Are we all escapists?


Local time
Today, 21:08
Mar 22, 2004
I'm not talking Houdini. I’m talking about transcending our everyday life.

I was thinking about the role of forums and chat rooms. Every regular forum user has a personality that is skew from their own, whether it is typecast or of entirely their own construction. It might be simply you have more confidence to express your views, or pursuing some complex role play.

Have you ever thought of starting over…some place different away from every one you know?

Is a little bit of escapism necessarily a bad thing?

I was thinking about my own profile on this forum. I have been criticised before by one or two members (no names) for not revealing where I am. I have always thought: 'What business is it of theirs?'. Besides I haven't been that conspicuous about myself. I have provided enough 'real' information.

However fantasy wise I'm lacklustre. dt01pqt is simply an old university username as anonymous as a number. If don't know I'm Paul. :) My escapism doesn't involve aliases or endearing txt speak.

I will combine an introduction with a topic. I know there are forum formalities but I can't help myself. I'm interested in engaging conversation not formalities.

I always write too much. (half of it is deleted)
By answering, do we not join in the escapism you espouse? This site can be anonymous; Personal Messages make it "personal" not anonymous. Am I 5'2" or 6'2"? Am I female or male? Am I truly a lonely geek or am I envolved in activities and well spoken? Who knows? What's more, who cares? Perhaps the truth is that this site can provide a few moments of anonymous "fun" during a day of tedious maintenance.

Now let the geek return to the anonymous world seeking fun with "the story". Perhaps we take outselves too seriously!
fuzzygeek said:
By answering, do we not join in the escapism you espouse? This site can be anonymous; Personal Messages make it "personal" not anonymous. Am I 5'2" or 6'2"? Am I female or male? Am I truly a lonely geek or am I envolved in activities and well spoken? Who knows? What's more, who cares? Perhaps the truth is that this site can provide a few moments of anonymous "fun" during a day of tedious maintenance.

Now let the geek return to the anonymous world seeking fun with "the story". Perhaps we take outselves too seriously!
I'm not stopping you. Though this is escapisim isn't it?
Of course my answer was melancholias intended not as an end result. Enjoy the banter and exchange. Enjoy a drink of life at the watercooler. Enjoy the coolerheads! Full speed ahead...and honorary US citizenship for Rich! Whooo I am on a roll, dinner roll that is as opposed to a roll in the hay or a roll down a hill.

Gasp, I sound like a nut.

Nevermind! as Emily Latella (sp) used to say.
Sorry, bad day here.

Escapism can be in the form of a James Bond flick, or a Legally Blonde film, or a walk in the wilderness non of which are bad, but can be good for the inner self, refreshing the drive and energy one needs to perservere toward one's goals. When it becomes an end in itself, then it becomes harmful.

I'm sorry that I hijacked your link, this should put it back on tract.
fuzzygeek said:
Sorry, bad day here.

Escapism can be in the form of a James Bond flick, or a Legally Blonde film, or a walk in the wilderness non of which are bad, but can be good for the inner self, refreshing the drive and energy one needs to perservere toward one's goals. When it becomes an end in itself, then it becomes harmful.

I'm sorry that I hijacked your link, this should put it back on tract.

Wow :eek: FG, you can speak. ;) Teehee...

I am just like this in person. Scary ain't it. I am shy at first, but once I get to know you, this is exactly how I am. I was shy at first here too. I see no reason to act any different online than I do offline. That is my me. :cool:
selenau837 said:
I am shy at first, but once I get to know you, this is exactly how I am. I was shy at first here too.

So was I. :cool:
I like to reveal my self by bits. Anyone who wants to know more about me just has to read all my posts. Almost everything is there... still some more to come.;) I don't hide behind my nickname to every one. If you've been here for long enough, you probably already know my first name, my previous job (even the name of the street where it was), where I left to when I wanted to do a real life escapism, the nick name of my three partners which are also member of this forum, the name of the city where I live (which is not really Montreal), the games I like to play, the name of my biggest customer, my political interests, etc. You also have seen a picture of myself, of my house and of my office (That is House office, since I just rent an office in Montreal with two of my partners) and will receive some of my four cats and two dogs as soon as possible.

So, is that escapism? Yes, maybe. Escaping from the members I don't want to be friend with. Those who can tell all the things I mentioned above are friends of mine. They know who I really am, because they know how to listen. Those who just want to write and don't read, have probably never seen any of this. So, they don't deserve to know me yet.
I am entirely the same person in "real life" as on this forum. Now that's scary....

The only times I have transcended my normal existence and truly "escaped" ordinary life have been while playing in a red hot band that's absolutely cooking flat out or making love to the love of my life (the present Mrs K) and definitely not in that order.
I dont know what the word means and i think i am not an "escapist"

But i will surely think about it all in my 16hours gaming time i have in week-ends and see if i am..but i doubght soooo much :)
Doesn't "escapism" take many forms?

Barry for example becomes a "rock star" playing in the band, and I confess it is a good escape to play in front of 500 or 600 people who have come to see you.

Others may "escape" reality through religion or something like a PS2 game.

On forums like this we are all anonymous, people read what we type but there may be exaggeration, untruths, or as Selena infers "what-you-see-is-what-you-get". For example I say I'm in the UK, I could be in the USA and be a strong Bush supporter.:eek:

Isn't that how chat rooms work? people assume different characters and sometimes play out someone they're not.

As it happens, I'm more or less the same here as in real life - over the years, people here know what I do, think, say, eat, drink, smoke etc. I may be a bit "provocative" in some comments, but I've confessed previously its done sometimes to see what reaction people have.

Do we have a need to escape reality? the wars, killing, degrading of the planet, sickness, hunger etc. Do we get saturated by "news input" good or bad? is it good to escape to a PS2 game or religion or a rock band or a good book?

Why do we need it? (if we do) are we trying to hide from reality for a while?

i'm me! heeeheee:eek: :D

im exactly the same on here as i am every day! AND im nuts enough to advertise my name address car and photo all on here! but thats me! i know that i would not use any of the other people that have done the same's information for bad so expect they wont use mine! I trust all of the people on this forum as i tend to trust everyone in real life -- till i get a kick in the teeth but still dont learn my lesson.

think you guys have had the good and bad and best and worst of me on here so its as real as real can be around the other side of the world for me! (i cant be everywhere in person!)

oh and i blether rubbish for the most part! :eek: :D :D gotta luf me!:rolleyes:
lynsey2 said:
i'm me! heeeheee:eek: :D

im exactly the same on here as i am every day! AND im nuts enough to advertise my name address car and photo all on here! but thats me! i know that i would not use any of the other people that have done the same's information for bad so expect they wont use mine! I trust all of the people on this forum as i tend to trust everyone in real life -- till i get a kick in the teeth but still dont learn my lesson.

think you guys have had the good and bad and best and worst of me on here so its as real as real can be around the other side of the world for me! (i cant be everywhere in person!)

oh and i blether rubbish for the most part! :eek: :D :D gotta luf me!:rolleyes:

Just adding my confirmation seeing as I've had the pleasure of meeting our Lyns.....:p ;)

She's even more mad when it comes to driving, word of advice to you all...if you want to live don't get in a car with Lyns.....:eek: She's a good little soul really :)

Rich is a good exemple of escapism. 21 years old...
In your dreams.
This is all very interesting. Even if we are 'exactly as we seem' do we not push forward our good parts. Unless of course we are self-deprecating. Besides what does 'exactly' mean when textual perception is entirely different. I find it hard to muster that you might know my impression of you.

I'm not saying it is impossible but you would have to be a very charismatic writer with knowledge of the pshyse and the subject’s personality (which may or may not be faked). And then you would be limited in what you could do. E.g. Darren Brown.

Even the best Copywriters don't know exactly why specific textual techniques work and what the exact 'feeling' is. Market research didn't tell them because people’s opinions don't necessarily follow their actions. This is why copywriters use 'split-testing' or running two different copies over period and seeing which copy pulls the best results.
You know, I say I am just like this in real life, but I guess there is one difference. In person, I can't hide my feelings. My eyes always give me away. But in here, if someone says something hurtful or mean, I can play it off like it meant nothing.

I think people use this type of platform to get out their inner agressions or inner sensual side. Typing hurtful things. having really heated debates, or heavily suggestive remarks are much easier in text form than in real life.

I mean, can some of the hurtful things being said at time here be said to that person face, while you are looking them in the eyes, seeing the hurt you have caused? Secondly, Can you truely be as suggestive/flirty as you are and not turn bright red?

Me? No!!

Just a thought!
selenau837 said:
I mean, can some of the hurtful things being said at time here be said to that person face, while you are looking them in the eyes, seeing the hurt you have caused? Secondly, Can you truely be as suggestive/flirty as you are and not turn bright red?

Me? No!!

Just a thought!
I find it hard being suggestive flirt online. I think I would sound corny.
dt01pqt said:
I find it hard being suggestive flirt online. I think I would sound corny.

Yeah, that is half the fun of it. :D Humor is very sexy. Go ahead try it, you may like it. Flirting is fun, keeps me feeling alive. However, just have to becareful that people know that is all it is. It is only FF (friendly flirting) I save the good stuff for in person. :D

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