Are Muslims and the Quran a threat to our society?

Speaking of Ilhan Omar. I was watching a show last night that was describing how Somalia is gradually becoming less of a shithole than it was when we rescued Omar from what would almost certainly have been a life of slavery and poverty. I wonder if she ever thanked anyone. All she seems to do is bad-mouth the US. She lied to get in to the country, she married her brother to get him in. Maybe Trump will find a reason to send her back. I know! He could appoint her as ambassador to Somalia. That would work;)
I know! He could appoint her as ambassador to Somalia.

It would be an insult to decent Somalians everywhere. I'm sure that SOME of those people are decent, hard-working citizens, particularly since (as you noted) they are trying to clean up their country.
OK, but why do WE have to keep her:( Why can't we give her back?
Because if we want to maintain good diplomatic relations with Somalia, we cannot give them a pile of :poop:
Did we put down a deposit? You know that some places have a "no deposit, no return" policy.
Somalia doesn't have nukes. We can take the chance of returning her without telling them she's defective.
Haven't heard that for a very long time, maybe 50 years? As kids we collected soda bottles for their deposit.
I still remember the magical feeling when a gigantic trash bag full of soda cans turned into $8 or $11 as a little kid!
At some point, the Muslims will step over a line and the fuse will be lit. It will be sad when it happens, but Islam will suddenly find themselves as the target of pogroms. If they were making sounds of victimhood before, just wait until people have had enough. This is NOT a wish, just a prediction of things that MIGHT come to pass. I wish violence on no one - but I understand that sometimes when faced with barbarity, you need to respond with barbarity. A stiff punch to the jaw is sometimes the only way to get the attention of a barbarian.
I've been torn in the past, like, I'm fine with the Mormons being on my 'side' when it comes to most political and cultural debates, because I can live with them .... indefinitely. Our worldview is 90% similar. But the Muslims, it's hard to even be happy for them politically siding with conservatism, because I'm just not sure where it's all going. The most fundamentalist Protestant-esque scenario is pretty tame, but the most fundamentalist Muslim scenario is NOT tame.
What if somebody farts:sick:


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