Ouch # 2

That's not an answer to my question, but a deflection. Do you think that all the conservative judges that ruled agaist Trump were less than impartial. Simple question.
Your reply was the deflection. My answer was directly related to your statement that you think judges are being impartial. So if you think that, then you will agree that Mar-a-Lago is worth $18M, just like judge Arthur Engoron says, right? If you think it is worth more than $18M then it would suggest that the judge is indeed not impartial and your whole argument based on judge impartiality collapses.
So you think Mar-a-Lago is worth $18M, like the judge Arthur Engoron believes?
It's a commercial property. The $18 to 26 million valuation is from the Palm Beach County Assessor, not the judge. The same guy who did the valuation on my place in palm beach county. M-A-L is valued on the income it produces. Trump in 1995 signed a deed of conservation and preservation easement, which means he ceded the right to use the property for anything other than a social club.

What if Mar-a-Lago were for sale?​

The former president has never publicly expressed a desire to sell Mar-a-Lago. But if he did, the club would most likely be positioned to would-be buyers as an income-producing asset.

But it’s also a one-of-a-kind trophy property, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Intracoastal Waterway with a mansion originally built in 1927 for cereal heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post and her then-husband, stockbroker E.F. Hutton.

Several agents and brokers said that if sold in this market, Mar-a-Lago would be worth about $400 million at a bare minimum and perhaps as much as $550 million or even more.
It's a commercial property. The $18 to 26 million valuation is from the Palm Beach County Assessor, not the judge. The same guy who did the valuation on my place in palm beach county. M-A-L is valued on the income it produces. Trump in 1995 signed a deed of conservation and preservation easement, which means he ceded the right to use the property for anything other than a social club.
I think you are saying that if he sold M-A-L it would only go for something in that range, is that what you believe?
I think I understand what you are saying. You mean that if a potential president rapes someone, then it is different to if a potential supreme court Justice rapes someone. Or in other words, some rapes are ok to lie about, but others aren't. And you are making a false comparison, because I am not comparing a congressional hearing to someone who broke the law. Instead, I am comparing a group of people who say they believe someone broke the law with another group of people who say the believe someone didn't break the law.

If it is not about belief, why do they have a jury decide? But why have a jury when you have already decided on guilt pre-trial.
I see that you have passed deflection 101. It's not about comparing it to something else. As far as Trump in concerned, he was indicted because a grand jury looked at the evidence and voted to indict. Trumps strategy is to delay the federal trials till after the election, hoping that he will win., then he can make the federal trials go away. It's a crap shoot for him. Selecting supreme court justices have always been political here, for as far back as I can remember. Nixon stacked the court as well as some Democratic Presidents (Clinton may have done so as well). That is the way it works here. Confirmatiom hearings always get snooty regardles of which party is in power. But, that process has absolutely nothing to do with the crimes that Trump is accuesd of. When we declared independence from George 3rd, the founders did not want to have a king that was above the law. 44 presidents in a row relenquished power based on the results of an election. The only exception is Trump, who keeps lying about the election. Only one other President, beside Trump broke the law that was probably going to be tried, Nixon, and he accepted a pardon fom Gerald Ford. If Presidential immunity exists, why did Nixon use it? No other president hoarded classified documents and refused to return them. Only Trump. No other President tried to strong arm local election officials. Only Trump.
No other president hoarded classified documents and refused to return them.
*Cough, Biden *Cough. I know he was only vice-president but that's even worse because he has no authority to remove from the SCIF. He obviously gave them back because he had no authority to have them!

It's ok, I know it was hard to answer my question about judge impartiality. Or the Kavanaugh one.
Your kidding right? If an election is in fact fraudulent or in question in some way, then is he or any other president supposed to bend over and just take it? Making backup plans especially when you determine that there is good reason to believe there was major problems due to the way things were handled (covid caused all kinds of problems), is crucial for beating the clock. Massive mail-in ballots that cannot be properly verified or contested is not fair for either party. There is way more to it than that and unfortunately more time was needed to combat the situation and parse through everything. Like in a chess match, you can lose on time. Unlike a chess match, there were many many small details that were overlooked on purpose in an effort to launder more votes for JB. I for one will never believe that such an incompetent man of corruption could ever get the amount of votes that were tallied in his favor. Never.

The funny thing is, if Trump does indeed win the next election, the democrat's will be doing the same kind of complaining of election fraud the moment he wins. Anyone want to take me up on that bet?
We know that they will complain about that because they did so in 2016 too
So the valuation was in a range from $18M to $26M? I think it says it all if the judge chose the lowest possible figure.
Engoron publicly asked the media to stop attributing the figure to him.
Your reply was the deflection. My answer was directly related to your statement that you think judges are being impartial. So if you think that, then you will agree that Mar-a-Lago is worth $18M, just like judge Arthur Engoron says, right? If you think it is worth more than $18M then it would suggest that the judge is indeed not impartial and your whole argument based on judge impartiality collapses.
I don't give a rats patoot about the value of real estate. It was proven in a court of law that the Trump Family messed with valuation. Moke is correct. The judge did not set the value of the property, an assessor did.
Are you implying that Trump has not broken any laws?
I believe this is a technicality designed to slow the juggernaut that is Donald Trump.

The Democrats know they can't beat Trump in a fair fight, so they throw up dust where and when they can. Honestly, I can't blame them nothing is working, and he doesn't seem to be slowing down. If anything, they're giving him what he wants: attention.

@jpl458 Would you like to see a debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump?
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Engoron publicly asked the media to stop attributing the figure to him.
Do you think that range is realistic for the value of M-A-L, irrespective of who says what?
I don't give a rats patoot about the value of real estate. It was proven in a court of law that the Trump Family messed with valuation. Moke is correct. The judge did not set the value of the property, an assessor did.
If you don't care about the value of real estate, you don't care about what the whole Trump case is based upon. It is up to the judge to decide on what the resale value of the property is, not the assessor. You still don't say if you agree with the assessors valuation and we all know why.
Hillary broke laws. Was she prosecuted?
here's a pretty good explainer https://time.com/4394178/hillary-clinton-email-fbi-investigation/

The laws regarding handling of classified information don’t authorize punishing government officials for carelessness, but they are written so broadly they come close. One section of the Espionage Act, 18USC793(f), for example, says anyone authorized to handle secrets who “through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.” Other laws controlling government secrets are similarly broad, especially with regard to Top Secret material.
He also leaked info on clinton right before the election, so one may say he screwed up in a non partisan way.

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