

New member
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Today, 15:46
Apr 2, 2023
How could I do these?
I saw a tiktok video. There the guy gives any Name and the meaning of the very name is coming out.. Please let me know how to do this ... Thank you in advance
I don't know what the guy in the tiktok video is doing, but you can easily accomplish that using a http request to some web service that gives you the definition of names. You make the function in VBA or use the built-in feature of the newest versions of Excel for that.
@AlaminK - please do not delete your question once you have an answer - otherwise the answer becomes meaningless. By all means edit your post to say 'answer in post #2' or similar.

I have reinstated your question
How could I do these?
I saw a tiktok video. There the guy gives any Name and the meaning of the very name is coming out.. Please let me know how to do this ... Thank you in advance

The best thing you can do for yourself is uninstall TikTok and never come anywhere near it again.
It could also be done by using a lookup function that checks a list of definition in the same worksheet, same workbook, another workbook, some access database, a text file, hardcoded definitions, and many other ways.

The best thing you can do for yourself is uninstall TikTok and never come anywhere near it again.
I disagree.
You will be programmed to disagree until about 3 months after stopping.
I solved this another way. I am not a member of ANY of the major social media apps. No FB, Twitter, TikTok, etc. This forum is my major source of public posts. I have one other outlet that I use sparingly but it is not a social media outlet either. It is a news service that allows commenting.
Maybe the watercooler board is the tiktok of a few posters over here.
Maybe .. minus all the programming that addicts to the interface and the waves of fads that wash to and fro on TikTok, where something can be unheard of one minute and 99.9% followed the next, and the emotional addiction of being followed
I solved this another way. I am not a member of ANY of the major social media apps. No FB, Twitter, TikTok, etc. This forum is my major source of public posts. I have one other outlet that I use sparingly but it is not a social media outlet either. It is a news service that allows commenting.

Me neither. With only exceptions where I was forced to create an account for a temporary reason - i.e. a Facebook account to communicate with a close friend while he was on a trip to Europe, a Twitter account to watch Tucker Carlson's videos.

(I do have LinkedIn, but I don't consider that social media, I consider it a Work/Resume type of function .... although sadly it has degraded in recent years to mostly being a place for indoctrination and mumbo-jumbo touchy-feely stuff about diversity, etc).

But definitely no normal usage of FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
It could also be done by using a lookup function that checks a list of definition in the same worksheet, same workbook, another workbook, some access database, a text file, hardcoded definitions, and many other ways
Thank you very much for your kind responses. Could you please provide me a template for such thing kindly? Or could you help to create such file with VBA function ore build-in fearure? I already have been using MS Office 2021.. I would be very grateful if you would help me..
Asking the question this way almost defeats the intent of the forum. Our friend 561414 listed half-a-dozen general ways to do this kind of lookup. Any of them COULD work. We can create all sorts of solutions, but we have no idea about your environment. Since this is posted in an Excel forum, we have a hint as to that environment, but it is more than this. To have a list of keywords and meanings that go with them requires you to have an infrastructure that can support what you just requested. You can have this in a file, in a database, an array in memory, any of a number of ways.

To say "Just provide a template" can't happen without knowing what else is available and how much of that is available. The way you asked that question and also the way you asked the original question makes me think you have no idea how much work is involved in this project. Among other things, you would need a list of words and definitions that would take a LOT of time and effort to gather. Then you would need some way that you are willing to set up to perform the individual lookups, however they might be managed.

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