Copenhagen, the wash up

Atheists are not fanatics.

Go to the Atheist Foundation of Australia forum:D

Anyone who wants his young kid to sit outside on his own if there is a scripture class is a fanatic for wanting to stuff up his kid.
Originally Posted by GalaxiomAtHome

Socially unacceptable atheist

The quoting has gone haywire. Not said by me.
Site has done something weird with the square brackets.
they are on a crusade to prove they are right. [/SIZE][/FONT]

So very wrong, still even if we were we wouldn't go around killing people as christians liked to do on their last crusade.

The atheist hypothesis is that "god does not exist". This hypothesis can be proved wrong by god showing up and proving us all wrong.

The theist hypothesis is that "god does exist". This hypothesis cannot be proved wrong as even if god never shows up that is not proof he does not exist.

So as theists have a non-falsifiable hypothesis its not worthy of study. As soon as you can disprove the atheist hypothesis please let us know.
The point is that if you do not believe in God, then blaming religion is mute. It is a devise of man.
I am glad that we can at least agree that religion is man-made. Bigoted religious fanatics have caused a very high perentage of the misery in this world. None of the atheists that I know wish to persecute people who believe in a god. Nearly all the religious persecution I have seen or read about has been orchestrated by other religious groups.
Then why is it that many of the post on this sight, from atheist are so blatantly condescending and filled with derogatory language.

You really must take a look at the facts.

Socially unacceptable atheist by far outnumber theist on this site. Furthermore atheist are much more fundamentalist than theist, in that they are on a crusade to prove they are right.
Sounds like the basis for a war.

We have long been taught that it is socially unacceptable to criticise religion because religion has been defining this as part of their morality which they inflict upon secular society. It worked for a few generations.

However events of the past decade have raised the profile of theistic belief and exposed the rotten core of their "morality". Western Christian leaders "prayed to God for guidance" on the invasion of Iraq. Clearly Iraq's WMDs were a trumped up excuse to invade in the hope of exerting influence over the middle east. The invasion destroyed a country and left them with no future otherr than extreme violence.

The insidious Islamic tradition has also attracted a lot of attention thorough acts of extreme violence. To complete the Abrahamic Trinity the Jews have showed the violence inherent in their philosophy.

All this has led to many atheists taking an interest in theology where previously we ignored it as a harmless delusion. Like many I was horrified by what I read in the Bible and concluded that in particular the Abrahamic traditions of agressive dominance, bigoted arrogance and perverted sexuality lie at the foundations of the problems in the world.

We have had enough of the theist menatality that has dominated so much of the planet for so long, promoting endless violence, destruction and mental illness. Criticism of your faith may well be unacceptable to you but you had better get used to it. The genie has escaped the bottle and atheists are systematically dismantling the facade that is religion. It will take several generations to expunge this cancer but do not doubt the process has begun.

The holy books are the Achilles heel. Indeed I recommend Bible studies for all. Not the sanitised doctrine fed by the clergy but the actual written passages and the values they embody.
Go to the Atheist Foundation of Australia forum:D

Anyone who wants his young kid to sit outside on his own if there is a scripture class is a fanatic for wanting to stuff up his kid.

My wife still vividly recalls the trauma (aged five) of seeing a life sized statue of Christ nailed to the crucifix, complete with blood while attending a ceremony in a Catholic church.

A close friend was the first of several parents to remove their young child from scripture classes after he became withdrawn and disturbed, refusing to attend school on a particular day. Fortunately her son was able to share enough the extremely distressing expereince he had endured of being taught Biblical stories, in particular the crucifixion.

The Bible is littered with horror that would rightly be R-rated but is allowed to be inflicted upon young people because it is a tradition. It teaches that children are chattles of their father while girls become chattles of their husbands after marriage. It is SICK. The Koran offers much the same misguided brutal philosophy.

The faithful show complete insensitivity to this kind of child abuse which is obvious to any rational person not under the spell of these hideous books. Those who remove their kids from scripture are showing a genuine sense of morality.
Then why is it that many of the post on this sight, from atheist are so blatantly condescending and filled with derogatory language.

I think for some atheists it is simple frustration. If you put yourself in the shoes of an atheist for a moment, think of all the impacts religion has on life.

  • People have gone to war over it.
  • People have been killed in general over it.
  • It affects politics and laws created.
  • It affects civil rights.
Then remember that as an atheist you think all of these people believe in something that doesn't exist. You're quite sure of that fact and there is no evidence to the contrary.

If you're a Christian living in a Christian-based society, you take a lot of things for granted. If you're an atheist living in a Christian-based society, you can feel like its Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and you never know who is real or who's a pod person.

Mike375 said:
Anyone who wants his young kid to sit outside on his own if there is a scripture class is a fanatic for wanting to stuff up his kid.


Religious parents often want their children to grow up with the same religion as them. Why can't atheists parents want the same? Why can't atheist parents limit their child's exposure to what they consider dangerous ideas?
My wife still vividly recalls the trauma (aged five) of seeing a life sized statue of Christ nailed to the crucifix, complete with blood while attending a ceremony in a Catholic church.

A close friend was the first of several parents to remove their young child from scripture classes after he became withdrawn and disturbed, refusing to attend school on a particular day. Fortunately her son was able to share enough the extremely distressing expereince he had endured of being taught Biblical stories, in particular the crucifixion.

The Bible is littered with horror that would rightly be R-rated but is allowed to be inflicted upon young people because it is a tradition. It teaches that children are chattles of their father while girls become chattles of their husbands after marriage. It is SICK. The Koran offers much the same misguided brutal philosophy.

The faithful show complete insensitivity to this kind of child abuse which is obvious to any rational person not under the spell of these hideous books. Those who remove their kids from scripture are showing a genuine sense of morality.

I went to a catholic school and all the kids thought it was boring.

There is a thread Rich started, School Days or a similar title and it covers all that bullshit you just posted:D

A kid forced to sit on his own outside the class room for once a week scripture becomes an outcast and all over something that is just boring to most kids.

Religious parents often want their children to grow up with the same religion as them. Why can't atheists parents want the same? Why can't atheist parents limit their child's exposure to what they consider dangerous ideas?

Apart from making the kid an outcast the facts are the society we live in has a basis in Christianity that extends way beyond religion.
There is a thread Rich started, School Days or a similar title and it covers all that bullshit you just posted:D

A kid forced to sit on his own outside the class room for once a week scripture becomes an outcast and all over something that is just boring to most kids.

You my friend are full if it.:D

In the case of my friend's son and those who followed, the school was forced to provide alternative engagement. Many other children then opted out of the scripture class because yes it is boring, pointless and amoral.
Ask Hawking.

That is a typical responsefrom a religious person.
Presume without evidence and then insist it is the duty of the critic to demonstrate the claim is false.

This is followed by denial of the veracity of such evidence when provided.

It goes against every principle of honorable debate.
the facts are the society we live in has a basis in Christianity that extends way beyond religion.

Rubbish. There are societies which developed sophisticated morality with ever having heard of Jesus Christ.

There have always been those more willing to help out others.

You need to be reminded we live in a secular society and have broken down many the oppressive values enforced by religion.
That is a typical responsefrom a religious person.
Presume without evidence and then insist it is the duty of the critic to demonstrate the claim is false.

This is followed by denial of the veracity of such evidence when provided.

It goes against every principle of honorable debate.

Hawkins claims on pre Big Bang go well beyond there being no sun.
Rubbish. There are societies which developed sophisticated morality with ever having heard of Jesus Christ.

There have always been those more willing to help out others.

You need to be reminded we live in a secular society and have broken down many the oppressive values enforced by religion.

I am talking about morality.

So a kid starts work in March and his boss says.....are you going away on Easter......and the kid says....what is Easter...

The kid starts work and the place of business is across the road from the local church....the kid asks his fellow workers...what is that building across the road that has a cross on the top.

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