Can Vivek Become the Republican Candidate?

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 07:37
Jul 5, 2006
The feckless "Republican" pieces of dog poo want Trump gone more than the the Democrats. They are happy that the Democrats are doing the dirty work that Fox tried to do but couldn't complete.

The only person on that stage that I would even consider voting for is Vivek and for the same reason I voted for Trump. He isn't one of "them". "They" are what has to go, not Trump. Vivek immediately raised his hand when asked if he would support Trump even if Trump was convicted of something. DeSantis had to look to see what the others were doing because at his heart, he is one of "them".
Democrats (who falsely claim to believe in democracy) are noted for manipulating the primary process to select their candidate for president. Assuming that Trump is somehow out-of-the-picture could Vivek become the Republican candidate?
As with the Democrats, would the Republican establishment work to secretly block Vivek?

Bread crumbs that Vivek could be obstructed are that RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel kept the RNC chair in a recent election despite the fact that the predicted Republican "red wave" fizzled. Given that failure, one would have thought that Ms. McDaniel would have been "fired". Furthermore, that failure also led to rumors that the Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, purposely sabotaged the election prospects of certain Republican Senate candidates who opposed him, even though it meant that the Democrats would win the Senate. Given these (speculative) assertions, Vivek may have a difficult time overcoming the Republican establishment.
Like everyone else Vivek has baggage, here's just one of his issues.

Vivek Ramaswamy didn't tell the truth about the real reason he took money from the family of George Soros.

After criticism for receiving a $90,000 grant from the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship to attend Yale Law School, Ramaswamy claimed that he did so only because he "didn't have the money" pay for it.

But in 2011, the same year he started Yale, Ramaswamy reported he made $2.2 million in income, according to his tax returns reviewed
Assuming that Trump is somehow out-of-the-picture could Vivek become the Republican candidate?
Not likely. The RNC will find some way of controlling the nominee. Look how they excluded Larry Elder and Perry Johnson from the debate. Both are suing the RNC and maybe Fox too. If they win, the RNC and Fox and the candidates who did participate may get involved in a campaign financing lawsuit. The Democrats with their two-tiered justice system could conceivably find a way to prevent ANY Republican candidate they didn't like from winning the primary.

I met Rona in 2020 and I can verify that she is a feckless Rino piece of dog doo.
After criticism for receiving a $90,000 grant from the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship to attend Yale Law School, Ramaswamy claimed that he did so only because he "didn't have the money" pay for it.
Why is it that people who have money seem to qualify for Fellowships and grants but my granddaughters couldn't?

What was he expected to do for the money? Why shouldn't he take the "free" money if he didn't have to do anything?
Why is it that people who have money seem to qualify for Fellowships and grants but my granddaughters couldn't?
My nephew (comfortably not rich) got a full ride to Yale for his doctorate. They paid all his tuition, books, etc., set him up with a nice off campus apartment and paid him a $30K a year stipend to live on. We all just assumed it was because he was a genius like his uncle. :cool:
I just watch the latest GoP debate and I have to say, I really liked the way he called out the establishment. Time will tell however. If he continues to get prime air-time and the GoP gives him credibility, then I will question the narrative.

True threats to the status quo get marginalized like Ron Paul.
I just watch the latest GoP debate and I have to say, I really liked the way he called out the establishment. Time will tell however. If he continues to get prime air-time and the GoP gives him credibility, then I will question the narrative.

True threats to the status quo get marginalized like Ron Paul.
I like what he's saying Now, it's his past comments and actions that concerns me
I didn't vote for Trump in the primary of 2016. I loved his ideas but I could tell that he was going to make heads spin and shake things up, which was good, but he alienated too many people in the process. Turns out I was right. He spent four years climbing uphill inside a waterfall. No matter what good things Trump did, he was criticized relentlessly and the good things never made prime time. I was rooting for Ron Paul in the 2016 primary until he criticized Trump for not doing something the way it had always been done. I don't remember exactly what any more but it was important. That put Paul into the establishment category for me and probably others too. His support tanked after that debate. He is much more of a Libertarian than most members of Congress so we agree on a lot of policies but he was critical of Trump trying something new and sadly, something new is what was and still is called for.

I love Vivek. I hope Trump picks him for VP and lets him loose to do the dirty work behind the scenes. He was spot on when he called out Rona. She carefully never uses her Romney name. She has worked tirelessly against Trump for her entire term. And even against the GOP. Look at the way she set up the debates for the primary and she didn't even need to negotiate those bad debates with the Dems. They were an outright gift.
The original question was whether Vivek could become the Republican candidate. The answer is "Sure, any of the current candidates COULD become the Republican choice for President." The REAL question is, "Which ones can beat Biden given that his political capital is a bit weak right now?"
The REAL question is, "Which ones can beat Biden given that his political capital is a bit weak right now
Neither Vivek nor Trump can beat Biden. They are both existential threats to the Republicans. Even Ron DeSantis is a threat although not as bad as the other two because he has been bought and paid for by the big money. They will rein him in if he gets out over his skis. We've already seen that the Dems are willing to cheat and were successful in 2020. The Republicans have done nothing that will prevent another steal because they really don't want Trump to be able to ever win a second term. The only Republican currently in the hunt that can beat Biden is Niki Haley. The Dems can allow her to win because she is no threat to them. She is a RINO and will work with and for the Democrat's agenda. It will be amazing if Biden makes it though inauguration day and rather than have the really unpopular and stupid "first generation, black, female (we think)" in office, they will happily put up with the "first generation, brown, female" who has already shown her stripes. At least she's not stupid and can think on her feet.
There will be 2 candidates for president. Biden and Trump- Trump will win as he can manipulate and pay.
And it's the republicans turn to muck things up.
I think America should vote in Dan Quayle as president.
Trump will win as he can manipulate and pay.
Obviously you slept through the 2020 steal. In six states where the race was in contention, Trump had a substantial lead at ~ 10 PM when without warning, those states STOPPED COUNTING!!! This of course has never happened in the modern era. I remember many tight races over the years of watching the counts roll in until the middle of the night when I just fell asleep. Counting ALWAYS continued until all the votes were counted or there were enough counted such that the remainder couldn't change the outcome. So, the other 44 states kept on counting but 6 just stopped and the counters "went home". Miracle of miracles, in the morning, for reasons that have never been made clear, Trump's lead was mostly or entirely gone in those six states. Hmmmmmmmm. Curious or not depending on your point of view. Later we saw video from one of the counting sites in question where all but four people were gone. Those four people pulled out hidden boxes and kept feeding bunches of ballots into the scanners over and over and over again. But, we were not allowed to think that they could possibly be doing anything illegal like scanning ballots with known outcomes multiple times to increase the count for Biden.
The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do.

I'm sure you have, but have you seen the Diabold controversy videos?
I think it's really strange that the great United States of America can land a spacecraft on an asteroid thousands of miles in space, collect samples and fly back to earth and land where directed. Yet can't devise a system that can count votes accurately.
To us foreigners, it's just a joke. That's why Trump will win next time unless someone comes up with a fair and accurate system.
@ColinEssex: Really it is not that strange. The simple reason, the Democrats have purposely convoluted the voting process to make it "complex" in the name of "improving" the voting process so that everyone has the ability to vote (not a documented right to vote). The simple solution of course would be to have some form of government ID to prove you have a right to vote and to require in-person voting limited to a one or two day time period.

The Democrats convoluted the voting process by:
  1. early voting, which allows people to vote over an extended period time.
  2. voter ID is not required in many jurisdictions
  3. vote harvesting is allowed in many jurisdictions
  4. Democrats oppose cleaning (verifying) the election roles
  5. Democrats oppose having election results audited
  6. ballots can be mailed in without adequate verification of who filled out the ballot. Moreover, the ballots in several states were mailed to every person without them having to request a ballot.
I briefly touched on the issue of election integrity in the case of the recall petition for Gov. Newsom where it turned out that 23.8% of the signatures (votes) were determined to be invalid. That is an example, where Democrats actually wanted voter verification and it turned out that 23.8% of the signatures were invalid. Yet with that type of a documented error rate, Democrats have unbelievably contended that voter verification is not necessary. :(
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I watched the first film and it was very distressing. Much like the similar clips I watched for the 2020 election that never got entered as evidence since the lawsuits did not go forward.

It seems like if there was cheating in 2004, it may have been perpetrated by the Republicans. The film didn't go into WHO might have manipulated the counts or if it happened. Only that it could happen.

I'm still looking for the other film.
It appears that the Democrats will be re-running the same racist hate filled mantra that they ran in 2020. In the video clip below Vivek pushes back on that narrative. Would be good if Republicans would push back aggressively like Vivek did. See the discussion, that starts just after the 3 minute mark.

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