$83.3 Million Ouch! (2 Viewers)


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 05:48
Mar 30, 2012
Defaminng is expensive. Remember, it was jury, not Joe Biden. ButwhataboutHuntereslaptop? In days, what's the over and under , in days, before he asks you to send him money.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 05:48
Mar 14, 2017
What is defaminng?
I think with NYC juries, everything is expensive lol


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 05:48
Mar 30, 2012
Damage the good reputation of (someone); slander or libel.

The number was based on how much it would take for him to stop. In his lastest posts he did not mention her name. So, for now, that number was $83.3 million. And, he had a crappy lawyer.


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 05:48
Mar 30, 2012
Its bull. She has no character.
And Trump does? It was edjucated in a court of law. He will not use competant lawyers because good lawyers will follow the law and not just do what Trump, The litigator in chief, wants them to do. Plus, when does all the winning start? You would think folks would get tirred of losing. Plus, there si the $370 mill in the fraud case. But he is so rich he will ask you for money to cover the judgements.


Local time
Today, 08:48
Jan 11, 2013
Should the over / under on when he defames her again be in hours or days?

I feel a little bit , extremely little bit, sorry for Habba. She really put her career in the crapper. Such a poor performance. Embarrassing.

Less than 3 hours of deliberations is incredibly fast.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 05:48
Mar 14, 2017
Should the over / under on when he defames her again be in hours or days?

I feel a little bit , extremely little bit, sorry for Habba. She really put her career in the crapper. Such a poor performance. Embarrassing.

Less than 3 hours of deliberations is incredibly fast.
Not for a jury in NYC deciding something about Donald Trump

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 08:48
Feb 19, 2002
Defaminng is expensive. Remember, it was jury, not Joe Biden. ButwhataboutHuntereslaptop? In days, what's the over and under , in days, before he asks you to send him money.
Except that Trump cannot charge her with defamation because he is a public figure. She gets to accuse him of sexual assault with no facts. He is prevented from defending himself and when he does, she accuses him of defamation. She accused him of a heinous crime and those with TDS of course believe her despite the flaws in her memory and complete inability to provide any concrete facts which Trump might have been able to use to exonerate himself. So now, in "their" democracy, the defendant, if they don't like him, doesn't get to provide any defense because it might offend the person who accused him??????????? It is really good for you that there wasn't a person (man or woman) living in the state of NY who hated you enough to charge you with a sex crime last year because you would not have been able to defend yourself either and it would have cost you a ton of money to just go to trial and we would all be oooing and ahhing over what an awful person you are. No facts required, simply "j'accuse" And, if you dare to even try to defend yourself publically, you get charged with the crime of defaming the person who accused you. WHAT COUNTRY ARE WE LIVING in people?

The "law" that was used to enable this woman to accuse Trump of sexual assault and get her case heard was specifically passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor in 2022 so that it could be used to allow this woman to accuse Trump of doing something completely outrageous and unbelievable. It seems to have come from a Law & Order episode rather than from reality.

Damage the good reputation of (someone); slander or libel.
SHE DEFAMED HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do you not understand that? Her accusation was political and a fabrication and done with malice aforethought. She is even being funded in this endeavor by a Trump hater with the specific intention of keeping him off the ballot in 2024.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:48
May 22, 2010
Might be a while before this is settled on appeal, crazy woman's attorney and the judge had a close undisclosed relationship in the 90's.

Trump's firebrand attorney Alina Habba claimed she was unaware that Judge Lewis Kaplan and Carroll's lawyer Roberta Kaplan - who are not related - worked together in the early 1990s, with the judge serving as her 'mentor', reports the New York Post.

'It was never disclosed. It’s insane and so incestuous,' Habba said, arguing their alleged close relationship was never disclosed and she only became aware of it after the conclusion of the case.

There's always a Biden connection.

Roberta Kaplan also represents President Biden’s daughter Ashley Biden in the SDNY criminal investigation that led to the guilty pleas of two individuals in connection with the theft of Ashley’s personal diary.

Roberta Kaplan spouse is Rachel Lavine high ranking member of Biden's cabinet.


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 05:48
Mar 30, 2012
Except that Trump cannot charge her with defamation because he is a public figure. She gets to accuse him of sexual assault with no facts. He is prevented from defending himself and when he does, she accuses him of defamation. She accused him of a heinous crime and those with TDS of course believe her despite the flaws in her memory and complete inability to provide any concrete facts which Trump might have been able to use to exonerate himself. So now, in "their" democracy, the defendant, if they don't like him, doesn't get to provide any defense because it might offend the person who accused him??????????? It is really good for you that there wasn't a person (man or woman) living in the state of NY who hated you enough to charge you with a sex crime last year because you would not have been able to defend yourself either and it would have cost you a ton of money to just go to trial and we would all be oooing and ahhing over what an awful person you are. No facts required, simply "j'accuse" And, if you dare to even try to defend yourself publically, you get charged with the crime of defaming the person who accused you. WHAT COUNTRY ARE WE LIVING in people?

The "law" that was used to enable this woman to accuse Trump of sexual assault and get her case heard was specifically passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor in 2022 so that it could be used to allow this woman to accuse Trump of doing something completely outrageous and unbelievable. It seems to have come from a Law & Order episode rather than from reality.

SHE DEFAMED HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do you not understand that? Her accusation was political and a fabrication and done with malice aforethought. She is even being funded in this endeavor by a Trump hater with the specific intention of keeping him off the ballot in 2024.
I understnd that in the first trial one of the jurors was a Trump supporter, be said that he had to follow the law.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 08:48
Feb 19, 2002
I understnd that in the first trial one of the jurors was a Trump supporter, be said that he had to follow the law.
So, does that mean that she didn't defame him by accusing him of sexual assault with no witnesses, no proof, not even a month and year, let alone a specific day. Just a storyline that resembles a Law & Order episode.

So, when did you stop beating your spouse?


Local time
Today, 08:48
Jan 11, 2013
So, does that mean that she didn't defame him by accusing him of sexual assault
Yes, it does. In order to defame it must be a non-truthful statement. The Jury found that he did indeed sexually abuse her, therefore her statement is true and not defamatory.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 05:48
Mar 14, 2017
Have you guys read the story about this woman who she really was her lifestyle etc? She has spent her whole life in career being absolutely obsessed with the subject of ra**. Said some rather bizarre and controversial things about it as well as claiming that she learned sex tips from her dog.

To me she fits the perfect profile of a woman spurned and thus resentful who no one has ever desired and wanted to get back at the world somehow


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 05:48
Mar 14, 2017
Yes, it does. In order to defame it must be a non-truthful statement. The Jury found that he did indeed sexually abuse her, therefore her statement is true and not defamatory.
Classic series of torts which essentially leaves a person unable to even say out loud that they believe they're innocent.

I accuse you of something, you claim you didn't do it, I sue you for doing it which has a very low standard of proof, you then in the eyes of the law have done it and therefore you saying you were innocent is now giving rise to another tort claim of mine, defamation.

It's a dirty use of tort law but apparently pretty common and open to anyone with a little capital to burn.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 08:48
Feb 19, 2002
Yes, it does. In order to defame it must be a non-truthful statement. The Jury found that he did indeed sexually abuse her, therefore her statement is true and not defamatory.
And when did you stop beating your wife?

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