Alabama boy kills 1051 pound monster pig

The USA is Crap, all americans are fat, they are stupid warmongers like their president, the cars are rubbish, they are responsible for global warming, even the kids are gun toting killers. The sports are moronic and for sissies. The beer tastes like water. And yanks smell as bad as the French.

Do I get a free holiday in Florida too?:rolleyes:
Paul -
Do you work for the American Tourist Board??
you've sold it to me . (lol)


would you be a sweetheart and just come visit me for a few weeks in Florida?
do we have to kill the food before we can eat? I hear Florida is full of crocodiles - I've never eaten that type of meat:confused:

Yes ok, the timing will have to be right though - when is the 2 week window where you don't get hurricanes or washed away by floods?

That would be uh... NOW! Actually, you missed some lovely weather. It's been wonderful here for months. It is just now that it is starting to get a little muggy.

I (and Rich) have said lots of nice things about America (they just escape me at the moment - I'll have a think)

Yes, I remember pre-9/11 and shortly thereafter you loved us and tolerated most of our short-comings. You may have picked on us here and there, but it was more in jest then. Now, it just seems so bitter. And there's nothing we can do right. The people here haven't changed, Col. I guess your media just may be scrutinizing us a bit more now. I don't know. I can tell you however, that our media still portrays your country as an almost holy place of kindreds. A facinating place full of quirky humoured people. Ancient cousins that we are still drawn to.

as you are to visit Essex - we have a spare bed and I'll show you around London.;) (obviously we'll need to say you're Canadian for safety reasons)
I'm sorry, I don't speak French. Actually, when we do cross the pond, it will be to visit Italy. My husband is half Italian (apparently it doesn't matter that my father's ancestors came from England)
But he has a great desire to visit Sicily, Rome, Naples, Florence, et al. (Personally, I'd like to see Monaco and Greece while we are all the way over there!)
We're thinking a cruise may be the way to go since we could fit in several places and not worry about getting lost.... lol. (some day!)
Any advice? Do the Italians want to see us crushed too?

do we have to kill the food before we can eat? I hear Florida is full of crocodiles - I've never eaten that type of meat

The Florida Everglades is the only place where Alligators and Crocodiles co-exist. Where I am, we have Alligators, not Crocodiles. I have tasted "gator" before. Not much flavor, really. You may like it. We buy our food at the market or restaurants. If you want to try squirrel or raccoon, then yes, I'm afraid you'd have to kill it yourself. If you like, you can save the hide and make yourself a little cap to wear home and impress all your friends that you've had a real Daniel Boone experience in America. :)
That would be uh... NOW! Actually, you missed some lovely weather. It's been wonderful here for months. It is just now that it is starting to get a little muggy.
Leave it till next year then Tess

Yes, I remember pre-9/11 and shortly thereafter you loved us and tolerated most of our short-comings.
Good old days with Hayley, Lyns, Fizzio etc etc

I guess your media just may be scrutinizing us a bit more now. I don't know.
anything that the USA does that is questionable is slagged off. Like stupid Bush losing his watch.

Actually, when we do cross the pond, it will be to visit Italy.
oh well, if you must - watch out for the Maffioso

The Florida Everglades is the only place where Alligators and Crocodiles co-exist. Where I am, we have Alligators, not Crocodiles.
I don't care really what they're called, they're basically the same - they'll kill you:eek:

Good old days with Hayley, Lyns, Fizzio etc etc
Yes! The times of sunshine and wonder! I fell in love with all of you.

oh well, if you must - watch out for the Maffioso Col
Damn.... how will I recognize them?

I don't care really what they're called, they're basically the same - they'll kill you:eek:
Yes, I don't go near them either. By the way, did the tick tock crocodile in Peter Pan have the same effect on you (an almost abnormal fear of crocs) as Peter Benchley's Jaws did on me? (I's scarred to death o sharks, suh!)

Note to everyone.... Let it be known that I have been, and always will be... as long posters on this forum know.... in love with Col.
There's a bit of a schism right now, being that I am American and he is British... but I am hoping we can come to terms with that.
Note to everyone.... Let it be known that I have been, and always will be... as long posters on this forum know.... in love with Col.
There's a bit of a schism right now, being that I am American and he is British... but I am hoping we can come to terms with that.

I enjoyed the nostalgic ceasefire too :)
Yes, I remember pre-9/11 and shortly thereafter you loved us and tolerated most of our short-comings. You may have picked on us here and there, but it was more in jest then.

The first time I hit the Watercooler Col & Rich were exchanging banter with Ken, it was all good humoured and when Ken decided that he was losing he said that Col & Rich were too tough a tag team so early in the morning, Col immediately pointed out that it was not early here but then Britain was always ahead of America. Ken took it in good sport as it was all friendly then, pity it isn't any more.

Originally Posted by ColinEssex
oh well, if you must - watch out for the Maffioso Col

Damn.... how will I recognize them?

Tess they will be Italian or Sicillian, and wearing smart suites and sunglasses whatever the weather, atleast according to the films :D

I love Italy and find the Italians friendly, infact I'm recently back from a week in Tuscany/Umbria.

You should read a few more posts Brian, it was just a few days ago that I heaped praise on the Americans for their knowledge of MP3 players:eek: :p

But I'm still playing Vynal, now if they could tell me where I can get a new neecle for the old wind up. :cool: :p

The first time I hit the Watercooler Col & Rich were exchanging banter with Ken, it was all good humoured and when Ken decided that he was losing he said that Col & Rich were too tough a tag team so early in the morning, Col immediately pointed out that it was not early here but then Britain was always ahead of America. Ken took it in good sport as it was all friendly then, pity it isn't any more.


Actually, when I first did the Watercooler in 2000, there were 3 taboo subjects. Religion, Politics and Sex.

Dan said:
I enjoyed the nostalgic ceasefire too

Nostalgia was always better in the old days

TessB said:
Note to everyone.... Let it be known that I have been, and always will be... as long posters on this forum know.... in love with Col.
this matter is being dealt with by PM:D ;)

You should read a few more posts Brian, it was just a few days ago that I heaped praise on the Americans for their knowledge of MP3 players:eek: :p

and I have often praised the USA for it's immediate response to a world tragedy - like the Tsunami or a ship in trouble, or floods - the instances are many

The first time I hit the Watercooler Col & Rich were exchanging banter with Ken, it was all good humoured and when Ken decided that he was losing he said that Col & Rich were too tough a tag team so early in the morning, Col immediately pointed out that it was not early here but then Britain was always ahead of America. Ken took it in good sport as it was all friendly then, pity it isn't any more.


Then Ken got very personal with his comments and name calling, something I have never done. I reminded him it wasn't etiquette then he disappeared after reporting me - I understand (I may be wrong) it was because I reminded him there was a porno thread that needed to be deleted, he took exception to my reminder:confused:


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