Biden's Anticipated Foreign Policy

I guess it makes sense in your world to destroy your current citizens, while you bring in new ones, dam the COVOD restrictions, and suck up to our foreign enemies. American CITIZENS cannot get back home without a negative COVID test unless they just walk over the Southern border with all the other criminals.

Frank, if you think Jan 6 was an uprising, you are an idiot. What else is there to say?
... and you all thought Biden was an appeasing little lamb when it comes to foreign and domestic policy. There's going to be zero-tolerance with domestic terrorists. That's a broad category. Next uprising by any of you Trumpers is going to go really bad for you.
Calling Biden a " little lamb" is an insult to lambs. Lambs are useful and productive and are very cute to look at. Biden is more like a potato, he has eyes like a potato skin like a potato, and no brain like a potato. :p
Calling Biden a " little lamb" is an insult to lambs. Lambs are useful and productive and are very cute to look at. Biden is more like a potato, he has eyes like a potato skin like a potato, and no brain like a potato. :p
Lambs also have super cute wool, and they don't go around trying to smell everyone else's child's.
I guess it makes sense in your world to destroy your current citizens, while you bring in new ones, dam the COVOD restrictions, and suck up to our foreign enemies. American CITIZENS cannot get back home without a negative COVID test unless they just walk over the Southern border with all the other criminals.

Frank, if you think Jan 6 was an uprising, you are an idiot. What else is there to say?
Trump's followers are Traitors, Racists and not worthy of citizenship. They will be held accountable.
Trump's followers are Traitors, Racists and not worthy of citizenship. They will be held accountable.
So far, the evidence is that it is the Democrats who subverted the "Power of the State" to persecute the Trump administration.
Guess what?... We're going to take away everyone's firearms. It will be just like in the United Kingdom. We already know who has registered and unregistered firearms. This is the begining of the great purge 😄
Biden garnered zero law enforcement endorsements, zero. Yes Biden has support from senior ranking cronies at the FBI but the rank and file still support the 2nd amendment.
Biden garnered zero law enforcement endorsements, zero. Yes Biden has support from senior ranking cronies at the FBI but the rank and file still support the 2nd amendment.
The rank and file of all Federal govt agencies are hardcore Democrats. You're dreaming. The NRA and all you 2nd ammendment die-hards have too much blood on your hands. Like I said before, drastic times requires drastic measures. If you think this is a joke, watch what happens. The narrative has changed! I can visualize many Trump followers refusing to surrender their firearms and perishing in a hail of bullets.
Why didn't law enforcement endorse Biden since they are all "hardcore democrats"?
Remember, people. It's just a troll.
@FrankRuperto: Considering your irrational rancor towards Republicans and your inability to supply any facts supporting your hallucinogenic accusations, have you considered enrolling in a Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) program to get vaccinated?

The clinic below is accepting patients.

We're just as capable of pumping up the rhetoric like Trump did while he was President.
When Biden won, we offered you the olive branch to work together, but you chose to continue with the same twisted agenda.
So now there's no pact between lions and men, and we know how to wield power and keep it.
Mark my words, time will tell. Nuff said
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When Biden won, we offered you the olive branch to work together, ...
That's a joke. There was no offer of an "olive branch" from Biden. What Biden did say is that the Republicans were not agreeing with his proposals. Therefore, he (Biden) said that he would simply move ahead as compromising with Republicans would slowdown his (Biden) agenda. That is not offering to work together, that is steamrolling the opposition.

Furthermore, your posts reiterate that you have no interest in considering any Republican beliefs as valid. Simply, that all Republican should be purged from society, a very undemocratic stance. In fact many of your proposed action would be illegal. You are advocating for the imposition of totalitarian state. It is incomprehensible that you would even bother to mention Biden's lie of working together.
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Two Words: Supreme. Court.
Yeh right, Trump's stacked up Supreme Court worked really well for his re-election

States that think they can violate the U.S. Constituion will have a rude awakening. We will federalize with troops any State that gets out of hand.
I was on board with collaborating, but the true weather of your souls is greed, racism, anti-democracy, etc so now we will do our best to neutralize all that negative.
I hope you remember everything I have said. You're on the wrong side. Search your feelings.
The NRA and all you 2nd ammendment die-hards have too much blood on your hands.
A rational person would know that guns don't kill people. People kill people.
States that think they can violate the U.S. Constituion
Evidence please. Exactly which state LEGISLATURE did what to violate the Constitution? I can name at least SIX states whose executive branch and judicial branches violated the Constitution in order to get invalid votes counted. Is that what you are talking about? HR1, which the Democrats rammed through without any committee hearings so even their own caucus didn't have any say over what the bill contained, is an attempt to institutionalize the illegal regulations (they are not laws. Laws are passed by the legislature, FYI) from those six states. It is in DIRECT VIOLATION of the CONSTITUTION which states SPECIFICALLY that STATES get to control their elections. This is not a federal function and the House has no business interfering with how any state conducts its elections. Period.

Do you have a copy of the Constitution Frank? I can send you one.

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