Black Privilege

how do you know that certain others hate you? I never said anything.
Twenty odd years of posting here. Some people here don't like the truth or an opinion from a non American so they diss any comment.
Some people here don't like the truth or an opinion from a non American
That seems odd colin because this is a United Kingdom based forum. Maybe they just don't like you as a person who knows. And speaking of the truth, I don't think I've ever heard you mention that :-)
an innate appetite for hard work
+1 (y)

Structural racism doesn't exist any more. EVERYONE in this country who is legal wakes up with the same opportunities that I do.

Wake up
Go to work
Be on time
Work hard, act professionally, do a good job
Get promoted, or at least, stay on the job for a year or two
Get another (better) job, with your experience
Pretty soon you're in management, or you've specialized and making more $, or if that doesn't work try community college - it's extremely cheap, anyone can afford part time evening classes.

Buying a home: Be consistent with your bills. Be responsible. Don't borrow more than you can pay back. Now your credit goes up, you can afford that 98% FHA mortgage like the next guy can. If you want to live in the "suburbs", you certainly can. Nobody's forcing you to live in Manhattan, move to where houses are cheap if you need to. I moved all over when I was younger, following opportunity and work. I was willing and I worked hard - and was consistent in doing so, so bosses kept me around.

Every legal resident of the US has those exact same opportunities. You just have to be willing to wake up every morning and actually go do them, consistently, and with very little time you can be quite comfortable.

I just noticed an OTA (occupational therapy assistant) program in my area. 1.5 year program. Community college-type prices (Cheap). It's full time, but it's what I would consider a "light" full time load, about 12 credits - you could definitely still work something like 3-10 PM most days.

After 1.5 years you graduate, and they pay them on average $40/hr - $35 if in a school, $75 if in a hospital or elderly home.
We're talking about a 1.5 yr program that leads to between $80 and $120k a year.

There are tons of these professions. Start with healthcare and go to others if you don't like them.

And if you want your kids to grow up successfully, 50+ years of data makes it pretty clear what to do. Plan on having a real family, where 2 people marry and stay married for life. Congratulations: You just gave your kids the #1 "privilege" in the USA, based on virtually every success metric anyone has ever thought of: A 2-parent household. Call it old fashioned, call it biblical, call it whatever -- it's what works.

People in the USA really must stop complaining, the sooner you stop, the sooner you realize it wasn't going to get you anywhere anyway.
There are people in other countries who have NONE of those job opportunities - and THEY WANT TO WORK.
Shame on the USA for being so da*n lazy--that's right, I came right out and said it.
People in the USA really must stop complaining, the sooner you stop, the sooner you realize it wasn't going to get you anywhere anyway.
There are people in other countries who have NONE of those job opportunities - and THEY WANT TO WORK.
Shame on the USA for being so da*n lazy--that's right, I came right out and said it.
Plan on having a real family, where 2 people marry and stay married for life. Congratulations: You just gave your kids the #1 "privilege" in the USA, based on virtually every success metric anyone has ever thought of: A 2-parent household.

Morgan Freeman... Wow!


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