Homosexuality is the conundrum for the Natural Selection theory, and, the reason for my rejection of the same. Natural selection would have eradicated the anomaly as being useless to its purpose.
First, the LGBT community is pushing for the issue that they don't have a choice in being born as they are. (And I happen to agree with them.) However, they are not all pushing for the issue to be a "gay gene" because that doesn't exist
per se.
Second, here is a bit of research for you to ponder. I will not repeat the techie stuff more than necessary to illustrate the point. I will leave it to you to decide whether you can buy into it. This explanation is still being researched. Therefore, I can only present it as still being a working hypothesis for which a lot of data must be collected. Since I'm a chemist, not a physician, the research isn't in my area of fine-grained expertise.
In a study from the 1990s reported in various British medical journals and repeated in many newspapers. some physicians did the work that discovered that the human brain is physiologically different between men and women. I.e. it is no surprise that men and women don't think exactly alike because they are wired differently. The researchers used Positron Emission Tomography (a.k.a. PET scans) to get images of the brain structure. To see their study, use the following phrase for your favorite search engine
brain scan + homosexual
You will find, if you do the reading, that the second stage of their research, using a larger sample size started to find "outliers" - observations that at first glance appeared to be incorrect or inconsistent with their theory - i.e. a male brain structure in a female body and vice-versa. But further studies showed that the findings were explainable. All of the outliers were homosexual. In essence, those persons were gay because they had a mismatch between the plumbing (of their genitalia) and the wiring (of their brain).
When you hear gay folks talking about the feeling that they were born into the wrong body, they might literally be correct. Of course, this finding piqued the curiosity of the researchers, who finally came up with a mechanism.
At a certain point in early gestation, about when the brain stem starts forming, the fetus is highly susceptible to the mother's hormone balance. If it happens that a really bad hormonal event occurs at that time, the brain takes the cue from the predominant hormone in the imbalance. The hormones make it past the umbilical connection so that the mother's problem affects the fetus. We know this happens because addicted children can be born to addicted mothers even though the child has itself never taken a drug.
The genetic element here is a recessive gene (not yet identified) that allows this imbalance to get strong enough to affect brain stem formation. The reason it is hard to find in gay people is that the gene affects the MOTHER and might not even be passed along to the fetus. (Looking for love in all the wrong places?)
But the gene is even harder to find since it is a matter of having this imbalance occur at the right time to cause the plumbing/wiring mismatch. If the imbalance DOESN'T occur then the child born to that mother looks and acts perfectly normal - but carries a recessive gene that didn't interfere with the mother's ability to have the child. I.e. it is not a reproductive deficit for the one who passed along the DNA. If that is so, then it would not be blocked by natural selection.
Now the last part of this puzzle is that the BRAIN is the most powerful sex organ - it is the wiring that drives you, not the plumbing. If you have the brain of a man, you are turned on by beautiful, sexy women. If you have the brain of a woman, you are turned on by handsome, strong men. Your plumbing has nothing to say about what excites you. This means that your gender preference is NOT a choice. It is a birth condition.
The only reason I know as much as I do is that a member of my wife's extended family is gay. We had that little talk about nature/nurture. I did some research and found the 1990s articles.
In conclusion, those who claim that homosexuality must be a choice because it can't possibly be genetic are missing the fact that it well COULD be genetic via the above mechanism. And that oversight shows that they should not be talking about a subject that they know even less about than I do.
The religious zealots forget that by their standards, we are ALL "children of God" and therefore should not blame others for being different. There is a passage that says something to the effect that God knows us before we leave the womb. If so, He must not be bothered by a little difference such as gender preferences.
Further, if you look at the dogma of judgment for early-childhood death cases, it is generally held that a child is blameless (and thus still in a state of grace) for a while after birth. If a child born with Down's Syndrome or Spina Bifida or Phocomelia is accepted as a blameless child, why is a child born with the plumbing/wiring mismatch condemned? God made that child as well as any OTHER child. So what's the problem?