Algorithms Galore: The Musk Saga Continues

Here's your entire post so you can reread it and modify it if one of the words is incorrect. You are saying that this particular form of brainwashing (woke) comes from the left (which is correct in my estimation) and that it moves centrists to the right (also true I believe). Does that make sense to you? Is that what you are actually trying to say because it sure sounds idiotic to me. The left brainwashing the centrists to move them into the opposition camp? Are you sure you don't want to clean off your tinfoil hat? Why would the left brainwash the centrists to move them to the right? Does not compute. Unless of course they are all as stupid as most of their solutions.
You can see part of it, that's a start I guess.
People tend to think that their thoughts are original, and the further you go into the fringe, the more people believe they are gifted with insight.
The brainwashers tell YOU what to believe, yes you personally. They also tell the left what to believe.

And y'all all think you are so clever. In the meantime, more and more of the power of the world is in the hands of the ultrarich. So while you folks are arguing about woke stuff, and abortion, the middle class is disintegrating.

So yeah, the Right's only mandate is to destroy the middle class and send the money to the top, and the Left's is to drive people to the right. And you all have so much contempt for each other.

You refuse to believe that the puppet masters are brain washing the left from behind the curtain, because in your subconscious you know you are being brainwashed yourself.

I, on the other hand, do actually do have original thoughts. I always have, it's a gift that I have cultivated for decades.

That's one of the reasons why I have US patents in my name. Admittedly my brainwashing is to see brainwashing everywhere,
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It's interesting to me, based on my daily reading of MSNBC, how when Tech was supporting liberal narratives and constraints, they were quite happy with it. As soon as Tech became a bit more conservative-aligned, they suddenly feel it is an oligarchy that desperately needs to be dismantled. The change in heart is drastic, clear and stunning. I remember MSNBC never mentioning a word about this issue back when Facebook and Twitter were duly censoring conservative viewpoints. Now all of a sudden the "tech oligarchy" is an emergency because they are moving away from being quite so liberally-aligned. Funny, but also sad and hypocritical.
It just the left that has any hypocrisy.
For the next 3 post maybe you could point out some of the worst from the Right. You can ask me to reciprocate but it wouldn't be a fair contest. Although I do accept.
You can see part of it, that's a start I guess.
People tend to think that their thoughts are original, and the further you go into the fringe, the more people believe they are gifted with insight.
The brainwashers tell YOU what to believe, yes you personally. They also tell the left what to believe.

And y'all all think you are so clever. In the meantime, more and more of the power of the world is in the hands of the ultrarich. So while you folks are arguing about woke stuff, and abortion, the middle class is disintegrating.

So yeah, the Right's only mandate is to destroy the middle class and send the money to the top, and the Left's is to drive people to the right. And you all have so much contempt for each other.

You refuse to believe that the puppet masters are brain washing the left from behind the curtain, because in your subconscious you know you are being brainwashed yourself.

I, on the other hand, do actually do have original thoughts. I always have, it's a gift that I have cultivated for decades.

That's one of the reasons why I have US patents in my name. Admittedly my brainwashing is to see brainwashing everywhere,

Bro, we get it you’re the one with the special knowledge, the visionary insight, the original thought, and, above all, the immunity to brainwashing. But as far as I can tell, you haven’t presented a single solution to back any of that up.
Bro, we get it you’re the one with the special knowledge, the visionary insight, the original thought, and, above all, the immunity to brainwashing. But as far as I can tell, you haven’t presented a single solution to back any of that up.
We are in for some interesting times. For the first time in 30 years, I don't really know what it the correct path. I think all roads lead to many people becoming very poor.
The last time we faced this problem, they tore down the institutions that were concentrating all the wealth in the Robber Barons coffers. But part of that solutions was made possible by the increase in productivity made possible by the industrial revolution giving individual worker productivity gains. Those gains were available to be distributed to the workers.

We are at the end of that era. Return on investment is being horded in ever increasingly fewer hands. The billionaires control the entire planet, in my life time the middle class controlled country. They certainly control the messaging.

Here's a couple of questions: How are we going to benefit from a reduction in the Federal work force? The simple answer is that we could reduce the budget deficit. The problem is that the world economy is running on this debt. At least partially. So ultimately the economy will shrink. Do we talk about this? Not really, we talk about everything else but that. Why? I think because we are brainwashed to focus on these social issues so we end up taking our eye off the ball. So maybe that is one solution I offer. Get our eye back on the ball.

We seem to celebrate the creation of new billionaires and rejoice when they make an extra 100 billion in a year. A hundred billion, which by the way, is not taxable because it is unrealized wealth. Unrealized wealth that can be used to borrow real money that can then be paid off using unrealized wealth. Doesn't that seem like a bigger problem than boys becoming girls, or some other such irrelevant issue?

My generation was the wealthiest in history. That is a sad testimony if we remain the wealthiest in history.

I guess my prediction is this. Since the emergence of the great city states and empires around the world several thousand years ago, poor workers were needed to create the food, the ships and all the rest of the needs of the economy. Those people were allowed to live because the capitalist could not exist without them.

That dynamic changed during the industrial revolution. Why will the poor people be allowed to live in a world were they produce nothing? We have been moving towards the end of labor value to a world where investment without creating jobs is creating a class of people with unprecedented wealth and power. It's not all bad, a hundred years after the big die off, the remaining humans will have beautiful homes, big yachts, and virtual immortality. Pretty good deal if you survive the transition.

Question 2: Who in congress is going to vote for laws and regulations that will limit the destruction that is surely going to be an unanticipated consequence of removing the power from regulatory agencies? I said unanticipated, instead of unintended consequences, because they are definitely intended, they are just not anticipated by the brainwashed masses.

Why are the Republicans not saying we should increase the taxes on the ultra rich? And, why are the Dems not talking about increasing the quality of life for all working people? Because their master tell them not to.

Have you ever wondered why so many Conservative hate Buffet and Gates? Hint, they both advocate increasing taxes on the ultra rich.
Why are the democrats not concerned with the state of public education? An educated populace would solve many of the issues you list above. But it's in the democrats best interest to keep their constituents stupid and ill informed.
Have you ever wondered why so many Conservative hate Buffet and Gates? Hint, they both advocate increasing taxes on the ultra rich.
I've met both of them at the bridge table numerous times and Bill also at Access events for MVPs hosted in Redmond. Both were very pleasant to chat with. I don't hate Buffet but Bill has gone way down in my estimation. He is trying to corner the market on farm land. He wants you and me to eat bugs (no meat for the peons), and he was a frequent traveler on the Lolita Express which was why his wife divorced him.

I also think that both are free to donate as much money as they want to the US Government. Buffet has spoken many times about how his accountants use every deduction the bought and paid for members of Congress will give him so he is a hypocrite but that isn't a reason to hate him. And I don't hate Bill either but I no longer have a positive opinion of him.

HATE should be reserved for someone who has harmed you or your loved ones personally. It is a very destructive emotion, more so to yourself than the object of the negative emotion..
I've met both of them at the bridge table numerous times and Bill also at Access events for MVPs hosted in Redmond. Both were very pleasant to chat with. I don't hate Buffet but Bill has gone way down in my estimation. He is trying to corner the market on farm land. He wants you and me to eat bugs (no meat for the peons), and he was a frequent traveler on the Lolita Express which was why his wife divorced him.

I also think that both are free to donate as much money as they want to the US Government. Buffet has spoken many times about how his accountants use every deduction the bought and paid for members of Congress will give him so he is a hypocrite but that isn't a reason to hate him. And I don't hate Bill either but I no longer have a positive opinion of him.

HATE should be reserved for someone who has harmed you or your loved ones personally. It is a very destructive emotion, more so to yourself than the object of the negative emotion..
And yet, you just repeated all the contemptuous right wing propaganda.

That argument about them them donating was weak 20 years ago. I see they are still repeating it in 2025. Brainwashing is difficult to overcome.
Why are the democrats not concerned with the state of public education? An educated populace would solve many of the issues you list above. But it's in the democrats best interest to keep their constituents stupid and ill informed.
What? take a look at the list of least educated states. Mostly all Red they are. And the places most known for Democrat failures had their industries torn down and moved to China by the overlords on Wall Street, not Pennsylvania Avenue.

How do you see either party's platform focusing on Education? And what are some of their remedies?
And yet, you just repeated all the contemptuous right wing propaganda.
What are you talking about? Did Belinda not divorce Bill after he was outed? Did not Bill give a speech recommending that we all eat bugs? Is Bill not buying up farmland?
had their industries torn down and moved to China by the overlords on Wall Street, not Pennsylvania Avenue.
After the bought and paid for Congress - NOT Pennsylvania Ave - paved the way.
What? take a look at the list of least educated states. Mostly all Red they are. And the places most known for Democrat failures had their industries torn down and moved to China by the overlords on Wall Street, not Pennsylvania Avenue.

How do you see either party's platform focusing on Education? And what are some of their remedies?
For one the department of education (oxymoron) should be defunded and abolished based on their 50 year failure rate. Return education to it's most fundamental roots, reading, writing, arithmetic, and history keep it simple. Eliminate tenure and unions from education and root out politics of any flavor.
After the bought and paid for Congress - NOT Pennsylvania Ave - paved the way.
It was a metaphor. And, yes bought and paid for Congress.

How do you think voting billionaire old men into the white house is going to change that?
For one the department of education (oxymoron) should be defunded and abolished based on their 50 year failure rate. Return education to it's most fundamental roots, reading, writing, arithmetic, and history keep it simple. Eliminate tenure and unions from education and root out politics of any flavor.
50 years of failure. Has anyone done a real report on this 50 years of failure? Or, was that just repeated millions of times on the Conservative Herold?

And if it has been a failure why has the congress made it into a political talking point, instead of working together to fix it?

Lastly, Unions. Wanting them gone is a double edged sword.
Indians hold all the good IT positions in most corporations. Source is my own eyes on that one.

I'm hoping for a 10% raise next month
And if it has been a failure why has the congress made it into a political talking point, instead of working together to fix it?
I think this one might be because of people's opposing ideas of how to fix it. Generally speaking it seems to me that the Democrats want to spend more money on it, whereas the Republicans feel like that doesn't seem to be doing any good and they are clawing for other Solutions or have given up entirely and supporting school vouchers for private schools instead.

I have to admit, doesn't it kind of seem like schools should be the ultimate thing that could successfully be privatized? The reason I say that is because there are very clear indicators of who is doing well and who isn't and they are well published. How the students perform on tests especially the ones in between high school and college could easily differentiate them and they would become more competitive or honestly the private schools already are competitive. With the government still providing the money for people to go there.
50 years of failure. Has anyone done a real report on this 50 years of failure? Or, was that just repeated millions of times on the Conservative Herold?
The United States barely cracks the top 20 among developed countries and economies in terms of overall performance across mathematics, reading, and science.

I am not impressed with the above results are you @Thales750?

This is a direct result of liberal ideology infecting education.
With the government still providing the money for people to go there.
Don't tell Pat. Government providing money for education would be a no-no and therefore would be robbery. Schools are not charities.
How do you think voting billionaire old men into the white house is going to change that?
At least a billionaire isn't beholden to the men in the smoke filled rooms and he doesn't have to turn his son into a bagman for the family to collect the payments from our enemies.
Don't tell Pat. Government providing money for education would be a no-no and therefore would be robbery. Schools are not charities.
Everyone here has your number and one word popped into their heads when they read this so I don't have to even say it. You persist in playing dumb. I'm beginning to think it isn't a joke. Only you in your persistence to attack me personally would convolute my remarks to make public school a charity. You don't even know what a charity is.
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I don't know what goes on over at X, I've never had any impulse to get to close.

Do me a big favour and resist the temptation of coming onto the X platform...

I doubt you could cope with it, because every time you posted a stupid ignorant lie, somebody would raise a community note against it and I'm sure it would piss you off! I can imagine you going off on a rampant raging rant and your head exploding!

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