Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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Nobody has claimed that Nature is a brilliant engineer. How could it be when it develops things by selecting small changes which are improvements even if this leads to blind alleys. It does not have a good mechanism for back tracking if it has taken a wrong turning.

I would recommend you read "Climbing Mount Improbable" by Richard Dawkins. It will give you a factual account of how the process works.

To repeat my previous point Evolution is not an Atheist theory. Many Christians support it.

Sorry Rabbi but to be a Christian leaves no room for the a world view of Naturalism. While I believe and have seen (so-called) short term evolution (bacteria become resistant to an antibiotic), but to believe that man just simply evolved one day, began walking upright and a few years later was gone... with another upright walking human taking his place. So nature can look around and say, hum, no humans, let me evolve one????lol

what out of 5 evolved humans nature got it right. I know , Just random coincidence.
Azis - Prepare yourself for the storm that is the atheists that is coming your way - (Not a threat, just a pre warning of what is to come via other AWFers).

Ill start - your view is very one sided as you are obviously a "My god is the only god" kinda guy so your opinion cannot be validated via evidence due to the common phrase of your kind "God/Allah made it". You speak with so much certainty through a book that was written not by God/allah himself but that of the hands of a man.

Although many of the points i could point out that have already been said ill just end with this. Your trusting in a book - written by a man - believing it is true - This man may have been deluded or any number of mental illnesses bistowed upon him which may have made him hallucinate or who knows maybe even hallucinagens (if thats how its spelled) were used and the proceeds of what was seen or done by the person in question was written down in a handy book called "The Bible/ Qur’an "

Not to expect anything much from a book (set of three books) that were written 600 years after the birth of Christ by a person who at various points of his life would make Genghis Khan seem like a light weight. I say it again, Islam is not a peaceful Religion and it is not just a religion but a social agenda (Shiria Law) and a government run by a theistic dictator.
[Islam] is not just a religion but a social agenda (Shiria Law) and a government run by a theistic dictator.

Yes exactly as Christianity was and would still be had it not been for the rise of resistance from secular people and the separation of Church and State.

All Abrahamic religions are fascist doctrines and there will never be peace while they persist.
Yes exactly as Christianity was and would still be had it not been for the rise of resistance from secular people and the separation of Church and State.

All Abrahamic religions are fascist doctrines and there will never be peace while they persist.

No---- those are mans laws in places where there is Christianity. In Islam, it is written into the three books as law.
Shots Fired on Bladerunners Behalf on Islam :o

Hi, I know that you are new and are working your way though this thread, so permit me to inform you that Aziz does not need warning, go to post 2679 for his first post, make some strong coffee, and start reading.


Dont Worry mate ive been reading it - on page 43 :D Coffee is hot and ready to be spilled
You can hardly blame Mohamed for defending himself in a war with the established order that was trying to kill him, after all you as a peace loving tolerant Christian are prepared to shoot anybody that trespasses on your property.

You need to do better in you examples. :)

Sorry Rabbi but to be a Christian leaves no room for the a world view of Naturalism. While I believe and have seen (so-called) short term evolution (bacteria become resistant to an antibiotic), but to believe that man just simply evolved one day, began walking upright and a few years later was gone... with another upright walking human taking his place. So nature can look around and say, hum, no humans, let me evolve one????lol

what out of 5 evolved humans nature got it right. I know , Just random coincidence.

Bladerunner, you really should try to understand what the theory of Evolution is all about before you criticise it. To debunk something when you don't understand it is merely a strawman argument and is not helpful to debate.

Plenty of good sincere Christians do accept evolution so before you condemn the theory out of hand at least find out what it is you are really criticising
Bladerunner, you really should try to understand what the theory of Evolution is all about before you criticise it. To debunk something when you don't understand it is merely a strawman argument and is not helpful to debate.

Plenty of good sincere Christians do accept evolution so before you condemn the theory out of hand at least find out what it is you are really criticising

so much for a spoof. Yes , I know what evolution is. Lets take man...... come from a monkey. Which time.? Which monkey. There are about 5 different types of man and they evolved over the years. But then we still have apes, right. Yeah I know the drill by archeologist who are paid by a liberal university to write a paper so they(the university) can make more money. I will take it that the bacteria morphing into bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics is not a form of evolution. Oh, guess they have to evolve from another being first????? ]

Rabbi: just like everything including Christianity there are a lot of holes to be filled in yet. As far as evolution goes, it has now been debunked by scientist.

Like you, I have picked a side to believe in. It is that simple.
Prepare yourself for the storm that is the atheists that is coming your way - (Not a threat, just a pre warning of what is to come via other AWFers).

The onslaught of non-believers has existed for thousands of years since the time of Adam (peace be upon him). The Messengers of God were not deterred and neither will I be, time permitting, insha-allaah.

Ill start - your view is very one sided as you are obviously a "My god is the only god" kinda guy so your opinion cannot be validated via evidence due to the common phrase of your kind "God/Allah made it". You speak with so much certainty through a book that was written not by God/allah himself but that of the hands of a man.

If there is only One True God (Arabic - Allaah) then surely my views will be that! If you read my posts I have given plenty of evidence by quoting from the Qur’an, the last revelation. You say that the book was written by a man? Which man are you referring to and what evidence do you have for that? Note that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was unread.

Those who follow the messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write, whom they will find described in the Torah and the Gospel (which are) with them. He will enjoin on them that which is right and forbid them that which is wrong. He will make lawful for them all good things and prohibit for them only the foul; and he will relieve them of their burden and the fetters that they used to wear. Then those who believe in him, and honour him, and help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him: they are the successful.
Say (O Muhammad): O mankind! Lo! I am the messenger of Allah to you all - (the messenger of) Him unto Whom belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. There is no God save Him. He quickeneth and He giveth death. So believe in Allah and His messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write, who believeth in Allah and in His Words, and follow him that haply ye may be led aright.

Qur’an 7:157-8

And thou (O Muhammad) wast not a reader of any scripture before it, nor didst thou write it with thy right hand, for then might those have doubted, who follow falsehood.
But it is clear revelations in the hearts of those who have been given knowledge, and none deny Our revelations save wrong-doers.

Qur’an 29:48-9

He it is Who hath sent among the unlettered ones a messenger of their own, to recite unto them His revelations and to make them grow, and to teach them the Scripture and wisdom, though heretofore they were indeed in error manifest,
Qur’an 62:2

Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than Allaah, they would have found within it much contradiction.
Qur’an 4:82

If you think it was written by man, then find me a single contradiction in the Qur’an.

Not to expect anything much from a book (set of three books) that were written 600 years after the birth of Christ by a person who at various points of his life would make Genghis Khan seem like a light weight. I say it again, Islam is not a peaceful Religion and it is not just a religion but a social agenda (Shiria Law) and a government run by a theistic dictator.

Bladerunner there is no such thing as a set of three books. Don’t know where you are getting this from! There is the Qur’an and the Hadith. You keep on saying it’s not a peaceful religion, but you provide no evidence from the Qur’an or indeed from the Hadith! Anyone can make sweeping statements but you need to back them up with some evidence otherwise no one will take your comments seriously as I certainly don’t. Oh and BTW it’s not Shiria Law but Sharia. The word Sharia means law. Islam has been run through Sharia for many years including during the times of Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them).

No---- those are mans laws in places where there is Christianity. In Islam, it is written into the three books as law.

The laws of God were the same at the time of Jesus (peace be upon him) as they were during the time of Muhammad (peace be upon him) except for any change that were introduced 14 centuries ago e.g. alcohol ban.

Galaxiom, if the adherents of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which are the same religion if practised in their pure and original form i.e. to be obedient to the Creator, then there would be no issues. It’s not Islam that is to blame but those who do not practice it correctly. Why is it that in places where there is a minority of Muslims in a country, things are so bad. Take the UK, there are unprecedented numbers of teenage pregnancies who in many cases are single parents, a good percentage of children don’t know who their real father is, broken marriages, alcohol abuse, promiscuity, prostitution, drug abuse, naked people dancing in licensed premises, high crime levels with large prison populations, etc. etc. The sincere practice of Islam would prevent or at least reduce these evils in society.
If there is only One True God (Arabic - Allaah) then surely my views will be that! If you read my posts I have given plenty of evidence by quoting from the Qur’an, the last revelation. You say that the book was written by a man? Which man are you referring to and what evidence do you have for that? Note that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was unread.

Exactly you are quoting from a book - which in your opinion is obviously written by a god - but where is your proof that it was written by "Allah" and not a deranged person with an active imagination which lead countless of generations to his same belief?

Come on give me the tiniest bit of proof ? without quoting the book in which may or may not be a fantasy novel?

If your quoting a book which may be fiction i may as well be preaching about children attending hogwarts every year to keep up to date with their magic studies. (Sound Ridiculous? - So does quoting from a book that you have no evidence was written by a so called god)
And thou (O Muhammad) wast not a reader of any scripture before it, nor didst thou write it with thy right hand, for then might those have doubted, who follow falsehood.
But it is clear revelations in the hearts of those who have been given knowledge, and none deny Our revelations save wrong-doers.

Was he left handed?

Is it weird that I find this saying "have faith" has been abused.

I feel like it enables that 1% of the people in the world to take control by keeping that "have faith" feeling that lets you feel like everything is going to be OK... just sit there and "have faith". To push this thought forward into the newer and even less religious generation. I feel like this 1% is creating a new damper, ignorance.

Now this is just a thought that comes from a mind that is not religious and is not educated in sociology or the history of religion (other than the repeated cycle of the renewal of the same story as we traverse through the ages). Just a quick thought that balances out in my mind.

I sincerely wonder what your thoughts on this are...
completely prepared for the bashing to begin on me
ConnorGiles, look at Qur'an 4:82 and see if you can meet the challenge. If you can find a single contradiction in the Qur'an I'm happy to accept that the Qur'an must be the work of man and not God.
ConnorGiles, look at Qur'an 4:82 and see if you can meet the challenge. If you can find a single contradiction in the Qur'an I'm happy to accept that the Qur'an must be the work of man and not God.

121 contradictions in the text of the Qu'ran can be found HERE.

Of course, the Bible has even more. Likely the Torah, too.
so much for a spoof. Yes , I know what evolution is. Lets take man...... come from a monkey. Which time.? Which monkey. There are about 5 different types of man and they evolved over the years. But then we still have apes, right. Yeah I know the drill by archeologist who are paid by a liberal university to write a paper so they(the university) can make more money. I will take it that the bacteria morphing into bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics is not a form of evolution. Oh, guess they have to evolve from another being first????? ]

As far as evolution goes, it has now been debunked by scientist.
Given that was possibly the worst understanding of how evolution has been proposed to work I've ever read, it's not surprising you reject it.
Frothingslosh, rather than just giving a web link, could you give me a single case (use the web link by all means or any other if you wish) that you feel is a strong candidate, so that I can give you a direct answer. Thanks.

One thing to note that many alleged contradictions aren't conradictions at all because:-

1. Bad english translations
2. verses are quoted out of context
3. verses are quoted out of historical context

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