Abortion (1 Viewer)

Your response is an example of avoidance.

Unless your religion says that the other isn't a person yet.

I was never looking for a middle ground because to you it is always and only about the fetus or baby. But there IS a third party, the pregnant woman, and it is HER rights that become somewhat of a problem in this discussion.
Right to terminate a life? When does that right end? Before or after a fetus can survive outside the womb? Medical science is making a fetus more viable earlier in the pregnancy. If a woman, who is 22 weeks or more pregnant, loses that child as a result of an attack or negligence, is that an abortion or a homicide? Is she or her surviving family entitled to justice or compensation? I've known women who miscarried in this time period, or later, and they had named the child and had a burial service, they didn't toss the unborn into the garbage. My husband's five month old nephew who passed before we got married was mourned the same as my brother's daughter who died in her mother's womb at 8.5 months.
Is it morally right to murder the unborn? I am talking the child that could have been had you procreated. Not only have you deprived it of its fetus stage, you have deprived it of any life at all. It is an argument I use against Vegans. Don't kill animals for food because it truncates their life. But eating no meat means there is no meat industry and so you have truncated all their lives, especially the unborn.

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