A day in the life of an Englishman...

Forget it then. Sorry I spoke. I've deleted the post as it doesn't meet your approval. I forgot you represent the UK populace.
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Forget it then. Sorry I spoke. I've deleted the post as it doesn't meet your approval. I forgot you represent the UK populace.
Colin, as I have said many times, you are entitled to your opinions whether any of us agree or not and this is the water cooler. Your jokes tend to fall flat because they are invariably mean-spirited so I would suggest that you don't quit your day job to go into comedy.
Colin, as I have said many times, you are entitled to your opinions whether any of us agree or not and this is the water cooler. Your jokes tend to fall flat because they are invariably mean-spirited so I would suggest that you don't quit your day job to go into comedy.
I dont have a job. I scrounge off the state. You know, the people you hate and shouldn't be allowed to vote because we're second class citizens.
I dont have a job. I scrounge off the state. You know, the people you hate and shouldn't be allowed to vote because we're second class citizens.
I am not the hater in this conversation. Let me say this in small words. Allowing people who don't pay taxes to decide how tax money is spent is a moral hazard. You don't have to worry. It isn't a popular opinion. It comes from my inner Libertarian.
What would be nice is if only proposals to spend money were the ones where voting was limited to people who paid taxes.

There, is that a softer, gentler approach compared to my previous idea about voting vs. paying taxes in general?
The problem is that voters don't vote on bills. They vote for representatives so there is no way to distinguish. It is the representatives who promise the freebees to get people to vote for them. Even Trump is doing it now with the "no income tax" on tips promise, which Harris has also adopted, not to be out done.

Local spending bills as referendums are for municipal projects like upgrading the water treatment plant. So, even though there are local spending bills, they don't give money or stuff to voters. Except of course in the crazy cities that have so much free money that they vote to give some people monthly money. I only care about that if I live in the city giving my money to others they deem more worthy.
Yeah, the no tax on tips is as bad of an idea (non-politically speaking) as forgiving student loans was. What about the people who make the same amount of money but not in tips? They pay taxes, but the tip-ees don't? Unfair.
But politically speaking, it plays well
The thing about the "no tax on tips" idea is that tips are largely unreported and it takes a lot of IRS manpower to find the cheaters. Who do you think most of those 87,000 new IRS agents will actually be sic'd on? It won't be the rich. It will be the tranuch of taxpayers who cheat the most - people in cash businesses or those who work for tips or who claim the earned income credit.
If you want to help your food server tip in cash, problem solved.
There is where we differ. I do not wish to encourage tax cheats. All that does is to raise taxes for the rest of us. Therefore, I only tip with a credit card. One of my good friends was the controller for a profitable (when she could manage to keep the owner's hands out of the till) family owned restaurant and the place is a hotbed of tax fraud. The servers don't declare their cash tips, the owners hire illegal aliens to work in the kitchen, the owners take money out of the registers at will. One of the sons also has a scam going with the liquor distributor where he invoices for top shelf booze and the owner gets rotgut and pockets the difference. My friend eventually quit because she was sure she was going to end up in trouble when the IRS caught up to the owners because she could see all the laws being broken and never turned them in. But for a year, she was taking home $40,000 + in cash every night to keep the owners from stealing it.
It's odd that it seems Americans use the word 'servers' as opposed to the correct term of 'waiter' or 'waitress'.

So your order sir is poodle and fries?

Thanks to Mr Trump, all the British news stations number one item are saying some Americans eat cats and dogs. I checked the Spanish and French national news who also said Americans eat cats and dogs. It must be true because Mr Trump saw it on TV. Mr Trump has reduced the USA to a world laughing stock it seems.
It's odd that it seems Americans use the word 'servers' as opposed to the correct term of 'waiter' or 'waitress'.
Waiter and waitress are only correct if you are not politically correct. When you are politically correct, those two words are sexist and must be replaced by some new and meaningless word as a substitute. I still can't figure out how the Romance languages are going to resolve this conundrum since pretty much all their nouns have a gender variant. The politically correct now use LatinX, which if my native language were Spanish, I would be insulted by.
The thing about the "no tax on tips" idea is that tips are largely unreported and it takes a lot of IRS manpower to find the cheaters. Who do you think most of those 87,000 new IRS agents will actually be sic'd on? It won't be the rich. It will be the tranuch of taxpayers who cheat the most - people in cash businesses or those who work for tips or who claim the earned income credit.
You make a good point actually, if a lot of it is unreported anyway then maybe the no tax on tips is actually saving the government money from trying to search for the revenue in a place it won't be found usually
Waiter and waitress are only correct if you are not politically correct. When you are politically correct, those two words are sexist and must be replaced by some new and meaningless word as a substitute. I still can't figure out how the Romance languages are going to resolve this conundrum since pretty much all their nouns have a gender variant. The politically correct now use LatinX, which if my native language were Spanish, I would be insulted by.
isn't "server" a relatively newish term in the last 20-30 years?
n't "server" a relatively newish term in the last 20-30 years?
It is new since PC took over the language. However, "server" sounds menial so it isn't used very often.

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