Are you an atheist? (5 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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Not so. The elephant is predictable for the ant. The chimp is also predictable. On the other hand man is across another threshold and as a result operates in a totally different world.

Rubbish, what happens to the ant when the elephant decides to hose itself down by the river bank?
There are a couple of reasons why atheism does not flourish. The first is that most people don't think too much about it or superatural one way or the other. The average person thinks...something is out there.....and they will go along with formal religions as a social situation, schools etc and leave it at that.

Where's the evidence to back this theory up?
I've never seen a bank close to a river, much less an elephant hosing itself down close to one - ?!?
I've never seen a bank close to a river,


Do pay attention in class:p
I suppose the elephant was accidentally cropped from the picture ?


Do you regard having firstname, middlename and lastname in the same table as being normalised. If so, why and if not, why? Assuming this is the table that holds cutomer/prospect details.

My reason for asking relates to this thread.
If you have evidence it wouldn't be theory would it - ? It would become a fact. ?
Then answer the question in by post above about firstname, middlename and lastname

It has nothing to do with this thread and the question is too limited to give a definitive answer but in general terms they belong in one table
For someone to 100% exclude the possibility of a supernatural is very illogical. One reason being that 100% excludes the possibility of life forms in the universe that are higher than man.

Someone did ask earlier in the thread about a definition of a supernatural. Well, compared to the small lizard or ant in the garden a man is a supernatural. All the ant's instinct's tell it there is no rain about but the man decides to water the garden:D To say that man is the highest in the universe requires a huge leap in faith. But that is required if you 100% exclude a supernatural.
Makes no sense at all. There may be plenty of life forms 'higher' than man. That doesn't make them supernatural any more than steel being harder than gold makes it supernatural.

ShaneMan said:
Just a thought, Friday, but maybe the kind of "god" that would allow these things to happen would/could be the same one that has listened to everyone say they don't want to believe in him, don't want their children to pray to him, don't want to have anything to do with him, do not want to obey his laws, so he has said fine, then do it without my interference and now these folks get to live with the consequences of what they said they wanted. Just a thought (and of course this is based on "if" there is/was a god)
But wouldn't that be the same God who has always allowed these things to happen, regardless of whether everyone was worshipping him or not? Or are you suggesting that there was a point at which these bad things started to happen?

Is there a direct relationship? Back when there was a higher proportion of people who believed in him, everything was fine, people just didn't realise it. As the percentage of believers decreased, the amount of bad things increased.
It has nothing to do with this thread and the question is too limited to give a definitive answer but in general terms they belong in one table

As you will see it does relate to this thread and much more than you might realise.

Would you agree that we put firstname, middlename and lastname on the customer's record because they are unique descriptions of the customer.

Second quetion. If the customer changed his name, would you replace the entries for firstname etc in the customer record in the main table or would you now have another table with two records for the customer and remove the fields firstname etc from the main table.

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