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    Solved runtime error 3021 no current records

    error strQuery = "[FabricPieceID] between " & pcsid & " and " & pcsid1 & " And " & "

    Solved Filtered Meetings Query By Members

    this is secondary -you need to remember the user when entering the program, and then 2 ways 1- what topics did the user create (if created) and who is invited to these topics (list) 2- what topics of other creators is this user invited to (send invitations)

    How to access text property of a textbox?

    IT WORKED when I removed all Arabic characters in the names of controls and sections of the form and recreated the search field, which by the way requires the full name of the company

    Solved Filtered Meetings Query By Members

    SELECT MembersT.ID AS IDMEM, MembersT.User, MembersT.Meeting, MembersT.DateTime, MeetingT.Creator, MeetingT.Subject, MeetingT.ID AS IDMEE FROM MeetingT INNER JOIN MembersT ON MeetingT.ID = MembersT.Meeting; � ID MEM Mee ting DateTime Creator ID MEE User Subject 4 8 04.03.2022 19:44:56...

    Error: Unrecognized Database

    I have seen the length of the entered text from 5000 to 11000 characters, with many adjustments maybe the user entered this text all day and corrected it for several days, and the font is very small, almost unreadable a subordinate table with fields of 255 characters and a larger font would be...

    Error: Unrecognized Database

    I try not to have long fields (after all, this is an additional hidden table) instead of using a MEMO field, I use a subordinate table with fields, maybe MEMO, but short enough that the active time of working with this paragraph would be relatively small

    FE Database Still Experiencing Bloat

    in my first database there were 2 tables (5000 records and 15000 records, М:М) the initial size is 5MB after running the query 75MB once it did not condense, after several runs of the request it received 1400MВ then I couldn't compress it - the computers were weak then, there was a good archive

    How to access text property of a textbox?

    I prefer filtering by all the main fields, and both by part of the value and by the interval, and not all fields for the filter can be set at the same time, spaces, apostrophes, ampersands in text fields, different character styles (superscripts) are also processed starting the filtering...

    Handling Spaces in Table Names Used as Variables

    tblName = "TableA" fldName = "User ID" sqlStr = "SELECT [" & fldName & "] FROM [" & tblName & "]" & _ " WHERE [" & fldName & "] = '" & rs1.fields("Username") & "'" Set rs1 = currentdb.openrecordset(sqlStr)
  10. SHANEMAC51

    enlarge field with a click

    in the subordinate form, you can add fields 1 who left a note 2 when 3 set the sorting of comments to set their subordination
  11. SHANEMAC51

    enlarge field with a click

    I use it quite often. the pink zone is a zone for filters for each field (there are 12 of them here), according to the format of the fields, strictly above the fields , the yellow zone is closed from accidental damage , the green zone is the zone of the active memo field, for correcting or...
  12. SHANEMAC51

    enlarge field with a click

    what is the maximum length of the text 1- if up to 1000 characters and 1 paragraph, then you can highlight it in a new window for correction 2- if the text is longer or several paragraphs, then I prefer a subordinate table (the fields can also be by, but it is more convenient to adjust the line...
  13. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Text formatting in a report with numbering

    if this is ACCESS, then you can put the number in a separate column, although this work is of course for the WORD template, the bookmarks of which can be filled programmatically a long MEMO field can be divided into paragraphs and put a subordinate table
  14. SHANEMAC51

    Date Calculation

    expr1: DateAdd("M", 24, [Overview Tbl]![Installation Date 1])
  15. SHANEMAC51

    Date Calculation

    it is not clear what you need - to count and lay out several dates possible dates=2022/02/01 will be dates with a periodicity of 24 or 2 months 2022/02/01 2024/02/01 2026/02/01 .... or 2022/02/01 2022/04/01 2022/06/01 ....
  16. SHANEMAC51

    Date Calculation

    apostrophes and ampersands are not allowed in names as spaces and other separators
  17. SHANEMAC51

    Solved DCount and Like

    try this, splitting into substrings for clarity, for the forum =DCount("[strID]", "[tblMaster Table]", "[datDate Application Received] between DateSerial(Year(Date())-1,4,1) And DateSerial(Year(Date())+0,3,31) And [strStatus of Application] like '*Denied'*")
  18. SHANEMAC51

    Is there a way to specify only new records in an append query?

    I'm almost sure that if I buy beer 2 times a day, one of the records will be lost
  19. SHANEMAC51

    using tabindex in VBA to control what gets focus

    the VBA code must be destroyed A FRAGMENT OF THE SEARCH CONDITION IS TYPED IN THE GREEN FIELDS pink - start and reset the filter
  20. SHANEMAC51

    Solved unchecked Displays a confirmation message by XML

    what macros can access - open/close forms/reports - make a launch/menu ribbon - - the dynamic filter will probably also be able to, very much beloved, but it can do - export requests (although I had problems the other day) what can't or is unlikely to be able to (potentially dangerous...
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