Black Privilege

On this subject, I must admit to mixed feelings. Since my college days half-a-century ago, I can see SOME signs of improvement. However, that comment about not being shot with fully automatic weapons is true only because most cops carry holstered semi-automatic pistols. They keep the fully-automatic stuff in the trunk.

I can see the victim mentality that causes people of color to sometimes resist police detention, which leads to unfortunate escalation. I can see that there is an attitude problem with police that perhaps encourages that victim mentality. In a way it is a reflection of the increasingly confrontational nature of USA interactions between otherwise ordinary people. Our politics is screwed up. Our police/community relationship is screwed up. I sometimes wonder if the problem is merely that WE are screwed up.
I'm not sure I understand this one. I think that the black lady is taking the piss out of a white lady dying, and doesn't get cancelled but when the white lady takes the piss out of a black guy dying, she does get cancelled .. Have I got that right?

In the UK, we don't usually have police carrying guns. Plus, gun usage is not taught in schools like in the USA. Therefore, your average UK citizen like me has never seen a real gun.
So my question is this :- what is the difference between a semi automatic and an automatic gun? Or perhaps a non-automatic gun?

I realise Americans here will think I'm stupid and I know I may get sarcastic comments from those here who hate me, but it's an innocent question.
Actually Col a lot of Americans have never seen a gun and in my liberal state you aren't going to see it taught in schools. Many people, especially those in the media and in politics, wouldn't know an assault rifle from a water pistol. They think AR-15s are assault weapons. They are semi automatic, no more deadly then your average semi automatic side arm. In fact, some side arms use a more powerful round. They just look scarier and their magazines hold more rounds than a concealed carry side arm.
Semi automatic, you pull the trigger once, one round is fired and the next round goes into the chamber. Automatic, you pull the trigger and many rounds fire. Non automatic would be like a six shooter that cowboys in the old westerns used.
On this subject, I must admit to mixed feelings. Since my college days half-a-century ago, I can see SOME signs of improvement. However, that comment about not being shot with fully automatic weapons is true only because most cops carry holstered semi-automatic pistols. They keep the fully-automatic stuff in the trunk.

I can see the victim mentality that causes people of color to sometimes resist police detention, which leads to unfortunate escalation. I can see that there is an attitude problem with police that perhaps encourages that victim mentality. In a way it is a reflection of the increasingly confrontational nature of USA interactions between otherwise ordinary people. Our politics is screwed up. Our police/community relationship is screwed up. I sometimes wonder if the problem is merely that WE are screwed up.
I live really far away from the US, namely in Romania (and sadly too close to Comrade Putin) but along the years I took a great interest in the US society. I actually travelled a lot, including in the US, I spent 17 years in Japan and I would like to consider myself an objective intellectual. I don’t base my opinions on gut feelings, rather I read about a subject/topic as much as I can, I get informed and then I come to a conclusion. So, if you want my “outsider” opinion on this matter, I think it is a complex issue. The Doc_Man has a good point, there are problems with politics and with the police/community interaction. But I get the feeling things have generally evolved in the positive direction since, say the 1960s. I can understand that a black person my be discriminated when looking for a job but I also can see from US statistics/studies that in general that population segment suffers from lower educational standards which in turn is a matter of upbringing/social values/family finances etc. and this in turn leads to discrimination in the labor market. In all fairness, a person should get a job based on his/her potential and work ethics, not color. There are many issues on the table that I may not fully understand, being an outsider. But this is what I don’t get. So we all agree there are two societies in the US, the white one and the black one. Why the black society does not have a sort of leader, not necessarily a political person? For example, why Denzel or Morgan Freeman or say Neil deGrasse Tyson [public persons with immaculate images/moderate/mature attitudes and hence people who could inspire] do not do more for their community? I say “their” because they are Americans but they also are black Americans. It seems to me that whenever a black person gravitates away from the problems of their societies, they don’t look back. Also, another thing that I don’t understand is why the victim mentality is not present in the Asian community. I mean, why don’t we see something like ALM (Asian Lives Matter)? One possible answer to this is that the Asian communities are much better organized, with a common goal (to prosper) and an innate appetite for hard work.
For example, why Denzel or Morgan Freeman or say Neil deGrasse Tyson [public persons with immaculate images/moderate/mature attitudes and hence people who could inspire] do not do more for their community? I say “their” because they are Americans but they also are black Americans. It seems to me that whenever a black person gravitates away from the problems of their societies, they don’t look back. Also, another thing that I don’t understand is why the victim mentality is not present in the Asian community. I mean, why don’t we see something like ALM (Asian Lives Matter)? One possible answer to this is that the Asian communities are much better organized, with a common goal (to prosper) and an innat
The black community can not be compared with the Asian community, the blacks forefathers were slaves in America and over the years they have made improvements in their relevance in America, also the history of America cannot be complete without reference to the contribution of the blacks and the deprivation of the native Americans, I.e I think they are called Red Indians
can see the victim mentality that causes people of color to sometimes resist police detention, which leads to unfortunate escalation
This also can be traced to their forefathers been slaves, in South Africa for example Blacks are still under privileged because Education was not prioritised by their fore fathers while the Whites were in political power.The whites are still in Economic power in SA. The lesson is that it can take decades or centuries to change the mentality of a group of people.
The black community can not be compared with the Asian community, the blacks forefathers were slaves in America and over the years they have made improvements in their relevance in America, also the history of America cannot be complete without reference to the contribution of the blacks and the deprivation of the native Americans, I.e I think they are called Red Indians
In the 19th century the Chinese in the US and Canada had also a semi-slave status. They are famous for having built railways with minimal pay and plenty of abuse. Not that different from the cotton plantations from the South. So the idea that only black people had a major social disadvantage does not really hold. See for example:
Building the Railway - Province of British Columbia (
But you still did not answer my crucial question about the lack of leadership in the black community. I think that would solve many issues. By "leadership" I mean someone who is mentally/intellectually above the average of the community he/she belongs to, somebody that suffered just like the other individuals and hence has the power but also the responsibility to do something for his/her peers. Take for instance Denzel. He surely suffered from discrimination. But he fought back hard and turned a negative into a positive. He is smart, cool, a self-made man. If I recall correctly he even wanted to be a pastor, not an actor. Why does he not give guidance to black communities and help more? He seems happy and content in his ivory tower, just like many other black personalities. It is not possible for a white fellow to take up this task because by default he lacks credibility with the black community, being white. So Denzel and the like could be/should be some sort of social lubricant, for the lack of a better metaphor. Yet I don't see any of them doing much.
Anyway, the truth is that the human species is ugly. Suffice is to see clips from the 1992 LA riots. US cops beating the hell out of Rodney King was just inhumane. But so was the beating of random white people by black mobs thereafter. Just because they were white. There is a clip where a black young men says "kill the whites and Asians, leave alone the Mexicans". So somehow, in the the black community's mind there was an association between whites and Asians. Needless to say, whites and Asians have nothing in common apart from the drive to work and be self-determined/independent.

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