Access Item Genie demo for Organizing / Tracking your Items

Here are all my changes rolled into the new V12.
  1. Move the LOCATIONS and Total Value labels and text box down to look better. This is subjective.
  2. Widen the locations activex control so it can fit a larger tree. Changes in design view are being overridden.
  3. Add one single space in front of menu items on the left tree view menu.
  4. Set backcolor of the node move button to: Background 1, Darker 15%
  5. Set caption of node move button to: Move To Selected Node
  6. Align all of the darker tree view menu headings and change fore color: Text 1, Lighter 50%
  7. Match the height of the Tree View menu and the Tree View control so everything lines up. There might be something in the code overriding design view settings. Not sure where though.
  8. Remove horizontal scrollbars from all forms that don't need them to avoid the gray bar at bottom.
  9. Remove record selectors from subFrmItems
  10. Fix all of the tab stop issues on all forms.
  11. frmItemGenie in FormatTree add: Indentation = 150
  12. Change form colors to be Themed to Office 2013-2022 Accent 1 and various shades. It should look OK in different themes that a user selects.
  13. Add keyboard shortcuts for the tree menu. Alt-U Alt-D (move node up/down), Alt-L Alt-I (add location or item), Alt-E (dElete Node), Alt-S (App Settings), Alt-B (Bulk Edit), Alt-R (add Root Location).
  14. Fix the subFrmItems scrollbar issue. See last line in code snippet from frmItemGenie code page.

Public Sub LocationSelected(PK As Long)
    Me.tabItems = 0
    Me.tabItems.Pages(1).Visible = False
    Me.subFrmItems.Form.Filter = "Location_ID_FK = " & PK
    Me.subFrmItems.Form.FilterOn = True
    Me.tabItems.Pages(0).Caption = "Items in " & GetLocationName(PK)
    Me.SubfrmLocationDetails.Form.Recordset.FindFirst "Location_ID = " & PK
    Me.subFrmItems.Form.ScrollBars = IIf(Me.subFrmItems.Form.Recordset.RecordCount > 5, 2, 0)
End Sub


Since we are synched ( I made no additional changes since 12), I can baseline this one and post to the original thread.
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Since we are synched ( I made no additional changes since 12), I can baseline this one and post to the original thread.
You are the man Pete.
Just noticed that added items don't get added to the dropdown for finding items. That feature is gonna be super handy after a couple thousand items get entered. Not sure how the combo box works yet with your class. Only after exiting and re-entering the app.
Add this event
Private Sub cmboFindItem_Enter()
End Sub
You have to use the requery method of the class
I found a bug in the saving and deleting of images for an item. The problem manifests when an item is added and an image is added, but then later the item name is changed to a different value. This should not be allowed unless the image is deleted first due to the name association with the image. As soon as you change the name of the item, the stored image for that item becomes out of sync with the old name that the image had and can only be deleted manually. Yes the image appears to delete from the app form OK, but the folder still contains the supposedly deleted image and it has the original PK&ItemName instead of the new name.

Maybe a test to see if an image exists before allowing the user to change the name of the item. "Warning, there is an image associated with the original item name, please delete the image first and change the name. Then add the same image again." Something like that might work.

UPDATE: I guess it doesn't make any difference with the name. The files never get deleted from the folder no matter what the name is.
In the next V15 I will rename the files when a name is changed keeping the link
I will delete a file when an item is deleted. I left this out when testing as I was adding and deleting did not want to lose the files.

I added 14 which allows you to choose between the three sort orders.
In the next V15 I will rename the files when a name is changed keeping the link
I will delete a file when an item is deleted. I left this out when testing as I was adding and deleting did not want to lose the files.

I added 14 which allows you to choose between the three sort orders.
But what if you just want to delete the image only so it can be replaced with a new one? I wouldn't want to delete the whole item just to change the image. Maybe you were referring to the delete image button?

Of course, the new V14 version did not upload again.
When you "Clear" the image or delete the record I will prompt the user if "Do you want to delete the associated Image". If yes then I will delete the file. If not I will rename the file with a prefix "Unused_Image_OldImageName". Then it will be easy to find the unused images.
When you "Clear" the image or delete the record I will prompt the user if "Do you want to delete the associated Image". If yes then I will delete the file. If not I will rename the file with a prefix "Unused_Image_OldImageName". Then it will be easy to find the unused images.
That is a great way to simplify things. I was renaming my images just so I could find them, but if you do it that way, I could just leave the default name right off the phone and not worry about renaming.
I could just leave the default name right off the phone and not worry about renaming.
The way it works now is that when you browse for an image it copies a file into the correct folder and renames it automatically to create the link.
It purposely does not delete the original file. It could be a setting to give you a choice to "keep orignal images" or "delete original Images". Or it could be a prompt "Image was copied into the default folder. Do you want to delete original image?" But you should never have had to rename the images. It would always make a copy with the correct name.

However to make it even easier I could add drag and drop. So you can use the browse to the image feature currently or drag an image in. See this example.
Do you want to delete original image?" But you should never have had to rename the images. It would always make a copy with the correct name.
Not delete my image off of the phone, just the image in the ItemImages folder only or as you suggested rename with no longer used image. I had to rename the original images so I could easily identify them in the folder when they were not used anymore and eventually deleted. Selecting an image for use doesn't need to have a nicely named file as you stated because, you just choose from the thumbnail as desired.

The new sort order is working great when sorting by items first. I tried the manual sort, but it doesn't seem work as expected. Maybe I'm misunderstanding how it is supposed to work. Either way, the Items first selection works exactly as I would like it to work.
@Mike Krailo,
Can you test these image features.
1. When adding new it should prompt to ask if you want to delete the original
If yes selected it deletes the old and creates the new
If no selected selected it ask if you want to rename the old file with "Unused"
2. If changing the name the image name should change too and maintain the link
3. If removing it it will ask if you want to delete the file
If you select No it asks if you want to mark it unused.

Recommend do not test with any images you do not want to potentially delete.
It works as far as I can tell, but there are several cases when you say "yes" or "No"

Can also add a setting if getting tired of the prompts.
Always keep original file when assigning images
Always delete original file when assigning images
Always prompt

For remove
Always Mark removed images as "Unused_"
Always delete removed images
Always prompt


I just downloaded it. So I'll test it out with images that are in the demo. I have a backup of all my data thus far. The settings idea is where this might end up going. I don't plan on removing very many images, so it would just be an occasional thing.

I had a big issue this weekend not being able to get any files to transfer off my phone. It used to work fine, but something happened on Friday and I keep getting the following errors. I assume it's a One Drive thing but it all was working fine prior to Thursday. This has nothing to do with your app, something blocking my phone from copying images or files off the phone.

When an item is deleted, the image for that item remains in the ItemImages folder and there are no prompts during the delete action. That is still a problem.
When an item is deleted, the image for that item remains in the ItemImages folder and there are no prompts during the delete action. That is still a problem.
Thanks, I forgot that one. That is why you always need someone else to test.
Wait, why would there be a prompt when adding a new item? If I select delete, it does work as expected, but if this is a new item, why would there be an associated image?
On the second part of changing the name, it does change the name of the image, but as soon as you attempt to remove the image, there is a write conflict. I assume the record is still dirty. But we would always want to save the record so the name stays in place.

If I drop changes the name goes back to original.
If I save the record, the image does get deleted. So that part is working.
The prompt is probably like you said. I ran the query to update the image name while the form was still dirty. Thanks I will check that too.

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