Election Do-Over!!! (3 Viewers)

@moke123: Once again you cite fake news sources that exhibit blatant animus towards Trump. Therefore they are not credible.
Just because you dont like it doesn't mean it's not true.
And just because you believe something is true, does not make it true. My news sources are impeccable. :)
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The same people who setup Trump the minute he came down the escalator at Trump tower are the same people who claim he hasn't done enough on covid-19, brilliant.

Maybe if the left didn't sell the dilithium crystals to their masters in the CCP, Trump could have used them for his operation warp speed.
Excellent summary by Newt Gingrich: Why I will not accept Joe Biden as president
In terms of this thread, two major points. Gingrich notes that that the Democrats successfully manipulated the gullible public to vote for Biden on (false) Covid-19 concerns. As part of this point, Gingrich notes that "For more than four years, the entire establishment mobilized against the elected president of the United States ...". Next point is that the election results are suspicious. Suspicion, by itself does not document fraud, it however confirms the need for investigation. Unfortunately, the media (being blatantly pro-Biden) refused to investigate.

The entire elite liberal media lied about the timeline of the COVID-19 vaccine. They blamed President Trump for the global pandemic even as he did literally everything top scientists instructed. In multiple debates, the moderators outright stated that he was lying about the U.S. having a vaccine before the end of the year (note Vice President Mike Pence received it this week). If Americans had known the pandemic was almost over, that too was likely the difference in the election.
Small print note: It is too early to assert that the pandemic is almost over. Nevertheless, had the public been truthfully informed on the progress of vaccine development and not lied to by the media and Democrats, the election would have turned out differently.

In addition, it’s clear that virtually every swing state essentially suspended normal requirements for verifying absentee ballots. Rejection rates were an order of magnitude lower than in a normal year. In Georgia, rejection rates dropped from 6.5% in 2016 to 0.2% in 2020. In Pennsylvania, it went from 1% in 2016 to .003% in 2020. Nevada fell from 1.6% to .75%. There is no plausible explanation other than that they were counting a huge number of ballots — disproportionately for Mr. Biden — that normally would not have passed muster. That’s the election.
I find it quizzical that those sanctimoniously screaming the loudest about the integrity of the voting process are not apparently concerned about voting anomalies. They lamely regurgitate: "Nothing to see. It's over, concede and let's move on."
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I sent a setter to the Supreme court justices today and guess what I had to show -- my driver's license. As I was digging it out I remarked to the clerk that I could vote in half the states in the US without a photo ID but I couldn't sent a FedEx package? She of course didn't know why but as I was leaving the store it occurred to me that it was almost certainly a security precaution. I'm sure the Justices as well as lots of other government officials are targets of wing nuts. I didn't think to ask if the ID requirement was because of the destination but that is quite likely the case.

Anyway, It made me feel better and only cost ~ $33 to get it there by 10:30 tomorrow morning. I wrote 9 individual letters and put them in one FecEx envelope. I don't expect to hear from them. I didn't threaten them but I did point out that the Robert's court would go down in history as the official beginning of the end of this great experiment since the Justices have now confirmed the Democrat opinion that the Constitution is only a suggestion and can be ignored when inconvenient.

Apparently Mitch McConnell is threatening the Senators to not cooperate with an attempt by a Representative to stop the acceptance of the electoral votes. He has always been a piece of s*** and if it weren't for him and Paul Ryan, Trump would have had a much better start. They did nothing but obstruct. McConnell has cooperated only with seating judicial nominees. Everywhere else, he's a RINO.
There are some posters here who are die-hard Trump supporters. Some are well read, and some obviously ignore the truth.
I was wondering, do these supporters support Trump as a person or, the party he is linked with. In other words, would they be so blinkered and supportive of another candidate.
I was supportive of Trump until the COVID situation trashed the economy. After that, I was less enamored of him. He stumbled in the early stages of that mess.

I don't have the polar opposite of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Would that be "Biden Derangement Syndrome" - or would it be towards Harris?

I'm not at all in love with Trump after his "exit strategy." If he had viable proof of election fraud big enough to make a difference, I would still support him. But at the moment, I don't see it.

The problem with being "well read" here, Col, is that our newspapers "drank the anti-Trump Kool-Aid" and stopped writing anything except negative articles. The "liberal media" (in my opinion) deserves regulation of some kind. They are out of control because they believe they have the right to tell us what to think. George Orwell got it right but for the wrong year. Being "well read" is suddenly harder than it needs to be.

And Col, I remember that "not being well read" is apparently a euphemism for knowing nothing. I think in a hostile media environment, there are forces actively trying to PREVENT people from being well-read.
There are some posters here who are die-hard Trump supporters.
I do not think there are any "die-hard Trump supporters" on this forum. To repeat what others and I have previously stated, is that the majority of the media has drunk the anti-Trump Kool-Aid. They have forgone any attempt to be the reporters of facts, but are now actively a propaganda arm of the Democratic party. They are the Orwellian "Ministry of Truth". Anyone questioning the "truth" is demonized. So questioning the "truth" does not translate into being and unqualified endorsement of Trump.
I've read a lot of the evidence. I've watched the tapes. I've watched the hearings where people testified to what they observed and what they were ordered to do such as back date receipt of ballots. These are first-hand testimonies given under oath. They are not opinions. They are not hearsay. These people can be prosecuted for giving a false statement. There is actually a great deal of evidence. The problem is that social medial and the press are actively suppressing it. The courts are dismissing the cases over made up issues having to do with standing. "Texas" wasn't harmed by voter irregularities and Constitutional violations committed in the other states. It's people may have been harmed but Texas wasn't. Not that there was no evidence of cheating. The courts flatly refused to even look at the evidence because they didn't want to be the one to have to rule on it. The Supreme Court even abandoned the Constitution to avoid making a ruling that would look like they were ruling for Trump. The Constitution be damned. If Trump and the Constitution agree, the Constitution loses. That's how afraid they are of seeming to rule in Trump's favor. So the Cancel Culture wins again.

I posted a link to the hearings in Georgia. Look at that tape. It's 5 hours. Look at 1:15, 4:22, and 4:27. Then look at the video of the counting center in Fulton country as 4 women, after they sent home the observers, count the same set of ballots multiple times. After seeing that, are you going to believe the lying press or your own eyes. The hidden ballots they pulled out from under the draped table were counted MULTIPLE times. HOW MANY TIMES should a ballot be counted? As many times as it takes for Biden to steal the election:)

You also think that Trump waffled in the beginning of the COVID outbreak. You do remember he had just been impeached? He made a conscious decision to not make country-wide rules although he did stop flights from China even though China only stopped internal flights. They allowed international flights so they could better spread the virus around the world. Somehow, if Trump had declared martial law, which he would have needed to do to enforce country-wide rules, how would the Impeachers have reacted?
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Any thoughts on the latest Trump controversy?

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Donald Trump is repeating what he is being told by first hand observers. I haven't heard the whole call but the clips sound dumb. They are Trump trying to give the SOC a way out of the hole he has dug by refusing to allow the election to be audited. You people always assume the worst possible interpretation of what Trump says. He's pretty straightforward unlike actual politicians. He says what he means and he means what he says. He is not the great speaker he thinks he is and can be quite dumb in his delivery.
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View attachment 87942

Any thoughts on the latest Trump controversy?

I think it's simpler than all that. And none of it is anything to do with Trust. Who actually is stupid enough to trust anyone? That's why we have & need a system in the first place. No, you're right - you can't trust anyone. Saying differently is mind bogglingly stupid in this modern, mischievous day and age.

It definitely looks as though cheating behavior took place on significant levels, based on dozens of circumstantial & statistical "hints" already mentioned by Republicans over and over.

However, it doesn't look like it will be possible to prove it. Which makes total sense.

1) Who is to say some dude sitting by himself in a voting count place in Detroit didn't manipulate or throw away ballots? A: Nobody. That doesn't prove it didn't happen.

You do realize crimes take place every day all around the country, which will never be proven. It doesn't mean they didn't happen.
People aren't stupid, the level of inconsistencies and hints pointing to bad behavior are plenty. But we couldn't really find much actual evidence, and I don't disagree with that.

But, acting like it's stupid to not "trust" everyone in the process, simply because there was no way to catch them--which we all knew from even before this election, there is no way to catch people throwing away ballots because it's really hard to prove the previous existence of something that no longer exists---acting like it's stupid not to trust everyone is incredibly stupid.

That meme makes no sense to me.
Hope you were watching the Georgia SOS Press conference.
How many audits do they have to do?
One in each suspect state. It just can't be conducted by the Fox who originally counted the chickens in the hen house.

We know there is technology that can
-scan ballots and identify those produced on a copy machine vs an offset printer.
- Identify whether or not the ballot has ever been folded. If it was never folded, it was never in an envelope and therefore isn't a valid ballot because all valid ballots come folded in a security envelope.
-identify batches that were scanned multiple times as we see on the video from Fulton County. Do you not actually see the women taking the ballots out of the scanner, squaring them up again and feeding them through again????? Multiple times for each scanning station.

Plus, if you scan the physical ballots again, multi-scanning of batches will stand out like a sore thumb.

What about matching the count of security envelops to votes cast? That wasn't done in the "recounts".

Analyzing the data feeds as they are sent will identify drops and swaps. There is no rational explanation for Trump's total dropping by x and Biden's miraculously rising by the exact same amount.

Trump's people were monitoring the data transfers due to his 2018 executive order. Why haven't we seen those files?

What happened to the servers that were confiscated in Germany?

Why were ballots from Republican leaning precincts printed with barcodes to facilitate signature matching but those from Democrat leaning precincts have no barcodes causing the signature match to be bypassed?

Why were the signature matching settings set so low that the rejected only a fraction of a percent of the scans rather than 10% or whatever was previously "normal".

Why were so many ballots sent to adjudication? Could printing the ballots purposely misaligned have caused that? Who sent the proof to the printer? Did the printer know what he was doing when he printed the mis-aligned ballots? Did he know he was contributing to manipulating an election? You really need to watch some of the Georgia testimony.

If there is nothing to see, why is it so hard to get an actual audit. What are they afraid will be found?? Only guilty people are afraid of actual evidence.

The simplest way to shut me up is to stop acting guilty and allow the audit. Unless that happens, you are never going to convince me that this election wasn't stolen.

In most elections, the cheating is penny-ante. It swings local elections and local referendums. Doesn't mean we shouldn't attempt to stop it. But this time, hundreds of thousands of votes were swung by several methods including the old-fashioned dead people voting for Democrats. Why have the Democrats cornered the dead people vote?
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I can't see the point of this arguing over the idiot. It's obvious Pat is obsessed with him, ok that's fine, I fancy Cindy Crawford. Pat says I am not well read (in other words, stupid) but, remember sometimes when you are in the middle of a chaotic mess, you can't see the whole picture, we on the outside can, your love for Trump indicates you are not so well read after all.
The thing is, the idiot will be out of office on the 21st. Someone appearing more sensible will be in power. Their job is to restore the USA to a creditable power and not a worldwide joke internationally and most of all, to bring the pandemic in the USA under control. Then gradually undo the damage the idiot has done within the USA.
To the USA, I say good luck, but while you are so divided, it's going to be a long hard slog, whites still hate blacks, if blacks can riot over the slightest thing they will, the populace thinks Covid is a hoax and lockdown infringes on human rights. Stop being a world joke and do something meaningful, you reckon you're the greatest nation (you're not at the moment) but you can be again in time. Think of the great things you have done, man on moon, super technology inventions, KFC etc.
I know some here will think I am exaggerating, but I'm not. Just sit back and reflect.

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