Butt Out CIA

Vassago said:
or the beerholder. :)

That was good come back. I like it.
ShaneMan said:
Hey Vassago,

Who's being truthful and who isn't, but seldom do they come close to agreeing.

Bush wanted a war in Iraq before he got elected, how anyone can dispute that fact is beyond belief.
He was and still is a warmonger:mad:
Rich said:
Bush wanted a war in Iraq before he got elected, how anyone can dispute that fact is beyond belief.
He was and still is a warmonger:mad:

Thank you helping me prove my point.
Rich said:
I wasn't doing anything of the sort, just supplying the facts that can be supported

To me that's the problem with "facts." People decide where they are getting these "facts" from are a creditable source or don't believe the "facts" from a source that they have determined is not a creditable source. Common folk, like you and I, are not privy to real information that would give us facts nor are we there to see it for ourselves. We are only able to get our "facts" from the media and from there we make a decision on who's telling it like it is and who has a slant to it. Then from there, one guy says the source is creditable and another guy says the same source has an agenda. One guys truth is a smear compaign to another. To me it's pretty much like a dog chasing is tail.

BTW this is not responding to defending Bush. I'm just not one to jump into all that I read and then turn around a state it as a "fact." I know a "fact" when I'm able to see if for myself.
ShaneMan said:
I'm just not one to jump into all that I read and then turn around a state it as a "fact." I know a "fact" when I'm able to see if for myself.
Do some research Shane.

Fact 1 - both the US and UK government thought there was WMD in Iraq

Fact 2 - The USA and the UK invaded Iraq

Fact 3 - 25,000+ civilians now dead, 2,500+ US soldiers dead, 120 UK soldiers dead

Fact 4 - Iraq is now in civil war and terrorism is much worse since the invasion.

Presumably you'll disagree
ColinEssex said:
Fact 1 - both the US and UK government thought there was WMD in Iraq

I have to say that WMD was just an excuse to try and get the UN on board, Bush wanted a regime change in Iraq right from the start.
The reason, pure and simple OIL!
I am by no means a patriotic , my country right or wrong sort of American. Usually if I am told something by a politician I either take it with a ocean-load of salt or dismiss it entirely...However, even I thought that Iraq had SOME weapons of mass destruction. Heck, I thought everyone had them. Not that I thought Iraq was about to use them on us...but still it is creepy the amount of misinformation out there, and our tendency to believe whatever we are told :(

Sidenote: Do you realize how nastily easy it is to kill large amounts of people? Anyone with an IQ over 99 could learn how. Apparently napalm is very easy to make, and does anyone remember that guy who built a cruise missile for $5000 is his garage, and then put the instructions on the internet? He lived in New Zealand, as I recall.
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psst!! We all know Iraq had WMD...they were trucked across the border into Syria when the invasion began.

<eyes dart quickly back and forth...cold sweat on brow...slowly rocks in corner>
ColinEssex said:
Do some research Shane.

Fact 1 - both the US and UK government thought there was WMD in Iraq

Fact 2 - The USA and the UK invaded Iraq

Fact 3 - 25,000+ civilians now dead, 2,500+ US soldiers dead, 120 UK soldiers dead

Fact 4 - Iraq is now in civil war and terrorism is much worse since the invasion.

Presumably you'll disagree

My statement was a general one. Not a specific one. The only point I was trying to make is that (I personally) do not trust the media enough to believe everything they are telling me is a fact, because of that, it puts me in a position of what to believe and what not to believe. At that point I have no where else to go but to form an opinion cause I haven't seen/heard it for myself.

As far as "do some research." Your assuming I haven't. My guess would be your assuming that because I haven't said anything that comes similar to agreeing with your research. However, I really haven't said anything that disagrees either. (at least not strong disagreements) I don't repeat what I find as "facts" because I'm not comfortable enough with, whatever report I'm reading, to call it a "fact." I also do not just read one side of the issue either. I read an article recently, that is stating, as "facts", that America knew what was going to happen on 9/11 and may have even had a hand in causing the events to happen, so I'm not staying in an isolated bubble and only reading one side of the story. The only thing I'm not doing is repeating what I have read as a fact.
Originally Posted by Rich
The reason, pure and simple OIL!

We got oil??? Man this $3 dollar gas helps me out :P
If US took the oil, why is our deficit still high?
bwrobel said:
We got oil??? Man this $3 dollar gas helps me out :P
If US took the oil, why is our deficit still high?
Because events which transpire in the Richiverse do not have a corresponding event in normal space-time.:cool:
bwrobel said:
We got oil??? Man this $3 dollar gas helps me out :P
If US took the oil, why is our deficit still high?
'Cause Bush's plan backfired, like those who had anything resembling a brain in their head said it would
where is your james bond to save us?

sorry woke up on the wrong side of the bed
bwrobel said:
If US took the oil, why is our deficit still high?

Oh dear this looks horribly like I'm backing Rich up which is not my intention at all.

One of the irritating actions of Saddam Hussein to the Bush administration was to switch the currency he traded his oil from the US dollar to the euro.

After the Iraq war, this action was, not surprisingly reversed. This was in total disregard to the fact of the weak dollar against the euro. There ensues your increased prices...
Bodisathva said:
psst!! We all know Iraq had WMD...they were trucked across the border into Syria when the invasion began.

If that's the case why weren't they aimed at the invading forces? :rolleyes:
ShaneMan said:
The only point I was trying to make is that (I personally) do not trust the media enough to believe everything they are telling me is a fact. . .
Neither would I in the USA, I've seen your CNN on satellite, its heavily biased to glorifying the USA's "successes".:rolleyes: There's 3 words alien to US media, 'independent', 'factual', 'uncensored';)

dan-cat said:
Oh dear this looks horribly like I'm backing Rich up which is not my intention at all.

Why not, what are you afraid of, the truth ? :eek:
ColinEssex said:
Neither would I in the USA, I've seen your CNN on satellite, its heavily biased to glorifying the USA's "successes".:rolleyes: There's 3 words alien to US media, 'independent', 'factual', 'uncensored';)


Sadly, I have to agree with you. The news here in the US has become just another entertainment source. But don't you guys have Naked News? Do those strippers/reporters deliver an unbiased report on relevant political topics? If so, it would seem to be the best of both worlds.

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