Biden's Anticipated Foreign Policy

WHY CAN'T ANYONE SEE THE THE HYPROCRASY? We're willing to go to WAR to protect Ukraine against illegal aliens but we can't shut our own boarder because that is racist!!!!!!!! It makes my head spin.
"Most Republicans are really Democrats, but no Democrats are really Republicans" -Dan Bongino
China backs Putin as top diplomat warns US that Russia's security demands 'must be taken seriously' amid fears of war in Ukraine

China backed Putin in Ukraine crisis, saying demands must be 'taken seriously'
Foreign minister Wang Yi urged America to abandon its 'Cold War mentality'
He delivered the comments during a call with Secretary of State Antony Blinken
Came after Blinken sent a letter to Moscow, rejecting most of Putin's demands.
Biden, despite his claims that he is a unifier and a superior negotiator, is isolating the US on the international stage. Additionally, there have been a smattering of comments that some NATO countries are not behind US policy, which further isolates the US.

Biden also seems to be "forgetting" (probably on purpose) about the UN concerning resolution of international crises. The UN overall is anti-US, but then the Democrats, when Trump was in office, made a big stink about the US going it alone. Yet now the Biden administration is hypocritically doing exactly that. (Both the Obama and Biden administrations have made anti-US remarks before the UN. Countries do not go on the international stage to condemn themselves.)

This prior post briefly reviews other missteps of the Biden administration including the fact that China is willing to correctly call-out the US for human riots violations based on the incredulous assertions made by the Biden administration that the US is a racist country. The Biden administration is undermining the US on the international front. The will be unable to stand-up an alliance of Russia and China, including the fact that some supposed US allies are now attempting to create "distance" between them and the US.

The US is also demonstrating extreme hypocrisy relative the Ukraine. The Biden administration says, with great solemnity, that the US has a moral obligation to protect Ukrainian sovereignty and democracy. Yet the Biden admistration fails to protect US sovereignty along its southern border and proposes legislation in the US that would undermine democracy.
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@oleronesoftwares It's meant to highlight how each side votes on important issues. Most of the time Democrats will vote as one unified unit while the Republicans are afraid of being labeled racists, sexist, homophobic will often vote with Democrats out of fear. Sometimes Democrats do cross the line and vote with Republicans for example Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin Democrats are voting with Republicans currently. This is the exception, not the rule.
@oleronesoftwares It's meant to highlight how each side votes on important issues. Most of the time Democrats will vote as one unified unit while the Republicans are afraid of being labeled racists, sexist, homophobic will often vote with Democrats out of fear. Sometimes Democrats do cross the line and vote with Republicans for example Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin Democrats are voting with Republicans currently. This is the exception, not the rule.

So this theory (first quoted above from Dan Bongino) caught my attention, because I don't know if I agree with it.

But I agree in your example that Republicans for appearance sake only will often go with Democrats, whereas Democrats virtually never for appearance sake only go with Republicans.

But I am not sure I agree with the Bongino quote as far as what they "really" believe in their hearts - which is what he makes it sound like he is referring to by the word 'really'.

I think it's just the opposite: Many people on the Democrat side actually don't believe the nonsense coming out of their party, as it's so obviously ridiculous, a vast majority of it. They know full well that extravagantly taxing people who choose to work to take care of people who don't is immoral and beyond unfair, they know the whole g*n*d*r thing has gone WAY to far, they probably privately see a lot of the woke stuff as completely silly. (Proof of this is: How easy it is for Fox to find a multitude of Democrat officials from years gone past and who are now retired (and don't have to worry about appearances), are constantly saying how dumb Biden and Democrats path right now is...Note, this is what they 'really' think about current issues, now that they can reveal what they privately believe.

However, Republicans do not do that. They don't secretly think "Yeah, we really need to change our military on the personal pronoun issue - that's the best thing for the country militarily" - that both is and sounds insane, and everybody knows it.

So for actual votes cast, Bongino probably has it going the right direction. For where people are in their hearts, privately, I think he's got it backwards.
For clarification I was only speaking of politicians not the general public.
@oleronesoftwares It's meant to highlight how each side votes on important issues. Most of the time Democrats will vote as one unified unit while the Republicans are afraid of being labeled racists, sexist, homophobic will often vote with Democrats out of fear. Sometimes Democrats do cross the line and vote with Republicans for example Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin Democrats are voting with Republicans currently. This is the exception, not the rule.
thank you for enlightening me.
So how are we to counter Russian and Chinese "aggression"?
Note: Moved. Accidentally posted in wrong thread.
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Concerning the Ukraine, Tucker interviews Stu Scheller, a former US Marine Corps officer, who was forced to retire (fired) for questioning top military leadership.

There are several points that make this interview extremely important.
Schuller bring a military perspective to the events.
  • NATO has not "stood-up" (mobilized). Only the US is "spinning-up" (beating the war drums).
  • The US has not clearly stated what the US wants.
  • Russia views NATO as the threat, but the US is "forcing" NATO to be more "aggressive", thereby aggravating the situation.
While not specifically mentioned by Scheller, it appears that the Ukrainian President (Volodymyr Zelenskyy), is "distancing" the Ukraine from the unilateral demands of the Biden administration in intensifying international tensions. One could even say that the US, in strong language, is demanding that the Ukraine accept US 'help" that they apparently do not want.

As a side note. Apparently Biden and Zelenskyy had a phone call. Where are the demands from Congress that these phone calls be released?
Democrats rabidly foamed at the mouth hysterically demanding that Trump release the transcript of his phone call and used that incident as an element in Trump's bogus impeachment.
Seems that both Biden and Trudeau are wannabe strongmen. In the case of Biden, he wants to teach Putin the "lesson" that he had taught corn-pop. Recall that Biden even wanted to take Trump out to the "woodshed" to teach him a lesson. As for Trudeau, he does not want to make the simple humble acknowledgement that all he has to do is lift the Covid mandates and all will be fine. Eventthough, everyone else is dropping the mandates. Got to teach those evil truckers a lesson in law and order, which are ironically ignored when it comes to the mostly peaceful protests by the left.

In the UK, one opinion is that the USA is desperate for war so they can kill innocent people like vietnam and then lose the war and retreat like a smacked puppy like they usually do.

That photo is Patrick Stewart in Star Trek. ?Why?
Question: Why is the Ukrainian crises continuing to fester?
Answer: Biden is miffed that he has not yet received the Nobel peace prize for all his hardworking personal diplomacy. Obama received a (unearned) Nobel peace prized after only eight months into his Presidency, Biden has been in office for just over a year. He is still waiting.
Click on the grayedout area above to display the "answer".
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Because the Military/Industrial complex wants it to.

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