Operating System presently not configured to run...


Registered User.
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Today, 21:39
Jul 10, 2008

After installing my application and A2007 RT on a PC, the app would not run and the error message "The operating system is not presently configured to run this application" was displayed. I used Access own deployment wizard. I converted my accdb to accde.

Can anyone please tell me what is causing this?

Thank you.
Sounds like Office was previously installed on the computer. Look in Add/Remove programs to see if it is there.
(If Office is installed, you might be able to do a "repair" to fix the issue.)

Do a google on removing previous installations of Office.

Just a hunch!
Thanks for the quick reply. I've installed my app on a few other machines where this has not happened. Do you perhaps know why would this particular machine be different?
Previous install?

The only hunch I have at this point, is Office was previously on this machine while it was not installed on the others. Let me know your findings.
You could also check and see if there are any sp updates that need to be installed on the pc.
Speaking of SP updates, SP2 of XP and probably anything on Vista requires signing of anything that contains a macro. Check your security settings.
I have developed this small application with the idea to sell it as a stand-alone. So, reinstalling or installing Service Packs would probably solve the problem - for this single client! I tested my application on about 5 other machines - without a problem. I quess this is just part of the known problem with various versions of Access co-existing on one machine?
I have developed this small application with the idea to sell it as a stand-alone. So, reinstalling or installing Service Packs would probably solve the problem - for this single client! I tested my application on about 5 other machines - without a problem. I quess this is just part of the known problem with various versions of Access co-existing on one machine?

Just make sure you keep a log of what the problem was, when you encountered it and how you fixed it. That will make your life so much easier for the future.
oumahexi, i'm completely moving off the topic now for a personal question - where does your name come from? ouma like in grandmother?
oumahexi, i'm completely moving off the topic now for a personal question - where does your name come from? ouma like in grandmother?

LOL, are you by any chance in South Africa? I had thought of Leuve Hexi, but as my grandchildren call me Oumahexi it's like mud, it kind of sticks ;)
Windhoek, Namibia! I remain stunned at how much the internet shrunk the world :)

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