Are we all escapists?

I haven't been around for a bit but couldn't resist this one!! :D

I don't think people that know me would recognise me here.... it's not that I'm that different really.... it's just that this format of communicating give you more time to consider your response to something. I'll leave it to others here to debate the rights and wrongs of this!! I wouldn't consider that I use this forum as a form of "escapism", more as a distraction from a extremely boring but demanding job... it's nice to log on and hear that others are in the same boat as you or read some of the more humorous threads.... helps keep me sane!:)
I got all excited when I saw you posted; we haven't seen you in forever it seems like! :( :)
I’m the same everywhere,

Inspiringly brilliant, stunningly handsome, and exceedingly funny, in all situations.

Thank you very much.
Kraj said:
I got all excited when I saw you posted; we haven't seen you in forever it seems like! :( :)

I know I was just saying the same thing to Emma yesterday and asking where the hell she'd been :D

I agree with you Emma, although people who know me would definately recognise me here...the name itself gives it away! I don't usually use my "real name" as a username when I join a forum, this is the only forum in which I do. At the time it's not something I really thought about. I found the forum upon struggling with some access issues and registered with my own name not really thinking anything of it. Nobody was going to know me anyway....that however is not entirely true anymore seeing as some of my former colleagues now browse this board from time to time and I have made a few good friends here some of which I have met or kept in regular contact with via phone calls / instant messaging etc.

This forum definately gets me through my working day. Previously I did not enjoy my job and my access skills were not the best so It made sense to log in here and learn from the best :) I now really enjoy my job, my access skills are still not the best but they have definately improved. It's good that I can now give something back to the forum and help some other members while I still learn for myself. I only work with access on an ad-hoc basis these days so this forum keeps it fresh in my mind. I know only too well that if you are not working with something regularly you tend to forget things, or at least I know I do. The watercooler is also good for winding down a little :cool:

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This discussion has taken an earnest tract that prompts me to interject a few thoughts. I work very little with ACCESS anymore. I only have one ACCESS database (adp to SQL server) left and I am the project lead to redesign it in Oracle with Oracle forms and reports within the product BANNER. That will leave me no more ACCESS databases. I have worked with ACCESS starting with version 2.0 in 1994 (vba started in '95). I used to participate in the Helpdesk forum for ACCESS starting in 98. I enjoyed it a lot, but sometime 4 years ago, it disbanded and became a pay site. I then looked for another site and found this one. In the beginning I participated very little and then step by step, did a little more, but I primarily worked ORACLE. I enjoy the banter and talk in the watercooler and read a lot. A while back I increased my participation because I wanted to be part of the "fun" here. The real "me" ??? I recently had to take a personality test for Customer Service Training. I am an introvert/extrovert artisan type somewhere between Elvis Presley and Johnny Carson. That means I handle groups well, but have trouble forcing myself to hobnob at gatherings. In other words, I can give a speech to 1000 people easily, but during the break at a conference I will talk to no one unless they initiate the talk. I enjoy writing but have never attempted to publish anything. That's why I enjoy "The Story" so much. Most people who know me think I am very outgoing, but I could easily be a hermit if left alone. Sometimes I get envolved in the political world (I helped elect three state representatives(one man two women), a state senator, a sheriff, two city councilors and two congressmen(one a man the other a woman). It is fun planning strategies). Well now perhaps you know me a little better.
fuzzygeek said:
In other words, I can give a speech to 1000 people easily, but during the break at a conference I will talk to no one unless they initiate the talk.
I'm exactly the same way! :)
Nice fuzzy, good to hear a voice behind those witty three word stories.
jsanders said:
I’m the same everywhere,

Inspiringly brilliant, stunningly handsome, and exceedingly funny, in all situations.

Thank you very much.
... Not
jsanders said:
I’m the same everywhere,

Inspiringly brilliant, stunningly handsome, and exceedingly funny, in all situations.

Thank you very much.

jsanders said:
I’m the same everywhere,

Inspiringly brilliant, stunningly handsome, and exceedingly funny, in all situations.

Thank you very much.

You mean there are two of us :eek:

Seriously, though. I know what people mean about preferring a crowd to one or two people. I'm the same.
I was born on a planet named Krypton but was adopted at an early age by an doddering couple from rural Kansas. I was an awkward teen, collecting stamps and bending steel with my bare hands. After high school, I went away to college and ultimately graduated with a journalism degree. But I have been building Access databases since my first job. I'm not really crazy about working with technical stuff but, by golly, it does pay the bills.

One point of interest: I can see through walls and fly (but only if I wear very tight clothes) yet I cannot get the Access Help file to behave.

Sincerely yours,
I like to play act in front of a mirror and pretend I've won Wimbledon, or collected a Nobel Prize, etc.

In fact I can spend hours in front of the mirror. :o

:mad: I'm NOT VAIN!
I always act like if I was the most hansdsome guy in the world.:cool:
Though I know that there is one guy somewhere in South America that looks better than me.:D
Of course I was kidding in my original post. The truth is I was born in a log cabin. Still a young lad, my mother died and my family moved from Kentucky to Indiana and then to Illinois where, as a young man, I practiced law. In time I ran for a Senate seat and lost but made a name for myself. Later, I was elected to the presidency of the United States. I endured a civil war, won a second term in office, and then -- wouldn't you know it? -- lost my post when I was assassinated at Ford Theatre while watching an immensely popular yet wholly medicore play. Sometimes you just can't catch a break.

At this point, it seemed wise to retire and move to Phoenix, Arizona. I've watched this little town grow. Summers are hell here but winters are wonderful. Hobbies: motocross racing, computers, lepidoptery, board games.

I visit the forum to escape my wife, Mary, who's a little wacky and a shopaholic.

Sincerely yours,
pono1 said:
Of course I was kidding in my original post. The truth is I was born in a log cabin. Still a young lad, my mother died and my family moved from Kentucky to Indiana and then to Illinois where, as a young man, I practiced law. In time I ran for a Senate seat and lost but made a name for myself. Later, I was elected to the presidency of the United States. I endured a civil war, won a second term in office, and then -- wouldn't you know it? -- lost my post when I was assassinated at Ford Theatre while watching an immensely popular yet wholly medicore play. Sometimes you just can't catch a break.

At this point, it seemed wise to retire and move to Phoenix, Arizona. I've watched this little town grow. Summers are hell here but winters are wonderful. Hobbies: motocross racing, computers, lepidoptery, board games.

I visit the forum to escape my wife, Mary, who's a little wacky and a shopaholic.

Sincerely yours,
In your next life it might be fun to give us a little less info. Then we could try to guess who you are .
jsanders said:
In your next life it might be fun to give us a little less info. Then we could try to guess who you are .

OK, here's one:

From an early age, I hated bullies. And so it was that in the prime of my life I -- along with other patriots -- helped plot the removal of the bully of all bullies. Our intentions were honorable but the masses turned on us, so we scrammed, gathering our forces for a final showdown that didn't quite work out the way we wanted. To escape the indignity of being captured by that dopey drunk, I committed suicide.

Who am I? Who's the dopey drunk? And who's the bully of all bullies?
Not sure if anyone gives a damn, but here's a little more info...

To be precise I died at the hand of my servant, who I ordered to cut off my head. This was in Greece, where I had roamed after the tyrant's assassination. At the time of my death, the dopey drunk's ally was an upstart kid. The two later squared-off, with the kid winning the contest and marking-out his power base.
mmmmm.... ok then!!!!! :confused: :rolleyes: ....

I suppose a lot of people come on here and tell us a load of old rubbish, but, i think for the most part people reveal bit by bit the real life they are living and about themselfs and family!

I feel like i know a few people quite well here, i would love for them to call/ post one day and say they are coming to visit scotland and would like to meet up!!! :D

or in the case of hay! go for another drink/night out!!! :rolleyes: It'll be a lot easier when we get another day added to the week eh honey!:p

Col? wheres ally these days? just sitting here thinking and i havn't seen her around much? she doing ok?
lynsey2 said:
I feel like i know a few people quite well here, i would love for them to call/ post one day and say they are coming to visit scotland and would like to meet up!!! :D

Some of them don't even know there's a world out there, never mind a Scotland, beyond their national borders. ;)
Kraj said:
I got all excited when I saw you posted; we haven't seen you in forever it seems like! :( :)

It's nice to be back and if people keep telling me they miss me I will have to come back more often!!!! seriously I have been swamped at work and not really had the time but I hoping things will slow down in a bit.... I think it very unfair of my employer not to give me allotted time to chat on this forum, I can't use my lunch break as that is when I eat!!! :mad:

The comments about talking in front of a crowd, this is also just like me!!! Lot's of people come and go on this forum but a few of us hang around, it would seem we are all more alike than most of us would care to admit!:eek:

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