Clipboard annoyance


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Yesterday, 20:23
Apr 19, 2007
I'm dealing with large Access tables. So every time I close queries Access asks stupid questions if I want to put results in clipboard.
If I hit yes by mistake Access gets frozen and it takes forever to be able to do something with it or use clipboard for copying with other programs.
Sometimes I should hit Yes, sometimes No to get rid of the question. So mistakes happen.
It's really annoying.

Do you guys know how to get rid of that?
May be I should change something in register or something.

If it was discussed before, just give me a reference, can't find anything.

For Access to ask you about saving the clipboard storage you must have copied something to the clipboard in the first place. Are you doing that anyway?
If you copy something large, Windows asks you if you want to retain that (not copy it to the clipboard). I think you might want to re-read the question it asks as it isn't asking whether to ADD it to the clipboard but whether you want to retain it for further use. This is a Windows feature. It has nothing to do with Access itself. Windows will ask you the same thing if you copy something very large in any other program as well.
Yes i copied and paisted results in Excel.
But if i already did what i wanted, why it asks?
How i can make it No by default?
Windows is being pessamistic on your behalf. Let's say you have pasted the results form the clipboard, then realise it was in the wrong place you would have to start the process again from scratch to get the data back to the clipboard. Windows will only ask you at the point that it will flush the clipbarch cache unless you specify otherwise.
How i can make it No by default?

I do not believe you can change that. However, you might want to find a WINDOWS forum and ask that question. Someone who is more expert at Windows might have an answer for you. As this is an Access forum, there is no guarantees of finding anyone who has that deep of knowledge of Windows itself.

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