Biden's Anticipated Foreign Policy

More Biden dishonesty? Russian troops have moved into the Ukraine, Biden has imposed (meaningless) sanctions on Russia to punish Russia. Biden has warned us that these sanctions would also hurt the US consumer, but that he will do everything he can to keep the price of gas low. In the background, there have been periodic unverified references to the Biden administration working with Iran to obtain oil from Iran. So Biden appears to be proposing to work with one "enemy" (Iran) that is the subject of numerous sanctions and may soon build a nuclear device to get their oil in case the US can no longer import Russian oil? This is deranged.

The simple solution, Biden could end the Democrats "war" on fossil fuel production. It seems the Democrats are such absolute ideologues, who would make repugnant deals with the "enemy" for hydrocarbons rather than allow it to be produced here.

Update: Finally ran across a confirming article below, that Biden is looking at getting Iranian oil rather than allowing domestic production. The greater implication for both Russia and Iran, sanctions actually mean nothing. This also implies that Biden will make deals with the "devil" to make deals that weaken the US to foster the Democrats "green" policies.
Biden has alluded to securing cheap Iranian oil as an answer to high gas prices in the United States, a policy which has now been picked up by the media. Biden hit on rising oil prices again in his Tuesday speech, as did Kamala Harris in the course of the Munich conference. (Emphasis added)

U.S. imports rare Iranian oil in March despite sanctions - EIA data

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Biden's foreign policy is increasingly bizarre. The most recent fiasco, taunting Russia (Putin) to invade the Ukraine, which is discussed in another (click here) thread. The Russian invasion of the Ukraine, highlighted that the West is dependent on the importation of Russian oil. Instead of increasing US domestic oil production, the Biden administration is proposing to buy oil from Iran, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia. An irony here is that the Democrats have accused Republicans of being "friends" to these "repulsive" countries. Now it is the Democrats, with a loathsome example of moral relativism is groveling to work with these countries, specifically Iran.
What that means is that Iran will emerge at the end of the deal as a nuclear power — just as it could have under the old deal, which was the whole reason that Israel opposed it openly, and the Sunni Arab states opposed it tacitly.
The Biden administration does not appear to be cognizant that it's foreign policy intentions are promoting war.
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Biden's foreign policy continues to be bizarre. Biden has sent Harris to meetings that he should have gone to. That shows condescending disrespect to the European leaders. Biden by not going, has been showing a lack of leadership. It also demonstrates indirectly that Biden does not care about the Ukraine. This is further, documented by the Biden administration slow-walking obstructing the deliver of military equipment, such as the proposed transfer of Mig-29s to the Ukraine. Words, are cheap and do not supersede Biden's lack of action.

Indirect evidence that demonstrates that the Ukraine is a low priority "side-show". Kerry and other climate activists loudly whine-on about Ukraine being a "distraction". Since posting, this article was published: "House Dems want Biden to declare national 'climate emergency' and ban oil drilling on federal lands". Biden refuses to increase US oil and gas production, which is a National security concern. Unbelievably, the Democrats are even proposing to work with autocratic regimes such as Iran, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia to buy oil. These are the very regimes that Democrats accused Republicans of being "puppets" too. Democrats have lost all sense of morality and will make deals with the "devil" to implement their green new deal, even if means working with "enemies" of the US.

Editorial note: As I have noted in the other posts, Iran could potentially use the $$$$ it receives from oil to continue with building a nuclear device. This deal with the "devil" has the potential of undermining Israel. Democrats only think of immediate gratification and apparently never consider the negative consequences of their action.
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It was reported on the BBC news (prior to the invasion) that Mr Biden said if the Russians set one toecap on Ukraine soil, there would be a heavy price to pay. Has anything happened? Or have I missed something.
You missed Biden's "minor incursion" gaffe, which essentially was a green light for Putin to invade.
Biden claims to having superb diplomatic skill. Biden demonstrated that he has no diplomatic skills. Biden simply spews meaningless hot-air like Harris. Biden is dishonest and a liar. Therefore he cannot be trusted. Biden also a major threat to world peace as he is a strongman wannabe.

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Did Venezuela just announce that they won't sell oil to us?
I was hoping Hunter Biden would sell a few of his highly sought after paintings to help finance the Ukrainian military.

If not Hunter then maybe the Clinton's or the Obama's could return some of that kick back money, who knows it could help.

Every penny counts like the 34 million dollar mansion in Florida the Ukrainian president allegedly owns.
How about the multi-million dollar homes owned by Obama? Wonder where all that money came from so quickly. Many of our Presidents have come into office already wealthy but somehow they seem to leave office wealthy and it's not like we pay them as much as the CEO's of giant companies. Their government salaries are a pittance by comparison.
Add another emerging international failure to Biden's diplomatic resume. Seems that Biden has alienated Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. It also appears that Biden grovelled before these countries in a futile effort to get oil from them rather than increase US domestic production.
How about the multi-million dollar homes owned by Obama? Wonder where all that money came from so quickly. Many of our Presidents have come into office already wealthy but somehow they seem to leave office wealthy and it's not like we pay them as much as the CEO's of giant companies. Their government salaries are a pittance by comparison.
Speech fees for them are outrageous, same thing with book deals.
Clinton was getting those huge speaking fees from Russia while Hillary was in office.
Fixed it

If they stand with Ukraine, why are they not over there fighting in the streets to keep the Russians at bay? Why are they not lobbying the UN to get off their duffs and do something? This is all just typical liberal virtue signaling. If they say the "right" thing, they can say they did something to actually help.

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