Copenhagen, the wash up

I'm glad to see you boys are getting this all worked out.

Wasn't this a thread about global warming?
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We have long been taught that it is socially unacceptable to criticise religion because religion has been defining this as part of their morality which they inflict upon secular society. It worked for a few generations.

However events of the past decade have raised the profile of theistic belief and exposed the rotten core of their "morality". Western Christian leaders "prayed to God for guidance" on the invasion of Iraq. Clearly Iraq's WMDs were a trumped up excuse to invade in the hope of exerting influence over the middle east. The invasion destroyed a country and left them with no future otherr than extreme violence.

The insidious Islamic tradition has also attracted a lot of attention thorough acts of extreme violence. To complete the Abrahamic Trinity the Jews have showed the violence inherent in their philosophy.

All this has led to many atheists taking an interest in theology where previously we ignored it as a harmless delusion. Like many I was horrified by what I read in the Bible and concluded that in particular the Abrahamic traditions of agressive dominance, bigoted arrogance and perverted sexuality lie at the foundations of the problems in the world.

We have had enough of the theist menatality that has dominated so much of the planet for so long, promoting endless violence, destruction and mental illness. Criticism of your faith may well be unacceptable to you but you had better get used to it. The genie has escaped the bottle and atheists are systematically dismantling the facade that is religion. It will take several generations to expunge this cancer but do not doubt the process has begun.

The holy books are the Achilles heel. Indeed I recommend Bible studies for all. Not the sanitised doctrine fed by the clergy but the actual written passages and the values they embody.
Thank god you don't live in Ireland, it won't be long before they bring back hanging for blasphemy:rolleyes:
Some people can not stay on topic.
Back at post 120 I did mention how the Canadian Government completely ignored Kyoto so they could allow the production of oil from the tar sands for benefit of the United States appetite. Now it has shifted a bit as the Canadian Government is ignoring Copenhagen in order to continue the same dirty production to benefit the fuel hunger of China.

I'm glad to see you boys are getting this all worked out.
Wasn't this a thread about global warming?
Some people can not stay on topic.
Back at post 120 I did mention how the Canadian Government completely ignored Kyoto so they could allow the production of oil from the tar sands for benefit of the United States appetite. Now it has shifted a bit as the Canadian Government is ignoring Copenhagen in order to continue the same dirty production to benefit the fuel hunger of China.
To keep repeating yourself is a sign of dementure
All this has led to many atheists taking an interest in theology where previously we ignored it as a harmless delusion. Like many I was horrified by what I read in the Bible and concluded that in particular the Abrahamic traditions of agressive dominance, bigoted arrogance and perverted sexuality lie at the foundations of the problems in the world.

You sound like my grandmother. When I was about 15 I used my pocket money to buy Darwin's book. My grandmother said she did not believe that stuff. I asker her had she read the book and her answer was....of course not.
You sound like my grandmother. When I was about 15 I used my pocket money to buy Darwin's book. My grandmother said she did not believe that stuff. I asker her had she read the book and her answer was....of course not.
That's because in the 21st. century we're far more enlightened despite the attempts of Christian based governments to control it
You sound like my grandmother. When I was about 15 I used my pocket money to buy Darwin's book. My grandmother said she did not believe that stuff. I asker her had she read the book and her answer was....of course not.

So your point would be that if you've never read the bible you cannot criticize it? I've read part of the bible, starting from the beginning. It was very boring, difficult to follow, but still interesting from the point of view that millions of people around the world base their life on this book.

Doesn't it strike you as odd that people go to bible study in order for some other guy to translate what the bible says since no one really knows (and the fact that it keeps changing as church convenience requires)? No 2 sects can agree on the same interpretation.

Does that mean I am some how more enlightened to disagree with the bible now? Do I need to read every single religious tome out there before I am allowed to contribute on the concept of religion?
So your point would be that if you've never read the bible you cannot criticize it? I've read part of the bible, starting from the beginning. It was very boring, difficult to follow, but still interesting from the point of view that millions of people around the world base their life on this book.

Doesn't it strike you as odd that people go to bible study in order for some other guy to translate what the bible says since no one really knows (and the fact that it keeps changing as church convenience requires)? No 2 sects can agree on the same interpretation.

Does that mean I am some how more enlightened to disagree with the bible now? Do I need to read every single religious tome out there before I am allowed to contribute on the concept of religion?

According to GalaxiomAtHome it is like an R rated movie and kids need counselling after exposure. I think he said the book would be banned if first releaded today.:D

The Bible is not just any book when it comes to religion. Surely if you were to take the decision to become an atheist in a Christian based society then you would read the book that Christianity is based on.

About 15 years ago I went to a "born again" indoctrination classes to see what I was missing:) What caused me to do that was I encountered several medical specialists that were "born agains" and I had basically written "born agains" off as people who would struggle getting a 7 from 5 +2.
Surely if you were to take the decision to become an atheist in a Christian based society then you would read the book that Christianity is based on.

How do you come to this conclusion? You seem to be coming from the standpoint that everyone is born a Christian and then must make the choice to 'drop' it.

No one is born with a religion, it is a construct of man. You must be taught/brainwashed what have you, depending on your point of view.
Surely if you were to take the decision to become an atheist in a Christian based society then you would read the book that Christianity is based on.
I get the impression you think that atheism is something you opt into. Perhaps it is for some people but for others it is the realisation that there are no supernatural beings, no after life - just the fact the evidence does not support the idea of God/gods. Not perhaps the most cheerful realisation but who says everything has to be cheerful.

So try to remember that atheism is the absence of belief not an alternative belief system.
I am talking about morality.

So a kid starts work in March and his boss says.....are you going away on Easter......and the kid says....what is Easter...

The kid starts work and the place of business is across the road from the local church....the kid asks his fellow workers...what is that building across the road that has a cross on the top.

Now you are being ridiculous.

Besides Easter is nothing to do with Christianity although they do try to claim this ancient festival as their own. "Easter" is from the same roots as "estrus" (and spelling variants) and is a fertility festival held on the first moonlit weekend following the nothern hemisphere Spring Equinox.

Reading a newspaper would be more than enough to inform anyone of the goings on in a church.
I've read part of the bible, starting from the beginning. It was very boring, difficult to follow...

This is quite intentional. The pages of repetition of A begat B begat C etc in Genesis is designed to be hypnotic.

This hypnotic technique is overtly used in the rocking while reading that is part of the study of the Koran by Muslims and is also practised by the Jews at the Wailing Wall.

Many readers give up before getting through Genesis. I recommend skipping this waffle and getting straight into Joshua to see where this prhilosophy is really grounded.
I get the impression you think that atheism is something you opt into.
No Mick thinks atheism is a religion when of course it's a logical conclusion after examination of the facts
About 15 years ago I went to a "born again" indoctrination classes to see what I was missing:) What caused me to do that was I encountered several medical specialists that were "born agains" and I had basically written "born agains" off as people who would struggle getting a 7 from 5 +2.

This attitude demonstrates another flawed philosophy promoted by religion. The Bible endlessly attributes the importance of "wise men" as though the validity of a belief is connected to the person who makes it.

The clerical heirarchy relies on this premise.

Mike uses the same concept when faux-quoting Hawking. Other believers often quote Dawkins or Darwin as though atheists treat these people as their prophets.

Science doesn't work like that. The person means nothing. The hypothesis must stand on its merits. Despite Einstein's revolutionary insights he only gets credit for them and is afforded no extra credibility for his identity. He went to his grave without accepting Quantum Theory but the science prevailed.

Consequently the argument about what was said by Hawking is quite irrelevant.
Despite Einstein's revolutionary insights he only gets credit for them and is afforded no extra credibility for his identity. He went to his grave without accepting Quantum Theory but the science prevailed.

Consequently the argument about what was said by Hawking is quite irrelevant.

But I have only mentioned Hawking in connection with his work.

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