Prepare yourself for the storm that is the atheists that is coming your way - (Not a threat, just a pre warning of what is to come via other AWFers).
The onslaught of non-believers has existed for thousands of years since the time of Adam (peace be upon him). The Messengers of God were not deterred and neither will I be, time permitting, insha-allaah.
Ill start - your view is very one sided as you are obviously a "My god is the only god" kinda guy so your opinion cannot be validated via evidence due to the common phrase of your kind "God/Allah made it". You speak with so much certainty through a book that was written not by God/allah himself but that of the hands of a man.
If there is only One True God (Arabic - Allaah) then surely my views will be that! If you read my posts I have given plenty of evidence by quoting from the Qur’an, the last revelation. You say that the book was written by a man? Which man are you referring to and what evidence do you have for that? Note that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was unread.
Those who follow the messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write, whom they will find described in the Torah and the Gospel (which are) with them. He will enjoin on them that which is right and forbid them that which is wrong. He will make lawful for them all good things and prohibit for them only the foul; and he will relieve them of their burden and the fetters that they used to wear. Then those who believe in him, and honour him, and help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him: they are the successful.
Say (O Muhammad): O mankind! Lo! I am the messenger of Allah to you all - (the messenger of) Him unto Whom belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. There is no God save Him. He quickeneth and He giveth death. So believe in Allah and His messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write, who believeth in Allah and in His Words, and follow him that haply ye may be led aright.
Qur’an 7:157-8
And thou (O Muhammad) wast not a reader of any scripture before it, nor didst thou write it with thy right hand, for then might those have doubted, who follow falsehood.
But it is clear revelations in the hearts of those who have been given knowledge, and none deny Our revelations save wrong-doers.
Qur’an 29:48-9
He it is Who hath sent among the unlettered ones a messenger of their own, to recite unto them His revelations and to make them grow, and to teach them the Scripture and wisdom, though heretofore they were indeed in error manifest,
Qur’an 62:2
Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than Allaah, they would have found within it much contradiction.
Qur’an 4:82
If you think it was written by man, then find me a single contradiction in the Qur’an.
Not to expect anything much from a book (set of three books) that were written 600 years after the birth of Christ by a person who at various points of his life would make Genghis Khan seem like a light weight. I say it again, Islam is not a peaceful Religion and it is not just a religion but a social agenda (Shiria Law) and a government run by a theistic dictator.
Bladerunner there is no such thing as a set of three books. Don’t know where you are getting this from! There is the Qur’an and the Hadith. You keep on saying it’s not a peaceful religion, but you provide no evidence from the Qur’an or indeed from the Hadith! Anyone can make sweeping statements but you need to back them up with some evidence otherwise no one will take your comments seriously as I certainly don’t. Oh and BTW it’s not Shiria Law but Sharia. The word Sharia means law. Islam has been run through Sharia for many years including during the times of Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them).
No---- those are mans laws in places where there is Christianity. In Islam, it is written into the three books as law.
The laws of God were the same at the time of Jesus (peace be upon him) as they were during the time of Muhammad (peace be upon him) except for any change that were introduced 14 centuries ago e.g. alcohol ban.
Galaxiom, if the adherents of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which are the same religion if practised in their pure and original form i.e. to be obedient to the Creator, then there would be no issues. It’s not Islam that is to blame but those who do not practice it correctly. Why is it that in places where there is a minority of Muslims in a country, things are so bad. Take the UK, there are unprecedented numbers of teenage pregnancies who in many cases are single parents, a good percentage of children don’t know who their real father is, broken marriages, alcohol abuse, promiscuity, prostitution, drug abuse, naked people dancing in licensed premises, high crime levels with large prison populations, etc. etc. The sincere practice of Islam would prevent or at least reduce these evils in society.