Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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The "Red people" were called back then 'Red Skins' because of the dirty red color of their skin. Probably a diet from a mid western area noted for it iron and hot sun.

"Just I say that are not they that saved the Jews. Because they hadn't have
(have haven't / haven't have ???? How is the grammar here ? Thank you.) the necessary time to accomplish this task"

Should be this: (They did not save the Jews because they did not have the necessary time to accomplish this task).'

[(did) past tense--I did, he did, they did]; [(do) Present tense---I (do), He (does), they (do)]

[(AM, Is, Are)--I am(single), He is (single), They are (plural)]

[All of the above are verbs ( A verb expresses existence, action or occurrence; not just action)]

The verb in English is usually used after the noun or pronoun.

Noun (Bladerunner), Pronoun (he,she,I, they ), etc.

He/she is a programmer; I am a programmer, They are programmers

Hope this helps.

Have a nice day:>)


Thank you very very very ..... much for this.
Nothing help me more now than the English lessons.
English is a difficult language to learn
Really ?
Of course that it is not easy but have you tried Romanian ?
We have a very complicated grammar.
And a lot of words with the same pronunciation (sometimes also with the same syntax) but very different meaning.

And I found French more difficult, even I study it for more than 10 years, in the school.
Really ?
Of course that it is not easy but have you tried Romanian ?
We have a very complicated grammar.
And a lot of words with the same pronunciation (sometimes also with the same syntax) but very different meaning.

And I found French more difficult, even I study it for more than 10 years, in the school.

Hey Mihail,
Here is something else to remember when learning English that makes it a little more difficult.
Inflection can also change the meaning of a word. Example: A form of yes in the US is yeah. A exclamation of “Yeah, right” with the inflection on the word “right’ would mean you agree with the statement of the person you are conversing with. With the inflection on the word “Yeah” means you disagree with them.
Remember, also that this forum has members from Great Britain, Australia, America, Canada and possible some from many more countries were the main language is English. That being a fact, some words have a different mean for the same word. Example: USA Baby diaper, GB Nappy. GB Booth of the car, US trunk of the car. GB guys, if I got those words wrong for GB please straighten me out for Mihs sake. While we are at it can we hear from the Aussie’s and the Cannuck’s on word differences?
Before to try to fully understand your post :) I like to say that that in my previous post I quoted (from the top of my head) one of my teacher for French.
He was (hope that he still IS - there are 30 years from that beautiful days) from Paris (Montmartre).
He's name ? Jean Jacques... Somehow but, for sure, not Rousseau. Funny is that I remember only his nick: Rousseau, of course :) . Of course that this guy know more foreign (for he) languages, not only the Romanian. He has said us that the Romanian language was very hard (for he) to learn because... see my previous post.

A bit about me and the English language:
I have "learned" English for 4 years, in the school (at age 10-14 years; 1972-1976).
Then, after 1990, I started to translate the help files from the computer in order to teach myself some programming.
Unfortunately, the computer don't speak to me. It only write for me. And only at the present tense.
So, now, I have a vocabulary restricted to the computers area, I can read better than I write, I write better than I speak and I speak a lot better than I understand if someone else speak to me.

One more thing:
If I listen a non native English speaker, usually I understand at least the idea, if not every word.
But, when I listen a native English speaker, I rarely understand the idea (only from very short sentences) because I understand (maybe) one word from ten.

If someone has some advices, he/she will be more than welcome.

Finally, I like to say a big THANK YOU to all those that helped (and, I hope, will help) me with this.

For all of you, HAVE A NICE DAY !!! (in Romania is the morning now).
Hi, Nigel. How are you.
From your post I'll store in my mind a single word: sake :)
Not bad Mihail, I do keep an eye on what's going on around here, I just haven't posted a lot recently.
Hello again !
I solved my issue and now I come back in order to disturb :) the believers.

What about a new direction in this thread?
How you understand the poll's results ?

In my opinion only the blue bar indicate the true atheists.
Why ? Because the red bar indicate another type of believers (non atheists): they believe, with no reason, and beyond the evidences, that is no god, nowhere. Exactly as a religious believer (the green bar) that think, with no evidences (please, don't tell me that the Bible is an evidence. Ask Rabbie; I'm sure that he can - as well as me - to write his own bible in a few months), that it is a god.

Yours opinions ?
I think deep down everybody wants to believe because they have been brought up in a culture where religion is taught in school in some form, but their logic and science gives them a different perspective..

If a being was to appear to me tomorrow and declare himself a God I would probably, be shocked, and then try to attack it...

Religion over the ages has been used as a reason that something that cannot be explained has happened, or is happening... as science has unlocked many of these mysteries, our use of Religion to explains things has been less and less...

I now find that Religion is used to explain things such as Disasters, like the Tsunami on Boxing Day in 2004, when we all know logically that it was caused by displacement of the earth's mantle under the sea causing a massive earth quake in the ocean, which Science has already proven that our earth is constantly shifting it's mantle plates... nothing remotely Godly about it...

Religion gives a lot of people hope in their darkest moments, and that is good, but in the same way that I feel enlightened after I have read a good book or have seen a powerful emotional movie that has moved me, or have been saddened by watching my children in pain, or been happy to see them happy..

Religion has had it's day... it is time to move on...
If a being was to appear to me tomorrow and declare himself a God I would probably, be shocked, and then try to attack it...
I don't understand that you will "attack" it with weapons in order to kill that entity.. So, I think that no one should understand this :) .
I understand that you will try to convince yourself that that entity is, indeed, a god.
This approach is reasonable: "If you are a god, so you should have the properly tools in order to convince me about this. So, go on !"
This approach is not the same with a "true believer" 's approach:: "Will be impossible for you to show me an alternative because that not exist: read the Bible ! But we can talk; why not ?"
I don't understand that you will "attack" it with weapons in order to kill that entity.. So, I think that no one should understand this :) .
I understand that you will try to convince yourself that that entity is, indeed, a god.
This approach is reasonable: "If you are a god, so you should have the properly tools in order to convince me about this. So, go on !"
This approach is not the same with a "true believer" 's approach:: "Will be impossible for you to show me an alternative because that not exist: read the Bible ! But we can talk; why not ?"


Rem: One reversible CHOICE up until death. Make it a good one!


Have a nice day :>)

Attacking the Being was probably a bit harsh, but then things that people dont understand tends to scare them and when they get scared...

Of course if a being appeared to me and declared themselves to be a God, I would ask for proof, and would not be convinced until the being provided proof that was profoundly directed at myself and meant something meaningful to me...

For example, my Father was murdered when I was nine years old, nothing to do with God's will, a mentally disturbed person stabbed him. If a being was to convince me he was God, I would ask that he allow me to speak to my father just one last time in person, because if anybody could grant that wish, God could...
Be carefully what you ask for Scott . He might grant your wish by killing you so that you can speak to your father in the after life before you get transferred down to stoke the fires.

Be carefully what you ask for Scott . He might grant your wish by killing you so that you can speak to your father in the after life before you get transferred down to stoke the fires.


Now that's a cheery thought Brian, I bet your a scream at Parties... :p
I'm sorry for your father and, of course, for you too.
Rest in peace.

Seems that you have your own understanding of the God :) .
Ask any believer and will find out that the Lord is, first of all, LOVE.
Because His infinite LOVE He allowed all this (and more) :

On the other hand I appreciate that you have a way to test it (not say that Brian not warned you :) ) because I haven't.

But what about the poll's results ?
How you (all of you) interpret this results ?

PS (for Brian)
I can't see your vote in the poll :)
How can you say for sure that this one being allowing you to speak to your "father" is God if he brings you to him or the other way around? What if he just has future technologies capable of implanting these images in your brain? What if he can actually read your mind for facts? You never know what exists outside this world.
Some mortals have been helping bereaved people to speak to deceased loved ones for years.

Although a lot of people seem to ridicule professional mediums these days.

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