Are you an atheist? (10 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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And of course the reverse argument can be made, the Ying is always followed by the Yang

The first thing that I learned in computer school (Navy) was gnip gnop!
Guys, I was reading this forum and I thought I simply had to sign up to tell you that I do indeed exist. If you'd like to repent, that's cool, just fund the Church with your hard earned cash so we can use it to mask child abuse scandals.

Guys, I was reading this forum and I thought I simply had to sign up to tell you that I do indeed exist. If you'd like to repent, that's cool, just fund the Church with your hard earned cash so we can use it to mask child abuse scandals.


Admirable honesty, but then again you are God, so I guess such virtues are to be expected! :D
Guys, I was reading this forum and I thought I simply had to sign up to tell you that I do indeed exist. If you'd like to repent, that's cool, just fund the Church with your hard earned cash so we can use it to mask child abuse scandals.


Hey there God-
Just checking in with you.
You know, it's funny.
I've wanted to talk with you all my life.
There are a million questions I've wanted to ask you, and a slew of minor miracles that, if you had the time or inclination, I would have asked you to put on your list.
And now that you're actually here and talking with me; now that, at long last, I have the opportunity to say all that I've wanted to say, and ask all I've wanted to ask...I can't think of a single thing.
Not a single f*cking thing.
Hey there God-
Just checking in with you.
You know, it's funny.
I've wanted to talk with you all my life.
There are a million questions I've wanted to ask you, and a slew of minor miracles that, if you had the time or inclination, I would have asked you to put on your list.
And now that you're actually here and talking with me; now that, at long last, I have the opportunity to say all that I've wanted to say, and ask all I've wanted to ask...I can't think of a single thing.
Not a single f*cking thing.
If you want to know where you stand on my naughty/nice list, you're quite firmly on the naughty side. Your Google history is shocking! You'll be getting coal at the end of this life! Ho ho ho!
If you want to know where you stand on my naughty/nice list, you're quite firmly on the naughty side. Your Google history is shocking! You'll be getting coal at the end of this life! Ho ho ho!

You think my *Google history* is the most shocking thing I've done?
Hee hee.
I guess there are things you DON'T know after all.
That's a relief.
When did God turn into Santa :p

Question for you God; do you look like Charlton Heston with a beard?

God looks like the energy that lies at the core of all matter.

Consciousness existed before matter.

Sorry some of you have a hard time seeing that.
Originally Posted by scott-atkinson View Post
When did God turn into Santa

Question for you God; do you look like Charlton Heston with a beard?

God looks like the energy that lies at the core of all matter.

Consciousness existed before matter.

Sorry some of you have a hard time seeing that.

I'm sorry too, that you simply didn't see that as the little bit of humor that it was intended to be... :banghead: :rolleyes:
Humor or not, God can look like whatever anybody wants him to look like. Our mental image of God is mostly the white, European, middle to senior aged guy in the Rennaissnce paintings. I no biblical scholar so correct me if I'm wrong (I'm sure somebody will regardless) but other than "God created Man in his own image" there is no physical description of Him. He could look like Santa, Carlton Heston, or a flying plate of spaghetti.
God looks like the energy that lies at the core of all matter.

Consciousness existed before matter.

Sorry some of you have a hard time seeing that.
Since the main religions in the world can't agree on how many gods there are and no-one has ever shown me a picture of energy this answer looks like a bit of a cop out.

Why not just say you don't know what god looks like and we might think you were being honest.
I posted a bit ago and it is still not there.

will try again.

I am glad that science has finally caught up with the Bible. It seems that some young smart people figured out how to prove that God created the Heavens and the earth in 6 days scientifically that is.

Have a nice day :>)

I posted a bit ago and it is still not there.

will try again.

I am glad that science has finally caught up with the Bible. It seems that some young smart people figured out how to prove that God created the Heavens and the earth in 6 days scientifically that is.

Have a nice day :>)


Perhaps you would like to post a link to this so-called proof which seems to have received remarkably little publicity
It will always come down to beliefs and those in turn will derive from the things your parents, peers, and teachers told you when you were young. If you can overcome your learned behavior and critically analyze religion, you can either see it as a relatively good thing - or a huge scam. If you cannot overcome your learned behavior - and religion IS a learned behavior regardless of what anyone might say to the contrary - then you will always believe what you were taught regardless of what that was. Again, that learned behavior might be pro- or anti-religious.

In general, unless I am feeling rather dyspeptic, I tend to forgive people for whatever they believe. However, if someone tries to use logic based on questionable statements as a way to convince me of a particular religious belief, I reserve to right to puncture the questionable statements with the biggest pin I can find.

I've stated earlier in this thread that I am atheist or at best, agnostic with very strong atheist leanings. Make of that what you will.
It will always come down to beliefs and those in turn will derive from the things your parents, peers, and teachers told you when you were young.
........and religion IS a learned behavior regardless of what anyone might say to the contrary - then you will always believe what you were taught regardless of what that was.


true of some, but not necessary so.
My religious beliefs are far, far different than what my parents, grandparents, school, and church taught me.
Perhaps you would like to post a link to this so-called proof which seems to have received remarkably little publicity

Make you wonder why it has received very little attention. As far as I have been able to find, the the one or two people that are against it, are against it because it might upset the ole apple cart. I have failed to find any physicist, etc that have published anything against it. Perhaps my olde nemesis , the scientific genius from Australia might be able to add something against it.

Check out the movie :'The Genesis Code'.. Now before you get down in the floor and laugh, watch it. The science behind it seems to be true and solid according to Einsteins theory of relativity. If it is upheld in the scientific community, really hurts a lot of people. This movie has been out for 2 years.

I am not really smart enough to know if it is good science but it has the feel that it is.

I can offer no more than that.

Let me know what you think. Of course, this still does not prove that God exist, it just proves that all things were created in 6 days.The Big Bang just happened and man wrote the bible all by himself. Yes, sir, he wrote the first five books in the bible that align themselves exactly with what this science is showing. Yes sir, sounds good to me.

Have a nice day :>)

How do we define a day, in terms of God? Is it 24 hours or a thousand years? We cannot even pronounce his name, moreless figure out what a day

A little preview.... a 24 hour day for God and Thousands of years for us. 15.575 Billion years (what I am told is the universes age) in 6 days and it all starts with the Big Bang.

Have a nice day :>)

Make you wonder why it has received very little attention. As far as I have been able to find, the the one or two people that are against it, are against it because it might upset the ole apple cart. I have failed to find any physicist, etc that have published anything against it.

It would be because very few serious scientists could be bothered wasting their time watching it and less still critiquing it. Moreover, real science is not published as a movie. If it was serious science it would be published as a peer reviewed paper in a journal.

It is clearly aimed at a scientifically illiterate audience with a low threshold of what the consider "proof". People like BladeRunner who have already been convinced that the Bible is infallible.

Let me know what you think. Of course, this still does not prove that God exist, it just proves that all things were created in 6 days.The Big Bang just happened and man wrote the bible all by himself. Yes, sir, he wrote the first five books in the bible that align themselves exactly with what this science is showing. Yes sir, sounds good to me.

No doubt it uses a fudge I have come across before by assigning a logarithmic scale to time. Then they try to invoke Relativity to justify it. Most people don't understand Relativity but they know Einstein was pretty sharp so it sounds good to involve him.

However even if we accept this arbitrary rescaling there are a number of serious discrepancies particularly with the order of creation according to Genesis.

On the third day God separated the land and the seas and populated the land with vegetation.

Only the fourth day He made the Sun and the Moon and put the stars in the sky. How does your movie explain that obvious sequential error?

Moreover, the plants he created on the third day "bore fruit" meaning they were angiosperms (flowering plants). On the fifth day he made all the animals including those in the sea.

In fact flowering plants only arose about 150 million years ago. Animals had already been living in the sea for 400 million years and already on land for about 200 million years. Indeed there had been animals in the sea for 100 million years before there were any land plants at all let alone those which could bear fruit.

The fact is that the Genesis account doesn't even approximate the reality no matter how much it is twisted in an effort to fit.

BTW. The best measurement of the age of the Universe is 13.798±0.037 billion years.
I have read a review of the movie that covers the use of Relativitistic Time dilation to show that what appeared as 14 billion years from Earth's accelerated perspective would have only been six days from God's perspective.

The problem there is the logic is reversed. God would need to be the one travelling close to the speed of light. As I said earlier, most people don't really understand Relativity.

It also neglects to mention that God said the Hebrews wandered in the desert for forty years and that several people lived for many hundreds of years. Why didn't God perceive these intervals as femtoseconds?

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