I may be an outlier here but I disagree that the Word object model is as painful as portrayed. However, I am pretty conversant in all things VBA (Word, Outlook, Access, Excel, Power Point, Project) so my opinion may be different than others here.
IMO the Word Object module is pretty extensive with lots of ways (sometimes too many) to do the same thing, and some of these are a little confusing. However the 90% of what you often need to do is pretty straight forward. The object model is very well documented.
This section of the Word VBA Reference contains documentation for all the objects, properties, methods, and events contained in the Word object model.
IMO it is in many ways like Excel. It is a big Range object. I do not code that often in Word, but the times I do I can find most answers on the MS site or another site pretty easily. So I would not let this doom and gloom dissuade you, if you are willing to do some reading up. Like anything VBA there are tons of posted code on line.
If it is a highly formatted document, it may be cumbersome to format everything from Access. In this case I do it backwards. I pull the data instead of pushing it. I build a Word VBA enabled template (.dotm). I format the template and place 95% of the code in the template. I may have lots of bookmarks and named ranges to aid in formatting and inputting data. Then I launch the template from Access and the Autoexec of the template kicks off the code. The template "pulls" the data from the database and creates itself. Since it is a template, you cannot easily overwrite this and it creates a new document. I have not done this for a while, but we created an application with many complicated reports/documents. Most of these documents had multiple tables, and numerous references and hyperlinks.
This is a little more involved than some of the other methods described, but if it is something with a lot of details then IMO this is the way to go.