Are you an atheist? (14 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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One drawback of atheism that you can't deny is that you'll never get to say "I told you so" :p

Fortunately, I am not a vindictive person, so that doesn't bother me, but I suspect that for some religious people, the "righteousness" aspect of religion is a big draw.
You'll be back ...:p

If Fire2Ice does return would he/she please post the same way as everybody else, first the quote then the response. I'm a simple soul and found his/her posts difficult to follow.


Oh and one other thing, I might not agree with Alisa but she does answer everypoint put foreward, I don't ever recall her cherry picking, whereas I don't think f2i answered any of mine directly.

Oh and one other thing, I might not agree with Alisa but she does answer everypoint put foreward, I don't ever recall her cherry picking, whereas I don't think f2i answered any of mine directly.
You're not missing much.
The only direct response to mine I noticed was to point out that personal insults were okay if he/she was directing them at someone - as opposed to being the recipient - because then they were sarcastic. :rolleyes:
If Fire2Ice does return would he/she please post the same way as everybody else, first the quote then the response. I'm a simple soul and found his/her posts difficult to follow.


Oh and one other thing, I might not agree with Alisa but she does answer everypoint put foreward, I don't ever recall her cherry picking, whereas I don't think f2i answered any of mine directly.


Thank you Brian.
Oh and one other thing, I might not agree with Alisa but she does answer everypoint put foreward, I don't ever recall her cherry picking, whereas I don't think f2i answered any of mine directly.


I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it Bri, anyone who comes on and describes sick bastards that prey on children as "They are loving and kind in spite of the perversion" is missing something anyway;)
Like I said before, there could very well be a flying spaghetti monster out there RIGHT NOW. Doesn't mean I spend my time worrying about pleasing him.

Neither does anyone else - whats your point?

Are you trying to add to the debate - or just belittle other peoples beliefs, by likening God to a spagetti monster?

You could at least make the effort to understand what God is for billions of people, even if you don't believe in him.

You fail to show any understanding, or perhaps respect. Which makes your requests for reasonable debate laughable.
Neither does anyone else - whats your point?

Are you trying to add to the debate - or just belittle other peoples beliefs, by likening God to a spagetti monster?

You could at least make the effort to understand what God is for billions of people, even if you don't believe in him.

You fail to show any understanding, or perhaps respect. Which makes your requests for reasonable debate laughable.

[still lurking below the parapet]...i made a similar remark and got poopoo'd so watch out...:rolleyes:
Neither does anyone else - whats your point?

Are you trying to add to the debate - or just belittle other peoples beliefs, by likening God to a spagetti monster?

You could at least make the effort to understand what God is for billions of people, even if you don't believe in him.

You fail to show any understanding, or perhaps respect. Which makes your requests for reasonable debate laughable.
Is it actually possible to have a reasonable debate when one side is not supposed to criticise the other side's position. Those terms seem a bit farcical to me.
Of course she has made an effort to understand what God is for billions of people, otherwise she wouldn't bother to reply or even read these posts.

Then she seems to have failed - if she cannot see a differnace between the spagetti monster and God. I did entertain the idea she understands - in which case I can only assume she is being deliberately disrepectful.

You now have two choices, you can either leave it at that, or you can calmly and in the manner that your good book would recommend, put your point across in the hope that you can convince her. There is absolutely no need to get touchy about it. We are all different.

I have more choices than that, and I am perfectly calm thanks. I have no interest in convincing her of anything.
Its funny to note that anyone opposed to an atheists point of view on here, is assummed to have have religion and good book as you put it.?!
I'm Agnostic. I don't really know what I believe in. The cleaner at work yesterday told me that God loves me, I just replied "Not today", to which she said "No, he loves you regardless of what you might have done".

The whole mentality doesn't really appeal to me. The more religious people are, the more they tend to force the opinions on other people (in my opinion). I've always been a proponent of the "Live and let live" philosophy of life.
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You're missing the point. If you don't believe in God you won't see the difference between a spaghetti monster and God, they are both equally fictional. That is the point Alisa is trying to make, she doesn't see the difference because she doesn't believe in the existence of either.

The 'flying spaghetti monster' is a common tactic by the atheist to attempt to reduce the concept of God to absurdity, Reductio ad absurdum.

It's a valid form of argument but it leans heavily on, [is ridicule too strong a word?], to hold attention.
The 'flying spaghetti monster' is a common tactic by the atheist to attempt to reduce the concept of God to absurdity, Reductio ad absurdum.

It's a valid form of argument but it leans heavily on, [is ridicule too strong a word?], to hold attention.
Since I've found your posts to be more, shall we say, 'reasonable' than certain other pro-religion posters, can I ask where you stand on the bible itself?

For argument's sake, God exists. End of.

How accurate do you believe the events described in the bible are?
Since I've found your posts to be more, shall we say, 'reasonable' than certain other pro-religion posters, can I ask where you stand on the bible itself?

Hurrah! :D

How accurate do you believe the events described in the bible are?

I'm sure alot of it is based on historical facts. The portrayal of Egyptian slavery etc etc.

When it comes to the word of God, though, it seems to have a massive blip. The new covenant says that actually 'an eye for an eye' is wrong, you're supposed to turn the other cheek. It smacks too much of 'if it at first you don't succeed, try, try again', if you know what I mean.

An adjustment of one's approach to suit the political climate, let's say.
Hurrah! :D

I'm sure alot of it is based on historical facts. The portrayal of Egyptian slavery etc etc.

When it comes to the word of God, though, it seems to have a massive blip. The new covenant says that actually 'an eye for an eye' is wrong, you're supposed to turn the other cheek. It smacks too much of 'if it at first you don't succeed, try, try again', if you know what I mean.

An adjustment of one's approach to suit the political climate, let's say.
How about the - and I'm trying to phrase this carefully - more difficult to believe areas? The Great flood, Adam and Eve, dying and resurrecting, etc.
How about the - and I'm trying to phrase this carefully - more difficult to believe areas? The Great flood, Adam and Eve, dying and resurrecting, etc.

Dramatisation probably. If you're asking do I believe in the 'Resurrection', then no, not really. It's such a recurring theme throughout religion that it just suggests to me more dramatisation. I certainly don't go along with the 'carrot [heaven] and stick [hell]' approach. That's just basic coercion.
How about the - and I'm trying to phrase this carefully - more difficult to believe areas? The Great flood, Adam and Eve, dying and resurrecting, etc.

For someone who is a believer none of those are issues. God can do what He wants and do it in any way He wants to do it.

Consider the "dying and resurrecting,"........surely no more than child's play for God.
Dramatisation probably. If you're asking do I believe in the 'Resurrection', then no, not really. It's such a recurring theme throughout religion that it just suggests to me more dramatisation. I certainly don't go along with the 'carrot [heaven] and stick [hell]' approach. That's just basic coercion.
Okay, so you admit it's all a pack of lies (kidding, kidding!).

Is that just heaven and hell as motivating themes you have a problem with, or their actual existence?
Is that just heaven and hell as motivating themes you have a problem with, or their actual existence?

I believe they have been manufactured as motivating themes. They don't impact on my entertainment of the existance of God.

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