Another mass shooting

I would actually prefer that you ignore me since you don't understand anything I say and trying to explain myself in small words and short sentences gets exhausting, not to mention being boring for everyone.

You have a strange definition of propaganda for someone who claims to be a student of the subject. I guess in your world, the administration telling social media which posters to censor and what stories to push or suppress doesn't fall into your definition of propaganda. That is just the way the government works in totalitarian regimes. Got to keep the masses in the dark. Don't ever let on that the Hunter Biden laptop story is real. Too damaging to the Biden crime family, but that isn't propaganda.
All I'm saying, is that it takes more intelligence to write less than it does more.
Do you really expect anyone to read your extensive diatribes?
And you make up new meanings for old words. Diatribe???? Really???
A situation you have contributed MUCH to...
I have allowed myself to get off track, it's true. But I would prefer discussing issues, one at a time. Painting with wide brushes lends itself to garnering complete and blind agreement.
When it comes to Trump worship the discussion always turn out the same. A cornucopia of anecdotal evidence being presented as empirical. All negative statements about Trump being countered with "the evil child eating dems"
The easy way through that is not read anything but her first sentence.
What would you call your relentless attack on anything not pro Trump?
Is English your native language? I always feel that we have a language barrier. Clearly you ignore any criticism I make of Trump. Maybe I need to use Google Translate but I'm not sure there is a setting for NewsSpeak.
Some Hezbollah flags on campus


It's a real shame that Iran has been allowed to continued pushing the envelope. They are absolutely a clear and present danger to the security of the entire western world. They out played Israel in this last round. It's hard to imagine that they could play into the hearts and minds of Americans.
At a time when we (humans) are making great strides in every field, despots are still in power. Maybe it's time for the West to reexamine our position on not killing foreign leaders.
They (Iran) new exactly how Israel would react. With all the extra dead bodies. People, Iran were perfectly willing to sacrifice. Hopeful even.

Being the United States, we have more discretion because of our shear size and ability to project power. Israel has limited options. They did what the thought was necessary. The thousands of dead noncombatants has not played well around the world. And rightly not.

it didn't need to be that way. In the propaganda wars Israel failed, and Netanyahu looks like a war criminal.
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The thousands of dead noncombatants has not played well around the world. And rightly not.
How about the massacred Israeli civilians from Oct 7th? Doesn't anyone care about those people? How about the women who were ra*** in front of their family members? Do we care about them?

Israel has bent over backwards to AVOID killing civilians. The pansy's of Hamas hide behind the skirts of women and the carriages of children and the beds of hospital patients because they KNOW that Israel will not wantonly kill civilians. However, Hamas and Hezbollah TARGET civilians. And you are on their side??? OK. We know exactly what you are.
How about the massacred Israeli civilians from Oct 7th? Doesn't anyone care about those people? How about the women who were ra*** in front of their family members? Do we care about them?

Israel has bent over backwards to AVOID killing civilians. The pansy's of Hamas hide behind the skirts of women and the carriages of children and the beds of hospital patients because they KNOW that Israel will not wantonly kill civilians. However, Hamas and Hezbollah TARGET civilians. And you are on their side??? OK. We know exactly what you are.
And yet, Iranian propaganda, has been successful. I was making an observation and about the effects of the spin. And you can't help but believe that I am blaiming Israel. In the first days of the retaliation, Israel gave up the perception of moral superiority.
Iran is an enemy of the world. Everyone should see that.
Why don't they?
In the first days of the retaliation, Israel gave up the perception of moral superiority.
This attack was personal. Your next door neighbor who hates you and who openly calls for the death of you and your entire family came into your house armed to the teeth in the early hours of the morning while you were having breakfast with your wife and children by breaking down your door. At gunpoint they ALL ra** your wife and daughters. Then they kill your sons and they film the entire event and broadcast it live. Maybe they shoot you, maybe they don't. If they don't are you going to just walk away? Not if you're a man you're not.

Why are you calling for Israel to back off? Why are you calling for Israel to lay down and die? Why are you not calling for Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran to lay down their arms and stop the hostilities and return the hostages? I don't know if Hamas has run out of rockets yet but apparently Hezbollah and Iran have taken up the gauntlet and are still bombing Israeli CIVILIANS daily. Children are forced to play in underground bomb shelters. What kind of life can you have when hundreds of bombs fall on your country every day?

Israel will not stop and they should not stop until Hamas is wiped from the face of the earth or surrenders and agrees to actual peace. Short of that, this is a fight to the death and Israel did not start it but they will finish it or no Israeli will ever be able to sleep safely in their homes again. Put yourself in one of those Israeli homes on Oct 7th in the early hours of the morning. Sit in your chair and picture what they saw. This is not some intellectual exercise. This is very personal. I have friends who live in Israel and they are terrified.
And rightly not.
We know what you are. You have made your position very plain. You think you have taken the good and moral position. You feel superior. But you are wrong. You are demanding that the wrong side lay down their arms.
This attack was personal. Your next door neighbor who hates you and who openly calls for the death of you and your entire family came into your house armed to the teeth in the early hours of the morning while you were having breakfast with your wife and children by breaking down your door. At gunpoint they ALL ra** your wife and daughters. Then they kill your sons and they film the entire event and broadcast it live. Maybe they shoot you, maybe they don't. If they don't are you going to just walk away? Not if you're a man you're not.

Why are you calling for Israel to back off? Why are you calling for Israel to lay down and die? Why are you not calling for Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran to lay down their arms and stop the hostilities and return the hostages? I don't know if Hamas has run out of rockets yet but apparently Hezbollah and Iran have taken up the gauntlet and are still bombing Israeli CIVILIANS daily. Children are forced to play in underground bomb shelters. What kind of life can you have when hundreds of bombs fall on your country every day?

Israel will not stop and they should not stop until Hamas is wiped from the face of the earth or surrenders and agrees to actual peace. Short of that, this is a fight to the death and Israel did not start it but they will finish it or no Israeli will ever be able to sleep safely in their homes again. Put yourself in one of those Israeli homes on Oct 7th in the early hours of the morning. Sit in your chair and picture what they saw. This is not some intellectual exercise. This is very personal. I have friends who live in Israel and they are terrified.

We know what you are. You have made your position very plain. You think you have taken the good and moral position. You feel superior. But you are wrong. You are demanding that the wrong side lay down their arms.
As usual you cannot see past your cult like positons.

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