Are Muslims and the Quran a threat to our society?

Broadly speaking, and admittedly a generalization, but I think it's pretty obvious that Europe has embraced the importing of Islam, and now a vast majority is beginning to regret it quite a bit. UK included.

There is nothing whatsoever wrong with wanting your country to retain its culture, and not be overwhelmed with foreign cultures that you don't particularly want to "become". It's not wrong, it's not racist, it's not mean, it's not bigoted. It's just wanting to preserve your culture.

We support indigenous people wanting to preserve their culture, if we go to France or Italy, we support them wanting to preserve their culture, if we read about some country in Africa, we support them wanting to preserve their culture, so WHY is it "wrong" for the USA to want to preserve ITS culture? Answer - it's not, and we should stand up in support of it, no matter how many times they cry "white nationalist", there's nothing wrong with the mere wanting to preserve your existing culture. I wouldn't want to wake up 100 years from now and everyone in the US is wearing a turban (etc). And there's nothing wrong with that.
there's nothing wrong with the mere wanting to preserve your existing culture.

Strictly speaking, that is correct but I must play Devil's Advocate here for a moment to show you that there is a problem in your statement. All the Muslims want to do when they come here is to preserve THEIR existing culture.

When the cultures are incompatible to some degree then one side must lose some part of that difference. Muslim treatment of women as inferior beings (look up "Sharia treatment of women" for detailed articles) is not compatible with Western culture's Women's Rights movements and more specifically, with American law in general. The way Muslims do business with foreigners is another problem because they won't let you do business with a foreigner unless a Muslim owns 51% of that business. And Muslim treatment of non-Muslims and gays would be considered outright criminal here. I have heard Muslims claim that spiritually, men and women are equal under the Qur'an - but Islamic countries don't seem to see it quite that way. So don't go trying to preserve your culture where it isn't welcome.

I asked Grok which is the AI present on Elon Musk's X Platform:

Just as a side note, "Grok" is Martian for "Drink" - as according to Robert A Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. In the original novel, to "grok" is to intake, absorb, make a part of yourself, to learn, to KNOW something. The closest English common idiom is "take a deep dive" into something.
Strictly speaking, that is correct but I must play Devil's Advocate here for a moment to show you that there is a problem in your statement. All the Muslims want to do when they come here is to preserve THEIR existing culture.

When the cultures are incompatible to some degree then one side must lose some part of that difference. Muslim treatment of women as inferior beings (look up "Sharia treatment of women" for detailed articles) is not compatible with Western culture's Women's Rights movements and more specifically, with American law in general. The way Muslims do business with foreigners is another problem because they won't let you do business with a foreigner unless a Muslim owns 51% of that business. And Muslim treatment of non-Muslims and gays would be considered outright criminal here. I have heard Muslims claim that spiritually, men and women are equal under the Qur'an - but Islamic countries don't seem to see it quite that way. So don't go trying to preserve your culture where it isn't welcome.

Just as a side note, "Grok" is Martian for "Drink" - as according to Robert A Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. In the original novel, to "grok" is to intake, absorb, make a part of yourself, to learn, to KNOW something. The closest English common idiom is "take a deep dive" into something.
Sure but we're the ones who take precedence since they're coming to our country
The news article below just popped-up. I can't attest to its authenticity. Nevertheless the implications are shocking, that it supports the thesis that the West is committing cultural suicide. A person who mocks Islam is "jailed for “stirring up hatred” at a non-violent anti-migration protest in Leeds, during which he allegedly mocked Muslims and made “slurs” against Allah."

However, when group of people mock Christianity they are essentially applauded by some for promoting "diversity".

So if one expresses disapproval of Islam that is considered hate speech and that person can be arrested but mocking Christianity isn't?:mad::mad::mad:
Muslims want to do when they come here is to preserve THEIR existing culture.
Easy. Let them come to visit. See the Grand Canyon. Take the kids to some theme parks. Go home happy.

If you want to come here to live, learn English, abide by our laws. Do not expect to be able to continue the practice of "honor killing" and not be sentenced to life in prison.

Sure but we're the ones who take precedence since they're coming to our country
That's why the French tend to ignore strangers who speak to them in English. They've never forgiven us for making English the language of the world.
This video link I am posting has a slightly long-winded intro, but it tells you why the Palestinian people have no place to go. Why does no one want the Palestinian refugees? Watch the video and find out.

"Grok" is Martian for "Drink" - as according to Robert A Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. In the original novel, to "grok" is to intake, absorb, make a part of yourself, to learn, to KNOW something. The

Yes, I believe that is why Elon Musk, a science fiction fan (well, at least a fan of "The hitchhikers guide to The galaxy" at any rate!)

I believe that's why the word was chosen for name Elon musk's artificial intelligence AI ...
I saw this on X ..

I haven't fact checked this yet, but the lad comes over as honest and competent, but it would be a good idea to check the back story because you never know.....

But of course they are pressuring them to learn that. As millions of Muslims make England their home, thousands of Muslims become integrated into government, mayors, council members, school board members, school superindents....

See therein lies the problem. It sounds all well and good and kind to simply say "let as many of them as want come over - we welcome everyone". But it doesn't seem so great when they're now in a position of power to dictate things and some of those things are naturally going to favor their favored religion.

Immigration DOES need to evaluate people for fitness. There is no basis whatsoever for NOT vetting people to answer the question, "Do we really want you here?"

I personally don't think Trump was off the mark when he toyed with the idea of blocking all immigration from hardcore Islam countries.
Rather, it is just common sense and a protective measure. There's no moral imperative to let everyone in.

Don't you think twice before you allow someone in YOUR home?
They will take over the government of your country.

They will introduce Sharia law.

They will make all other religions illegal.

They will make certain groups and sections of the populace into slaves.
I personally don't think Trump was off the mark when he toyed with the idea of blocking all immigration from hardcore Islam countries.
He did block it. Interestingly enough, it was the same list of countries from which Obama, the god had also blocked. Somehow when Trump did it, it was racist but when Obama did it, it was wise. Just a little more hyprocasy.
Not only was Muhammad a warlord who spread Islam by conquest, he was also a pedeophile. But we can't talk about that.
Not only was Muhammad a warlord who spread Islam by conquest, he was also a pedeophile. But we can't talk about that.

Well, to my mind, if a man Marries an 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 year old girl that's not a marriage, it's what we are not allowed to talk about .....

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