No one ran against that. Hillary's entire campaign was a anti white male, Men, and in particular white men had ruined the world and their lives. They were going to be made to pay. The woke, and the women, were gonna set it straight.The same thing was said about Bill Clinton, his antics while Governor of Arkansas were legend, his disrespect of the oval office with Monica was embarrassing. But in the final analyst nobody cared, he remains a beloved member of the democrat party and is trotted out like a conquering hero whenever needed. And nobody really cares about Trump boasting about grabbing women. It's all just theater, a momentary distraction from our ordinary life.
In reality they were all just pissed off because their husbands left them for younger women.
Either way, she miscalculated, and here we are, America's greatest looser is in charge of the circus again.