Access Not Using Default Database Folder


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:16
Dec 6, 2010
For some reason now, when I backup or create an .mde, Access is not using Default database folder
that I have set in Access Options.

It's using the users Desktop folder instead.

Any Ideas?
For some reason now, when I backup or create an .mde, Access is not using Default database folder
that I have set in Access Options.

It's using the users Desktop folder instead.

Any Ideas?

Which version of Windows? Also, which version of Office and which version of Access?

Every version potentially changes things around. It might be hard to tell, but look in the Windows Start >> Settings >> Update >> Update History path to see if you can tell whether you had a recent Office or Access update. Or a Windows security update.

There is also the question of whether you opened the .MDB, was it from opening the desktop Access icon followed by using the internal File >> Open menu or was it by clicking on an app icon that might also have been on the desktop? Or a third option?
Windows 11
Access 2019 MSO (Version 2409 Build 16.0.18025.20160) 64-bit.)
I don't see any recent updates for Access.
I usually just open my database(s) from the Access home screen.
When you create the backup or other files, you should be able to browse to a folder to save things. So... do that. Browse to where you wanted to save it. Then save it. Then see if the next time you want to save things, the target has moved to the place you most recently saved.
Yes, I know I need to browse to the folder. That's my point.
It wasn't like this before.
My question is, once you browse to the folder, do you need to do so a second time? In other words, is it remembering the previous place to which you performed a save operation?
If you start MS Access from a shortcut, the value of the shortcut's "Start in" field may override your MS Access File->Options->"Default Database Folder" setting.
I've never seen this as a real problem - a little navigation is only a couple of seconds in a manual process .

Must admit, however, I seldom ever build an .accde from the SaveAs dialog. My .accde files are built from my Releases database in code, where you can guarantee where you are saving to.

     Dim appAccess As New Access.Application
.. other code

    ' Create Accde File
    Set appAccess = Nothing
    Set appAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
    appAccess.AutomationSecurity = MsoAutomationSecurity.msoAutomationSecurityLow
    appAccess.UserControl = True
    appAccess.SysCmd 603, CStr(mstrLivePath), CStr(mstrDEPath)  ' ACCDB path and Target ACCDE path.
    Set appAccess = Nothing

Only Gotcha (well documented but not explained) here is the .accdb path and .accde paths only seem to work if explicitly used with CStr()
My question is, once you browse to the folder, do you need to do so a second time? In other words, is it remembering the previous place to which you performed a save operation?

My question is, once you browse to the folder, do you need to do so a second time? In other words, is it remembering the previous place to which you performed a save operation?
I do need do browse to the folder again.
I've never seen this as a real problem - a little navigation is only a couple of seconds in a manual process .

Must admit, however, I seldom ever build an .accde from the SaveAs dialog. My .accde files are built from my Releases database in code, where you can guarantee where you are saving to.

     Dim appAccess As New Access.Application
.. other code

    ' Create Accde File
    Set appAccess = Nothing
    Set appAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
    appAccess.AutomationSecurity = MsoAutomationSecurity.msoAutomationSecurityLow
    appAccess.UserControl = True
    appAccess.SysCmd 603, CStr(mstrLivePath), CStr(mstrDEPath)  ' ACCDB path and Target ACCDE path.
    Set appAccess = Nothing

Only Gotcha (well documented but not explained) here is the .accdb path and .accde paths only seem to work if explicitly used with CStr()
The thing is Access has always honored the value I put in 'Default database folder.
This is for everything I do. Whether it be saving as accde, open database, or backup a databse.
The thing is Access has always honored the value I put in 'Default database folder.
This is for everything I do. Whether it be saving as accde, open database, or backup a databse.
Definitely see your point!
Has anything else changed in your environment, eg move from Windows 10 to Windows 11 ?

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