Trump administration was somehow responsible. But those are empty facts. There probably would have been an equal number of deaths under a Biden administration. In fact, a Biden administration may have acted slower in responding to the pandemic as Biden/Pelosi/Schumer were busy, in the early stages, attacking Trump for being a dictator, racist, xenophobic, and nothing to see here.

Biden spoke of "rebuilding the economy". Again, it was the use of empty facts. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic the economy was humming along. Biden, if he were in charge would have, like Trump, shutdown the economy too. I would even go a step further, in that it appears that Democratic governors are still trying to stifle the economies in their states. The current state of the economy can't be blamed on the Trump administration.

Biden has made the incomprehensible claim that he will rebuild US manufacturing. Well, that is exactly what Trump has been attempting to do. Biden has not disclosed how he would do anything different from what Trump has been doing.

Biden made a claim about Trump cozing up to dictators. Well leaders have to work with a variety of people. You have to deal with other world leader whether you like it or not. Biden worked cooperated with racists while in the Senate. Obama cozied up to Iran and Cuba. Obama covertly pursued a well hidden anti-Israeli agenda. So, Biden says he won't cozy up to dictators, then how is he going to deal with Xi Jinping, of China or the current supreme leader Khamenei of Iran?

Biden gave a good sermon. Unfortunately he painted the Trump administration as "darkness" and his future administration (if he wins) as the "light". However, if one points a highly focused beam into Biden's "light" they will simply see an empty shell. Biden has no soul.
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I watched Biden's entire speech, and had to admit it was impressive. Especially as compared to the stereotypes about him, and even as compared to the average politician, he did a very good job. I'm not sure I've ever seen him quite like that actually, and I guess time will tell whether it was something he mustered up that becomes his 'peak', versus an indicator of a "new man" who actually takes charge and becomes known for something.
I like that they gave AOC sixty seconds and that they still gave Bloomberg a platform. It shows the party may be sending a message that No, we will not necessarily be pulled far left - we will try to achieve reasonable compromises. That means that if Democrats win in November, my emotional recovery time can be lessened. It will be interesting to see what the RNC does. Hopefully, they put forth their absolute best speakers most of the time, and give Trump something expertly scripted (as I'm sure Biden's was, too) on the last night, but I fear that may not be the case.

Admittedly, the feeling of eloquence and beauty has always been more difficult to achieve in conservative speeches, because they are the party that represents fiscal restraint, less government & personal responsibility. It takes a certain kind of person to appreciate that & be inspired by it more than the natural and arguably short-sighted feelings of elation that occur when extravagant promises are lavishly given. Between me and my wife, if I am able to position myself as the parent of shiny new toys and promises of ice cream, while she is the parent of reminders, discipline and delayed gratification, then it will always be easier for me to frame my ideas as exciting and happy. The difference in that analogy is that I pay for the ice cream with my own money rather than another family's.

As far as the photo of Biden and the woman, and despite my wishes for Republican success, I came out early on in defense of him, as I personally don't feel his actions come from a place of evil as much as just ignorance of how it comes across ... But of course, I'm not sure. @moke123 I actually appreciate, believe it or not, the link you provided, as I hadn't read that before. Having said that, it is exceedingly common for people who are the object of another person's sexually inappropriate or violent behavior to, in various forms and fashions, defend that person. It seems difficult to interpret her defense/explanation of what he did as something that could account for the entire collection of clips such as the one Tera originally posted, but ... I'm willing to consider that maybe, just maybe, at least on this one occasion, the lady's defense of him was the true explanation. All the other ones do indeed seem a bit harder to excuse ... But I still give him the benefit of the doubt, as they're all somewhere around the "border" between a little weird vs. overtly wrong, and not solidly on either side IMO.

I try to see "people" rather than "party" as much as I can .. and to that end, I'll note that I was very impressed with Michelle Obama's speech, too. Call it instinct, gut, or radar, but she comes across to me as a truly genuinely good person. (Despite disagreeing with many of her conclusions). I can't say that for Kamala Harris. Listening to her gushing and gushing her phony verbal diarrhea was nauseating. If only the election was all about Joe, I would look on it at least somewhat differently. Nonetheless, it was a matter of some fascination to me to finally see what happens when you literally raise a child inside Berkeley, CA. I've always known the word "Berkeley" was synonymous with most of what I disagree with. I guess Harris is that personified. Not that I think everyone is nothing but a product of where they are from. Just, in this case they are.
@Jon - I'm going to step in on one fine point. "TexMex" is a kind of cuisine specific to the Texas - Mexico border country. It differs from "CaliMex" which is specific to the California - Mexico border country. It is analogous to comparing the cuisines of Sicily and Tuscany in Italy, as those two parts of Italy are geographically separated.

Tex-Mex tends to be heavier in its sauces with stronger flavors. Cali-Mex is lighter and more delicate. Both are very good, taste-wise, except that with my liver, I have to limit how much of those particular delicacies I want to eat in one sitting.
I believe that Biden's speech was taped? If so, how many takes did it take? What can he do in a live debate without a teleprompter? He will be relying on the pattern recognition in his mind, yet that is decaying with age. Trump is much sharper mentally, whether or not you agree with his policies or persona.

Biden's history of allegations and inappropriate dealings with women have been both whitewashed and airbrushed. I am not saying he is guilty. But the same people who said Kavanaugh was guilty are the same people who say that due process is required for Biden. i.e. a different standard. And Pelosi is a prime hypocrite. I've never met someone so ungenuine in my life! And the same goes for the leading feminists in the US, who say women should always be believed. Yet they dole out praise for Biden. It essentially says to me, that they do not believe their own words. They have no concern for the truth. Their activism for womens rights have nothing to do with womens rights, since they ignore the potential victims if they accuse one of "theirs." Fake feminism. Instead, it is about virtue signalling and power. For if they really did believe that all women should be believed, they would condemn Biden for being a rapist. But no, "I'm with the rapist! Rapist for president!"
I watched Biden's entire speech, and had to admit it was impressive. Especially as compared to the stereotypes about him, and even as compared to the average politician, he did a very good job. I'm not sure I've ever seen him quite like that actually, and I guess time will tell whether it was something he mustered up that becomes his 'peak', versus an indicator of a "new man" who actually takes charge and becomes known for something.
What you are reacting to is "window dressing" formulated to make Biden and the Democratic party look good. Both Biden and the Democratic party have a record that negates his sermon (acceptance speech). Biden, as one example, called for respecting the troops, which is good. But Biden ignored that law enforcement in this country is being undermined and vilified. Yet Biden disingenuously claims to support American values. Respecting law enforcement would be one such American value demanding respect.
I like that they gave AOC sixty seconds and that they still gave Bloomberg a platform.
Tulsi Gabbard was apparently frozen-out from participating in the convention.
It shows the party may be sending a message that No, we will not necessarily be pulled far left - we will try to achieve reasonable compromises.
I seriously doubt that Biden's sermon was meant to be a messaging vehicle for saying that the Democratic party won't go far left. To me, this is more of an empty listing of platitudes that everyone can agree with to get undecided people to vote Democratic. Once in power, should the Democrats win, those platitudes may quickly be dismissed as the ship-of-state turns full port. (Harris, when questioned why she implied that Biden was a racist, quickly dismissed that statement as a debate stunt. That she really didn't mean it. By extension, can we believe Biden?) Since posting, I ran across this article: "
Sanders wants 'serious debate' with Biden after November election" where Sander's is quoted as saying: "As a self-described democratic socialist, Mr. Sanders said he obviously disagrees with Mr. Biden on a number of issues, but that the Democratic Party needs to unite ahead of the November election." The clear implication, Democrats must "promise" whatever to win, after they win new (radical left wing) replacement policies may then be imposed.
Admittedly, the feeling of eloquence and beauty has always been more difficult to achieve in conservative speeches, because they are the party that represents fiscal restraint, less government & personal responsibility. It takes a certain kind of person to appreciate that & be inspired by it more than the natural and arguably short-sighted feelings of elation that occur when extravagant promises are lavishly given.
An unfortunate reality, that makes it much easier for the Democrats "sell" their emotionally loaded and biased narrative to the gullible. Furthermore, Republicans hurt themselves as they are total neophytes when it comes to refuting Democratic narratives.
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Either way @The_Doc_Man, I want some! I've been looking on YouTube recently at some nice food channels as I have tended to eat similar things all the time during this lockdown. But here are, while going off-topic a bit, three good channels I've come across in the last couple of days. These are some of the recipes I've looked at and fancy trying. Sam The Cooking Guy is always worth listening to just for kicks.


Not Another Cooking Show

And of course, Sam The Cooking Guy
I believe that Biden's speech was taped? If so, how many takes did it take? What can he do in a live debate without a teleprompter? He will be relying on the pattern recognition in his mind, yet that is decaying with age. Trump is much sharper mentally, whether or not you agree with his policies or persona.

Biden's history of allegations and inappropriate dealings with women have been both whitewashed and airbrushed. I am not saying he is guilty. But the same people who said Kavanaugh was guilty are the same people who say that due process is required for Biden. i.e. a different standard. And Pelosi is a prime hypocrite. I've never met someone so ungenuine in my life! And the same goes for the leading feminists in the US, who say women should always be believed. Yet they dole out praise for Biden. It essentially says to me, that they do not believe their own words. They have no concern for the truth. Their activism for womens rights have nothing to do with womens rights, since they ignore the potential victims if they accuse one of "theirs." Fake feminism. Instead, it is about virtue signalling and power. For if they really did believe that all women should be believed, they would condemn Biden for being a rapist. But no, "I'm with the rapist! Rapist for president!"
I think what it comes down to is, this concept of "all women should just be believed from the start"--Nobody ever really believed that, because it's ludicrous, and goes against a principle that our justice system has always stood for, and will always stand for - Innocent until proven guilty. Nobody should ever be punished--In any way, including the punishment that nowadays starts from the moment of accusation--on the basis of ANYONE's say-so alone.
This whole MeToo movement, while it may have some legitimacy in the sense that "we should take these claims seriously", Sure, but to the extent that it has ended up meaning "we should consider all accused people guilty and all accusers innocent", has always been clear to me. The fact that this mantra was NOT applied to Joe Biden (as you said), just exposes what everyone already always knew--the premise is nonsense.
It has gone from something that could have been helpful, to an over-do of that:
Now, young men who engage in intimate behavior with a female on college campuses essentially run the risk of the young lady changing her mind about "wanted to" vs. "didn't want to" after the fact, and then reporting it--as feminists STRONGLY encourage them to do--as r*pe. This is the new paradigm. It is completely unjust, of course, and is why Betsy Devos vis-a-vi Donald Trump recently made some adjustments to these rules that Democrats had put in place, to revert back to some equitable form. This issue, and its accompanying behavior of treating with 100% protection and pampering all accusers while simultaneously treating very harshly and punitively all accused is one of the issues on the why I don't vote for liberals. I have a good son and I don't want him to grow up in a world where every case of intimacy runs a huge risk of a breakup, and the inevitable upset female in mourning who is barraged with encouragment and almost insistence to re-examine her memory countless times in search of the possibility that she "didn't really want to somewhere deep in her heart of hearts", and BINGO - it's now a r*pe case.

In many cases this has gone so far as to lead to many a suggestion that prostitution no longer be prosecuted. In liberals' eyes, they are all victims of trafficking. There are no longer two sides to tango, because the liberals' heavy presumption of coercion without evidence becomes the overarching lens through which they view practically all cases.
Except Biden, of course. : )

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