@oleronesoftwares It's meant to highlight how each side votes on important issues. Most of the time Democrats will vote as one unified unit while the Republicans are afraid of being labeled racists, sexist, homophobic will often vote with Democrats out of fear. Sometimes Democrats do cross the line and vote with Republicans for example Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin Democrats are voting with Republicans currently. This is the exception, not the rule.
So this theory (first quoted above from Dan Bongino) caught my attention, because I don't know if I agree with it.
But I agree in your example that Republicans
for appearance sake only will often go with Democrats, whereas Democrats virtually never
for appearance sake only go with Republicans.
But I am not sure I agree with the Bongino quote as far as what they "really" believe in their hearts - which is what he makes it sound like he is referring to by the word 'really'.
I think it's just the opposite: Many people on the Democrat side actually don't believe the nonsense coming out of their party, as it's so obviously ridiculous, a vast majority of it. They know full well that extravagantly taxing people who choose to work to take care of people who don't is immoral and beyond unfair, they know the whole g*n*d*r thing has gone WAY to far, they probably privately see a lot of the woke stuff as completely silly. (Proof of this is: How easy it is for Fox to find a multitude of Democrat officials
from years gone past and who are now retired (and don't have to worry about appearances), are constantly saying how dumb Biden and Democrats path right now is...Note, this is what they 'really' think about current issues, now that they can reveal what they privately believe.
However, Republicans do not do that. They don't secretly think "Yeah, we really need to change our military on the personal pronoun issue - that's the best thing for the country militarily" - that both is and sounds insane, and everybody knows it.
So for actual votes cast, Bongino probably has it going the right direction. For where people are in their hearts, privately, I think he's got it backwards.