Biden on Healing and Unity

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 05:13
Jul 5, 2006
Biden ran a campaign calling for healing and unity. That he, as President, would represent ALL people, including those who did not vote for him. Approximately half of the those voting, did not vote for Biden. Last night, Greg Gutfeld of Fox News did a "deep dive" concerning how "healing and unity" can be achieved. Healing and unity, for example, does not mean that the "losing" side should roll-over and simply acquiesce to the demands of "winning" side. Unity is not the "losing" side giving-up their ideals and adopting what the "wining" side unilaterally demands. Healing and unification should mean compromise. Compromise, should mean that the "winning" side still recognizes that those on the "losing" have viewpoints that must be recognized and not trampled on. As the incoming President and head of the Democratic Party, it is up to Biden (as a leader) to be the first to reach-out and offer the "olive branch" of peace to the Republicans. That offer needs to recognize, as a demonstration of compromise, that some of what Republicans have wanted, in terms of policy proposals, be retained by Democrats.

So far Biden loquaciously pontificates eloquently on the high ideals of healing and unity, but has done nothing to make any of these professed ideals a reality. That makes Biden's calls nothing more than empty political theater "hot air".
  • Biden, according to the headlines that I have seen, proposes through Executive Orders to undo many of Trump's Executive Orders. While, it would his right to do so, where does Biden propose to retain certain Executive Orders and/or other Republican policies in the spirit of compromise?
  • Many on the "left" have resurrected the hyperbolic hysteria of McCarthyism that includes censoring conservatives, proposing the creation of "enemy lists", proposing the establishment of "truth commissions", the firing of people who supported Republicans, not hiring people who supported Republicans. This is very divisive and hate filled rhetoric. The "cancel culture" is running out-of-control. Biden, as a leader, has yet to speak-out condemning those actions.
  • Some media platforms and some printed media are actively suppressing "free-speech" and manipulating the news. Biden has been silent on protecting "free speech".
  • The US House of Representatives, led by Plelosi, has taken unjustified adversarial actions against Republicans, including Trump. Biden, as a supposed leader, if he believes in healing and reunification, should be calling for this hateful divisive rhetoric to end. From what I have seen so far, Biden has stayed aloof of the situation and not acted. Well if Biden really means to heal and unify, he needs to take an active leadership role and condemn the hate filled rhetoric emanating from the House. If Republicans continue to be demonized, bulldozed, and run-over, how is Biden ever going to achieve any hope of healing or unity? Is Biden playing "good cop" versus "bad cop" with Pelosi so that he can appear to be the "good guy"?
For now, Biden has remained aloof of the continuing blood lust by those on the "left" to cleanse the US of conservatives. Consequently, Biden's words of "wisdom" so far, are nothing more than empty political theater not backed-up by action. Biden, if he is to demonstrate any leadership, must be the first to condemn the "lefts" bloodlust and to seek compromise with Republicans by reaching out with an "olive branch" of peace.
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For now, Biden has remained aloof of the continuing blood lust by those on the "left" to cleanse the US of conservatives.
Perhaps he is playing Good Guy, Bad Guy. Keep it at arms length so he is the Good Guy.
Biden plans to govern for all Americans. That doesn't mean compromising the Democrat Policy agenda by retaining any of Trump's "for the rich" policies.

Those who fuelled the January 6th insurrection, including Trump, should get what is coming to them. Do the crime, do the time.

The Republicans have been rejected by the people. Get over it.
Biden plans to govern for all Americans. That doesn't mean compromising the Democrat Policy agenda by retaining any of Trump's "for the rich" policies.
Non-nonsensical. If Democrats, refuse to compromise, how is that governing for all the people in the US?
Obviously, Biden will be governing to serve a select group, Democrats. Trump received nearly 50% of the popular vote. Don't their asperations mean anything? Are you proposing the "Tyranny of the Majority"? Where is Biden's olive branch, as a "victor", to the Republicans so that de-escalation can begin?

Those who fuelled the January 6th insurrection, including Trump, should get what is coming to them. Do the crime, do the time.
That was not an insurrection, just another mostly peaceful protest calling for justice, just as portrayed by the media concerning other justice promotion events. Additionally, consider that many of the Democratic Congress people, prior to the temporary occupation of the Capital, called "insurrection" a legitimate form of protest, called for defunding the police, and asserted police brutality. Now after January 6th they are amazingly all for law-and-order, pro-police, and calling a mostly peaceful protest an "insurrection". Hypocrites.

Moreover, if Antifa and/or BLM had conducted a similar occupation of the Capital building it would have been trashed and burned. That did not happen. While the Capital building was not trashed or burned; Rioters did Burn Historic St. John's Church in D.C., Deface Monuments Across the City in June 2020. Harris, the soon to be vice-President, even helped setup a bail fund to get those arrested for rioting, looting, and burning out of jail. Will she allow that fund to bailout those arrested on January 6th as a demonstration of equal justice?
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Biden plans to govern for all Americans. That doesn't mean compromising the Democrat Policy agenda by retaining any of Trump's "for the rich" policies.
That seems naiive and overly optimistic. Nobody governs for all Americans; rather, their top-of-mind is their constituency...those who got and keep them in power. I mean it sounds nice, but I don't think anybody quite does it.

Those who fuelled the January 6th insurrection, including Trump, should get what is coming to them. Do the crime, do the time.
I can agree with that - except for the word Fueled, which is too vague and overbroad. (If we really believed that sincerely, we'd want to put all of the legislators and leaders - practically the entire Democract party and most of professional sports - would be behind bars for enthusiastically cheering on BLM protests - and continuing to enthusiastically cheer them on long after we could tell that they often devolved into violence).

But those who actually trespassed or hurt someone - yep, do the time, I agree. All violence and trespassing should be condemned, not just right wing.

The Republicans have been rejected by the people. Get over it.
They've been rejected by half the people. As @isladogs signature says, never give up. :cool:
Non-nonsensical. If Democrats, refuse to compromise, how is that governing for all the people in the US?
Obviously, Biden will be governing to serve a select group, Democrats. Trump received nearly 50% of the popular vote. Don't their asperations mean anything? Are you proposing the "Tyranny of the Majority"? Where is Biden's olive branch, as a "victor", to the Republicans so that de-escalation can begin?

That was not an insurrection, just another mostly peaceful protest calling for justice, just as portrayed by the media concerning other justice promotion events. Additionally, consider that many of the Democratic Congress people, prior to the temporary occupation of the Capital, called "insurrection" a legitimate form of protest, called for defunding the police, and claimed that police abused their power. Now after Jauary 6th they are all for law-and-order and calling a mostly peasuful protest an "insurrection". Hypocrites.
Anyway, Biden doesn't have what he needs to pass anything terribly awfully progressive. He would need 60 senate votes for a lot of things, and he doesn't have them.
If he simply turns to executive orders to do everything, he'll probably end up rebuffed by the supreme court--same as Trump often was.
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Anyway, Biden doesn't have what he needs to pass anything terribly awfully progressive. He would need 60 senate votes for a lot of things, and he doesn't have them.
If he simply turns to executive orders to do everything, he'll probably end up rebuffed by the supreme court--same as Trump often was.
A valid point. Time will tell.
It is difficult for Biden to govern for all Americans when one half of the country wants the opposite to the other half, regarding policy. One of the few overlapping elements is an economy that provides wealth and jobs. Think of two Venn diagrams, where the overlap is the common ground.
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It is difficult for Biden to govern for all Americans when one half of the country wants the opposite to the other half of the country regarding policy. One of the few overlapping elements is an economy that provides wealth and jobs for the country. Think of two Venn diagrams, where the overlap is the common ground.
Agreed. One of the things Trump used to say that I actually strongly agree with, totally divorced from my 'political' views, but just as a social and psychological thing, is that success brings people together. As a broad generalization, I think our "differences" would be felt much, much less if most everyone was doing OK materially. It is usually people who perceive themselves as hurting who cause a ruckus, and people who are not hurting then react to that in various ways. But if there were no ruckus-es to begin with, and all that was left was minor quibbles over social/value system related things, it would not seem so dire--it would be much better.

That's why despite the fact that the left made fun of Trump over 401k's, it's a real, sincere, viable strategy. When people are all doing well the rest falls together much more so than not.
Under Trump we had record breaking prosperity, and yet we are still fighting.:cool:
Under Trump we had record breaking prosperity, and yet we are still fighting.:cool:
But wouldn't you say
1) the press tried hard to convince us we were not doing ok materially, although the numbers did not lie
2) covid overtook everything.

Take covid out of the equation, and we would have been fighting a lot less and Trump would be president right now
Occasionally even fake news CNN discloses some tidbit that Biden, as the victor, continues to promote divisiveness instead of healing.

Biden transition team denies outgoing acting defense secretary transitional office space

The Biden transition team has declined to give outgoing acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller office space and resources for his transition out of the role, according to a Biden transition official.
It is typically a courtesy to provide transitioning office space and resources to departing secretaries of defense, and the decision reflects the extraordinary bitterness of the presidential transition.

I'm sure that the Trump team may have done similar dirty tricks to hinder the Biden team from assuming office. That wouldn't be surprising as we already know that Trump is an "evil" person who would play that type of obstructionist game. But nice guy Biden ran on a campaign of healing and unity. It is also up to the victor to show some graciousness to the side losing as a means of ending bitter political strife. Seems that the Biden team is acting as a bully by ungraciously kicking the opposition while they are down and defenseless. The Biden people are not sending any positive signal that they are even interested in healing and unity, only in pursing vindictive actions. Once again, where is Biden in terms of actually promoting healing and unity?

Seems that the new boss, despite what he publicly proclaims, is still endorsing divisiveness and retribution instead of healing.

As an editorial aside, a serious mistake made by Trump when he assumed office was not purging his new administration of all the political appointees of the Obama administration. Comey being one such example of a person left behind who sabotaged Trump. Biden will probably not make that mistake. Let the purge begin.
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A particularly nauseating article from CNN: Trump's legacy will take years to purge from the American psyche. Others on the left have expressed similar viewpoints. As one example, Katie Couric demanding that Trump cultists be "deprogrammed". Essentially, the viewpoint of nearly 74 Million people (almost 500% of the electorate) are being trampled on and must be excised.

Why this post? It demonstrates that those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) will be continuing the pogrom of canceling those who supported Trump. Biden ran on a campaign of being "good old" Joe seeking healing, unity, and resrtoring the soul of America. So far Biden has stayed aloof and done nothing. Now that Biden is assuming the Presidency, will he finally stand-up and display the leadership necessary to begin the healing process?
I'm not sure how Biden can give away anything. If you have US bonds, sell them and short the dollar. Of course, with China being our biggest debt holder, this could backfire on China Joe. Our debt was creeping up under Trump. He kept getting out-foxed by Pelosi and having to sign horrendous spending bills filled with pork. Joe is going into them whole hog.

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