Convert Access web database template into a desktop database (1 Viewer)

Greeting AccessJunkie, i've download the Issue2010 template, and i did some change on Issue table, but it still didn't change anythings after save. Please help...


Since it seems several people have asked about it, I made a client-only copy of the Issues 2010 style web database. It is attached to this post as a Zip file so anyone can grab it from here.

Hope you find it useful.

do you still have the converted client copy of the "desktop services template"? I could really use this. If you do please let me know!

Thanks in advance for your reply!

This would be great. I'm currently working with the web database and it's just not right for our environment.

is it someone still can a copy of the "Desktop Service Template' client version for share ?
NKO, i too am after a copy of the Desktop Services template as i cannot convert it from a web version. Or if anyone has an easier option that would be greatly appreciated.

Yes it is possible to convert the 2010 Northwind Web Database into a client version. It will, however, take some manual work on your part.

Follow these steps:
- You first need to create a new empty client ACCDB file.
- Once that is open, you can import all the web tables, client forms, and client reports from the web copy into the client file. The web tables will be converted into client tables but you cannot import web queries, web forms, web reports, and web macros into the client version.
- Close the client copy now and open the web copy
- You can individually change a web object and save out a copy of the object as a client object.
- To do this, highlight a web query for example in the Navigation Pane. Click File tab, then Save & Publish area on the left, then Save Object As in the middle of this pane, and finally click the Save As Client Object button on the right side. You'll be prompted to give a name for the client object. Since it can't be the same name as the original at the moment, just use the same name and append the word Client at the end.
- You'll see a client copy of that web query in the Navigation Pane. To make sure the application still works, you'll need to delete that web query, and rename the client version to match the original name (remove the appended Client word from the name you gave it earlier.)
- You will need to repeat these steps for each and every web query, web form, web report, and web macro in the application. Yes, it will take some time to do that.
- Once complete, you can import all of these remaining client objects into your client only ACCDB file. Your file should now only have client copies of the Northwind web database.

Hi AccessJunkie,

I have trie the above method to convert the desktop services web template to a desktop database, but I can only convert the tables and nothing else.

Could you please shed more light on this? Or if anyone has the desktop services template already converted, could you kindly share.

Thank you in advance.
choose category it filters product as per category level

attached access file, all i need is to
1- product is relation to Category and linked together
but i need when i open new customer order OR new Purchase order to have category drop box and when i choose category it filters product as per category level

IF someone can help me




When you import the web tables, you need to make sure you import them into a new client ACCDB container, not a web one. Otherwise, the tables remain web tables. Also, when you import tables, never import any of the system tables - the ones that start with the MSys prefix.

At any rate, attached is a completed client-only copy of the Northwind 2010 web database.

Hope it helps,

Jeff Conrad - Access Junkie - MVP Alumnus
SDET II - Access Test Team - Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at


Jeff, Is it possible to manage negative quantities on the OrderDetails form? Is there any option to do that? (I'd like to handle returned items by using negative quantities)

Does anyone have a client version of the database in 2016 format? I know I can open 2010 versions but the 2016 has some extra features that I would really like

Thanks in advance

Thanks Gina

However, it was a converted desktop services client I was looking for. dbouton posted a copy of the 2010 version in post #27 and I was looking for a 2016 version.

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly

I have tried that and gone through all the steps Gina. Problem is that I could not see a way to bring over the relationships diagram

Thanks again for getting back to me so promptly

When you go to the Relationships window did you press the Show All button at the top? Because they should still be there...
Yup, thanks Gina.

Feeling a bit like an idiot here....

I did try to import the Northwind Services template from Home->Invoices->Services but failed.

Anybody can help?

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