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  1. C

    2007 - Split Database

    maybe these will help. See attached pictures:rolleyes:
  2. C

    2007 - Split Database

    Check Tools --> Options and see if the autotrack features are turned on (not sure what tab they are on but it's two checkboxes below each other). If so, clear the checkboxes, compact and repair and that should help. It's on by default and in my experience it's best to turn it off for...
  3. C

    Changing from one mdb to another one with a hlep of VB

    The link below tells you how to do it...
  4. C


    This might be too simple for your approach, but you can always built a query that combines the fields that need to be sortable into one "search" field, for example: Search: [Field1] & [Field2] & [Field3] etc In the criteria for the search field, put the unbound field as a reference using a LIKE...
  5. C

    Creating Charts from Querys

    Ok - what you need to arrive at is a table that looks like this: Month|Year 2007|Year 2008 01 -jan| 100 | 120 02 - feb| 98 | 115 For each year, you want to list out the number of incidents by month. 1) buid a select query that pulls in all your incidents and add two new columns to it...
  6. C

    to display windows database

    You could create an MDE file with those startup options and holding down the SHIFT key won't do any good. I had a similar issue with certain people seeing certain forms in a multi-user front-end/backend environment. I didnt want to have to maintain 4 separate front-end databases and I...
  7. C

    Create table or use queries?

    Creating a table with the actual document data is a good idea, you can then also assign & store document numbers (which might be an appropriate thing to do for legal documents). Also include Print dates and if you wanted you could then create another table that would allow you track mailing...
  8. C

    Filtering nightmare

    If you want to stay within access, there are some sample VBA codes here: Search for "parse" and they'll list several options for parsing a string into several columns.
  9. C

    Creating Charts from Querys

    Create a crosstab query of the incidents and then make a new table based of the query results (the charts can't read from crosstabs in 2003) then use the crosstab table as the chart source. You'll have to rerun the make crosstab query whenever incident data changes or whenever you need to run...
  10. C

    Access idiot..Needs help

    You might be able to use this MS Template of a Contact Management database as a starting point: Then just add fields to the table to capture hours...
  11. C

    Password issue: A2003/A2007 compatibility

    If the problem only exists on the PC running Office 2007 and it works fine on the Office 2003 computer, my guess is that maybe some VBA references are missing or are using the latest versions versus the ones available on the 2003 machine. Try changing the references to the identical .dll used...
  12. C

    Budget Issue

    Not sure I understand your problem/issue. Do you want each hotel to have access to their available budget balances? Just like a really big multi-user database? Or are you doing the budget and just need to distribute the figures to the individual hotels?
  13. C

    Advanced Customization

    oihjk I don;t think I understand the requirements fully. Can you provide some cases like the examples I've put in the attached file ?
  14. C

    Suggestions on design/structure

    I think you are on the right track with the tables the way you have them. Just add another table that associates a job with the required tasks that should get ticked off.
  15. C

    Advanced Customization

    Sounds like the hardest part of this is just determining the different type of contracts. I'd start by creating a new table that holds all the clients/contracts and the criteria for billing that apply, like: Client or Contract|Start Time|End Time|Billing Type Big Factory|07:00|17:00|Standard...
  16. C

    Advanced Customization

    Sounds like the hardest part of this is just determining the different type of contracts. I'd start by creating a new table that holds all the customers and the criteria for billing, like: Client|Start Time|End Time|Billing Type Big Factory|07:00|17:00|Standard Big Factory|17:00|07:00|Premium...
  17. C

    Advanced Customization

    I'd start by creating a new table that holds all the customers and the criteria for billing, like: Client|Start Time|End Time|Billing Type Big Factory|07:00|17:00|Standard Big Factory|17:00|07:00|Premium You might even want to add the days of the week. Once you've got all the clients/billing...
  18. C

    Multi user frontend/backend

    If this is a recent issue, you might try to compact & repair the backend.
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